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Policy Analysis
In: Journal of policy analysis and management: the journal of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Band 6, Heft 1, S. 112
ISSN: 1520-6688
The Atlantic Alliance and Western security: the maritime dimension: a publication of the Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis, Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts, and Washington, D.C
In: Special report / Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis, Inc.
World Affairs Online
Policy analysis in Australia
In: International library of policy analysis, v. 6
'Policy Analysis in Australia' provides a broad range of perspectives on the location, scope, challenges, and quality of policy analysis in Australia. It accounts for the diverse sources of policy analysis and advice, within and outside government; and the diverse institutional settings in which analysis and decision-making are undertaken. Unlike books that critically assess policy development and policy outcomes in different policy fields, this volume focuses on the nature and quality of the various processes and organisational locations for the production and distribution of policy ideas and policy analysis.
Policy analysis in Taiwan
In: International library of policy analysis vol. 5
1. Policy analysis in a time of turbulence -- Politics: from stable to uncertain -- Discussion and conclusion -- 2. Exploring policy advisory committees in the central government -- Introduction -- The need for external policy advisors -- Policy advisory committees: functions and values -- Background of Taiwan's policy analysis environment -- Structure of standing advisory committees in Taiwan's central government -- Advisory committees in action -- Conclusions -- 3. Analysis of innovative local government policies in Taiwan -- Approach of Policy Analysis -- Adopting innovation: risk and uncertainty -- Policy analysis research for the process of adopting innovation -- Case studies: how do practitioners adopt innovation? -- Discussion -- 4. Policy analysis in the legislative body: the legislative process of the Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act in Taiwan -- Policy analysis in the legislative process -- Agencies responsible for policy analysis in the Legislative Yuan in Taiwan -- How policy analysis affects the law-making process: an example -- Re-examining the function of policy analysis in the Legislative Yuan -- Conclusion -- 5. Policy analysis in the local councils -- The context in which local councils operate -- The limited role of the local council in local policy analysis -- Sources for local councillors to obtain policy relevant information -- The future of policy analysis in local councils -- 6. Gendering policy analysis? The problems and pitfalls of participatory 'gender impact assessment' -- History of GIA in Taiwan -- Practical problems in GIA implementation -- Pitfalls of institutionalised gender analysis -- Conclusion.
Policy Analysis
In: American review of public administration: ARPA, Band 15, Heft 1, S. 58-59
ISSN: 1552-3357
Policy Analysis
In: The Conflict Over Environmental Regulation in the United States, S. 241-260
Policy analysis in Thailand
In: International library of policy analysis, vol 19
Providing a broad view of the history, styles and methods of policy analysis in Thailand, this volume examines policy analysis both within and beyond executive government, revealing the role of parties, the military and interest groups.
Policy analysis in Ireland
In: International library of policy analysis, vol. 16
Leading Irish academics and policy practitioners present a current and comprehensive study of policy analysis in Ireland. Contributors examine policy analysis at different levels of government and governance including international, national and local and in the civil service, as well as non-government actors such as NGOs, interest groups and think tanks. They investigate the influential roles of the European Union, the public, science, quantitative evidence, the media and gender expertise in policy analysis. Surveying the history and evolution of public policy analysis in Ireland, this authoritative text addresses the current state of the discipline, identifies post-crisis developments and considers future challenges for policy analysis. --
Policy analysis in Brazil
In: International Library of Policy Analysis
World Affairs Online