Pakistan & U.S. relations
Intro -- PAKISTAN AND U.S. RELATIONS -- PAKISTAN AND U.S. RELATIONS -- CONTENTS -- PREFACE -- Chapter 1 PAKISTAN - U.S. RELATIONS* -- ABSTRACT -- INTRODUCTION -- KEY CURRENT ISSUES -- NEW PAKISTAN-SPECIFIC LEGISLATION -- WORSENING ECONOMIC CIRCUMSTANCES -- DETERIORATING RELATIONS WITH INDIA -- FLUID POLITICAL SETTING -- Election Results and Coalition Politics [19] -- Musharraf's Post-Election Status -- Coalition Building and Government Formation -- Coalition Politics -- Restoration of Deposed Judges -- The "Lawyers' Movement" -- Coalition Discord -- Impeachment Plans and Musharraf's Resignation -- Coalition Collapse -- Role of the Pakistani Military -- U.S. Policy -- INCREASING ISLAMIST MILITANCY -- Multiple Armed Islamist Uprisings -- Al Qaeda in Pakistan -- Conflict in Western Pakistan and the Afghan Insurgency [80] -- Questions About Pakistan's Main Intelligence Agency -- Pakistani Military Operations -- Pakistan's New Dialogue With Tribal Elements -- Status of Negotiations -- U.S. Response to Pakistani Deal-Making -- U.S.-PAKISTAN COUNTERTERRORISM COOPERATION -- Cross-Border Coordination and U.S. Military Action -- Aerial Drone Attacks -- F-1 6 Reprogramming -- OTHER NOTABLE DEVELOPMENTS OF THE PAST MONTH -- SETTING AND REGIONAL RELATIONS HISTORICAL SETTING -- POLITICAL SETTING[157] -- REGIONAL RELATIONS -- Pakistan-India Rivalry -- The "IPI" Pipeline Project [172] -- Afghanistan -- China -- PAKISTAN-U.S. RELATIONS AND KEY COUNTRY ISSUES -- TERRORISM -- Al Qaeda's Resurgence in Pakistan -- Infiltration Into Afghanistan -- Pakistan Launches Internal Military Operations -- Islamabad Shifts Strategy -- Cease-Fire and North Waziristan Truce -- The FATA in 2007 -- Infiltration into Kashmir and India -- Domestic Terrorism -- OTHER SECURITY ISSUES -- Pakistan-U.S. Security Cooperation -- Defense Supplies.