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Certified public accountants in Georgia
In: Bureau of Business and Economic Research, Georgia School of Business Administration, Georgia State College of Business Administration, Research Paper 22
The purpose of this research paper is to analyze fully the intend ed consequences of the advertising ban removal and then compare those with some actual results. . Primary reliance for the historical background information was placed upon theoretical research, recent pronouncements and legislation, and general information and interpretations from the accountant's professional societies . A questionnaire mailed to a random sample of accounting practitioners and firms registered with the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants was incorporated into the research in order to examine actual results of the ban removal. The author acknowledges the invaluable assistance of Dr. E. T. Noone, Jr., Associate Professor of Mathematics at Longwood College, for his guidance on the questionnaire design and statistical analysis .
State regulation of certified public accountants
In: State Government: journal of state affairs, Band 40, S. 26-30
ISSN: 0039-0097
Directory of early American public accountants
In: Bulletin Series No. 62
In: University of Illinois Bulletin Vol. 40, No.8
Determinants Of Interest In Becoming A Public Accountant
In: International journal of environmental, sustainability and social science, Band 2, Heft 3, S. 266-272
ISSN: 2721-0871
This study aims to examine the effect of self-motivation, perceptions of the public accounting profession, financial rewards, and professional recognition on interest in becoming a public accountant. The population in this study were students of the accounting study program at Mercu Buana University. Sampling as many as 81 using purposive sampling technique. The research data collection technique was done through a questionnaire. The data analysis method used in this research is multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that self-motivation had a positive and significant effect on interest in becoming a public accountant, while perceptions of the public accounting profession, financial rewards, and professional recognition had no significant effect on interest in becoming a public accountant.
In: Accounting historians journal: a publication of the Academy of Accounting Historians Section of the American Accounting Association, Band 14, Heft 2, S. 99-108
ISSN: 2327-4468
Boundary Spanning and Public Accountant Role Stress
In: The Journal of social psychology, Band 121, Heft 1, S. 65-72
ISSN: 1940-1183
A Uniform Act for the Certified Public Accountant
In: Journal of Business of the University of Chicago, Band 20, Heft 1, S. 14
Jim Liggett CPA: American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants What is the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants According to Jim Liggett CPA, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) is the non-profit professional organization of certified public accountants in the United States. The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants was founded in 1887, under the name of the American Association of Public Accountants, to ensure that accounting gained respect as a profession and that was practiced by ethical and competent professionals. Licensed certified public accountant, Jim Liggett CPA, shares that the AICPA exists to provide more than 370,000 members with the resources, information and leadership to provide CPA services in the most professional manner. BREAKDOWN 'American Institute of Certified Public Accountants' Members of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants represent professionals in business and industry, public practice, government, and education. Jim Liggett CPA (contact him on Acuity Scheduling) is also a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. The offices are located in New York City; Washington, D.C .; Durham, N.C .; Ewing, N.J .; and Lewisville, Texas. Jim Liggett CPA specifies that the AICPA is an integral part of the development of norms and standards in the profession of Certified Public Accountant, and serves as an advocate for legislative bodies and public interest groups. As the experienced professional Jim Liggett CPA indicates, Certified Public Accountant is a designation earned by professional accountants who pass a series of accounting examinations and satisfy other experience requirements. The accounting industry is largely self-regulating, like other industries like financial planning. The AICPA establishes standards for obtaining and maintaining the CPA designation and monitors CPA professionals to ensure they meet standards of competence and performance.
Performance Of An Accountancy School In Certified Public Accountant Licensure Examinations In The Philippines
The study aims to present a trend analysis on the Certified Public Accountant CPA licensure examination performance of an accountancy school in the Philippines and compare this performance with those of other schools. The research method used is mostly quantitative in which statistical tables and graphs were utilized as tools in the analysis. The data used in the analysis were taken from the website of a government agency in-charge of professional examinations. The schools considered for comparison were selected purposively three competitor private schools in the city or nearby city three state universities in the same region and three top performing schools in the country. Results show that the performance of the subject accountancy school in the CPA licensure examination was declining continuously in the past five years. Although it had still considerably good performances annually as evidenced by higher passing percentage compared to national passing percentage the difference on the passing rates was also decreasing yearly. As compared to its competitor schools in the locality its performance was best in 2012 but poorest in 2016. Among the four state universities in the region it was ranked first in 2012 and second from 2013 to 2016. However it was the only school among the ten schools considered here for trend analysis and comparison that had a continuous decline from 2012 to 2016. Further the gap between its passing percentage and those of top performing schools was escalating yearly. It is suggested that the subject school should look for corrective measures to perform better in next examinations retake the lead in the locality and region and be at par with top performing accountancy schools in the country.