Applied Psychology
In: Australian quarterly: AQ, Band 21, Heft 4, S. 117
ISSN: 1837-1892
236193 Ergebnisse
In: Australian quarterly: AQ, Band 21, Heft 4, S. 117
ISSN: 1837-1892
This comprehensive and accessible textbook overviews the applications of social psychology to a wide range of problems and issues in contemporary society. With internationally respected contributors who survey the major developments in their fields, this practical guide incorporates advice, examples and reading lists. The first part of the book outlines a number of general frameworks that inform the applications of social psychology, namely language, attitudes, decision-making and survey research; Part Two focuses on major behavioural domains, including health and economic behaviour; Part Three explains the relationship between social psychology and social institutions, highlighting, for instance, the media, law and politic.
In: European psychologist, Band 11, Heft 2, S. 149-152
ISSN: 1878-531X
Tracing back to the early stages of scientific psychology in Luxembourg, past and recent developments in the academic and applied fields of psychology are chronicled for one of the smallest member states of the European Union. In addition, the institutionalization of psychology with regard to professional associations and in the context of the newly created University of Luxembourg is depicted. Based on survey data, the major occupational fields and the present situation of professional psychologists are described. Reflections concerning the future perspective of psychology as an academic discipline as well as a profession and an overview of the legal regulations concerning psychology in Luxembourg complete the report.
In: European psychologist: official organ of the European Federation of Psychologists' Associations (EFPA), Band 11, Heft 2
ISSN: 1016-9040
With a highly pragmatic, yet rigorous and pragmatically driven approach, this edited book explores demonstrates qualitative research with an applied approach. Using not only theory but real world setting, readers are introduced to the function and relevance of qualitative methods in psychological research. Exemplified through the contributions of various experts from across the different sub-disciplines of psychology, this text takes a versatile approach to explaining methods in research and covers a broad range of methods in a variety of settings. This book will appeal to those with an interest in qualitative methods across the spectrum of psychology and beyond. Offering an introduction to applied qualitative research in psychology with a distinctively applied approach, this title is apt for undergraduate psychology students taking modules in research methods, executing research-based projects or those undertaking Masters and taught doctoral level programs in psychology
In: Newsletter on the results of scholarly work in sociology, criminology, philosophy and political science: scientific journal, Band 1, Heft 1, S. 34-48
ISSN: 2699-9005
The article is written based on lectures and scientific research of Academician Oleg Maltsev. His scientific approach is based on the criteria of objectivity and impartiality, therefore, before the subject of research was outlined — its purpose, task definition, determination of the order and structure of the experimental-practical part, testing and validation of scientific discoveries, practical and tactical models and other aspects, that will be presented to the reader in this article, in the first place, primary sources were analyzed that define the constructive material and the systematic presentation of the doctrine and principles of fate-analysis as a science, as well as its historical value and academic affiliation.
Res-Publica : Revista Lusófona de Ciência Política e Relações Internacionais ; Em consequência da globalização e dos actuais conflitos mundiais, milhares de pessoas deixaram a sua pátria para viver durante alguns anos noutros países, frequentemente junto dos seus familiares. Alguns partem pela sua própria vontade, porque trabalham para o seu Governo, para as suas empresas ou para uma organização internacional, porque querem estudar no estrangeiro ou simplesmente porque procuram um emprego e uma vida melhor. Outros, normalmente num contexto violento, são forçados a partir e apenas procuram paz e apoio. Este artigo apresenta um panorama das contribuições da Psicologia para as relações internacionais (RI). Propõe cinco tipos de actores de RI: diplomatas(incluindo pessoal consular e administrativo), voluntários internacionais (ONG e participantes em missões de paz), expatriados (incluindo estudantes), migrantes (documentados e não documentados) e refugiados. Define as suas tarefas (e/ou necessidades) e os problemas inerentes, também para a família. Depois, trata as seguintes áreas de pesquisa que podem ajudar os actores a realizar as suas tarefas e resolver os seus problemas: análise de acontecimentos políticos, análise de conflitos; resolução e prevenção; negociação e mediação; tomada de decisão, análise da linguagem, análise de factores culturais,operações de peacekeeping & desenvolvimento da paz pós-conflito, saúde mental, e know- -how e gestão organizacional. É feita uma breve consideração sobre cada área, enfatizando assuntos práticos. ; As a consequence of globalization and current world conflicts, thousands of people leave their homeland, to live some years in other countries, often together with their families. Some leave on their own decision, because they work for their Government, for their enterprise or for an international organization, because they want to study abroad or simply because they are looking for a job and a better life. Other persons are forced to leave, usually in a violent context, and they just look for peace and relief. This paper presents a panorama of the contributions of Psychology to the international relations (IR). It proposes five types of actors of IR: diplomats (including consular and administration personnel), international volunteers (NGOs and participants in peace missions), expatriates (including students), migrants (documented and undocumented) and refugees. It defines their tasks (and/or the needs) and the inherent problems, also for the family. Then, it reviews the following research fields, that can help the actors to accomplish their tasks and to resolve their problems: analysis of political events; conflict analysis, resolution & prevention; negotiation & mediation; decision making, analysis of language, analysis of cultural factors, peacekeeping & post conflict peace building, mental health, and organizational & management know-how. A brief account of each field is made, emphasizing practical issues".
In: Res-Publica: revista de ciência política, segurança e relações internacionais, Band 3, Heft 5-6, S. 159-178
ISSN: 1645-8931
In: Human factors: the journal of the Human Factors Society, Band 38, Heft 1, S. 167-182
ISSN: 1547-8181
Isoperformance is a technique for reading information out of a data-analytic model, comparable to expected mean square or omega squared analyses. It results in a trade-off function (an isoperformance curve) among the determinants of performance. The technique was developed primarily to generate trade-off functions between personnel aptitude and time in training or on the job. However, the technique is general and can be applied in any trade-off situation. In part, the purpose of this paper is to recall the antecedents of isoperformance in psychophysics and to recount the origins and development of the isoperformance readout. Its main purpose, however, is to present several examples of isoperformance curves in applied psychology and to make the case for their usefulness.