521 Ergebnisse
PoC in Darfur: AMIS and UNAMID
In: The protection of civilians in UN peacekeeping: concept, implementation and practice, S. 127-142
(Re)existências POC: modos de subjetivação e ativismo
In: INTERthesis, Band 18, Heft 1, S. 1-22
ISSN: 1807-1384
O termo POC remonta à década de 1970 quando era utilizado para se referir pejorativamente aos homossexuais do sexo masculino com performance e traços afeminados. A expressão passou por um período de remissão e voltou recentemente a ser utilizada nas redes digitais de comunicação, sendo apropriada e ressignificada pela população LGBTQIA+ em um processo que a coloca em proximidade com os estudos/ativismo Transviados. O presente trabalho busca analisar o podcast POC de Cultura a partir de algumas ferramentas da abordagem foucaultiana da Análise do Discurso, entendendo o podcast como um dispositivo de auto-enunciação política no qual podemos mapear a emergência e criação de novos modos de agir, fazer, consumir, desejar e de novas verdades. Assim, nos atentamos às maneiras pelas quais a positivação do termo POC e a militância empreendida no programa resultam em efeitos ético-políticos. Partimos da noção de corpos abjetos em uma série de processos de ressignificações e ativismo POC.
"A poc a poc i bona lletra" : fabricació, distribució i reticència una anàlisi ètica de la vacuna contra la covid-19
La llegada de una vacuna contra el SARS-CoV-2 que pueda frenar la expansión de la infección se ha postulado como la respuesta definitiva para frenar la pandemia de COVID-19. Lejos de ser una solución libre de conflictos éticos, la introducción de una nueva vacuna en la práctica de la salud pública, y que se haga en una situación de inestabilidad social, política y económica, vuelve a activar la línea de tensión entre el poder de las instituciones, la autonomía de las personas y las dinámicas de los mercados globales. Esto hace que sea preciso un análisis ético que incluya los conflictos en el ámbito de la investigación y el desarrollo de la vacuna, los elementos de justicia global presentes en la distribución de la vacuna, las decisiones de priorización cuando la oferta de esta no cubra la demanda existente y las posturas que se deberán tomar, desde los poderes públicos, para abordar los casos de reticencia por parte de las personas que no deseen que se les administre la vacuna -o que planteen dudas ante ello. ; L'arribada d'una vacuna contra el SARS-CoV-2 que pugui frenar l'expansió de la infecció s'ha postulat com la resposta definitiva per frenar la pandèmia de COVID-19. Lluny de ser una solució lliure de conflictes ètics, la introducció d'una nova vacuna en la pràctica de la salut pública, i que es faci en una situació d'inestabilitat social, política i econòmica, torna a activar la línia de tensió entre el poder de les institucions, l'autonomia de les persones i les dinàmiques dels mercats globals. Això fa que calgui una anàlisi ètica que inclogui els conflictes en l'àmbit de la recerca i el desenvolupament de la vacuna, els elements de justícia global presents en la distribució de la vacuna, les decisions de priorització quan l'oferta d'aquesta no cobreixi la demanda existent i les postures que s'hauran de prendre, des dels poders públics, per abordar els casos de reticència per part de les persones que no desitgin que se'ls administri la vacuna -o que plantegin dubtes davant d'això. ; The development of a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 that can stop the spread of the infection has been postulated as the definitive response to end the COVID-19 pandemic. Far from being free of ethical conflicts, the introduction of a new vaccine in a situation of social, political and economic instability reactivates the tension among institutional power, people's autonomy and the dynamics of global markets. This requires an ethical analysis that includes conflicts in the field of vaccine research and development, global justice in vaccine distribution, prioritization decisions when the supply of vaccines does not meet demand and the positions that should be taken by public institutions to address vaccine hesitancy among people who either do not want to take the vaccine or raise doubts about it.
Proof of Credibility (POC) SDK: Building Trust in Decentralized Applications
In/Visible POC: Narratives of a Brown Professor in Teacher Education
In: Cultural studies - critical methodologies, Band 22, Heft 2, S. 204-213
ISSN: 1552-356X
In this article, I reflect on experiences of Brown (or South Asian) in/visibility in teacher education. Using an autoethnographic approach, I share reflexive personal and professional counternarratives of my experiences as a Brown person and Brown teacher-educator committed to issues of justice in the diverse context of Toronto, Canada. I explore how Brown invisibility operates in desiring recognition, insider knowings, investments in ambiguity, and relational harm and liberation. I trouble the ways in which theoretical frames open and limit experiences and expressions of Brownness, locating myself in between postcolonial and anti-colonial theorizing and notions of racial ambiguity in DesiCrit. I conclude with the importance of making visible the experiences and constructions of Brownness in faculties of education and education more broadly, as a form of solidarity that both resists Brown invisibility and exposes Brown complicity in an aspirational whiteness that maintains racial hierarchies through its invisibility.
PoC, LGBTQ, and gender: The intersectionality of America Chavez
In: Journal of lesbian studies, Band 22, Heft 4, S. 435-445
ISSN: 1540-3548
Transnational (In)Visibility in Higher Education: Critical arts-based reflections by one POC faculty member
This arts based presentation is a call to action for the use of transnational "inclusive diversity" and intersectional paradigms at the Institutional level. These understandings have the potential to create new, generative experiences of Higher Education for all POC professors (and the POC graduate students we mentor as emerging professionals and, hopefully, professors too!) where the "invitations to diversify" are experienced as tokenism and where POC professors teach/research in academic exile - under-supported and under-funded. Inclusion demands respect, elevation and amplification of "diverse" faculty voices in University culture and shared governance which envisions creating opportunities for innovative problem solving in, and the evolution of, Higher Education in general. Only when the values of difference, interdependence, democracy and community are practiced while cultivating a culture of care and mutuality will Ivory Towers be dismantled and replaced with open spaces for all.
LGBTQ + POC Experiences of Meaning-Making to Externalize Oppression: A Critical Narrative Inquiry
In: Journal of LGBTQ issues in counseling, Band 18, Heft 2, S. 107-124
ISSN: 2692-496X
Carbon cycling in mesohaline Chesapeake Bay sediments 1: POC deposition rates and mineralization pathways
In: Journal of marine research, Band 53, Heft 5, S. 779-819
ISSN: 1543-9542
Point of Care (POC) Influenza Immunization for Pregnant Women, Calgary Zone, Alberta Health Services
In: International journal of population data science: (IJPDS), Band 3, Heft 4
ISSN: 2399-4908
IntroductionVaccinating pregnant patients for neonatal protection needs to be integrated into prenatal care as new vaccines emerge. Uptake of influenza vaccine, universally recommended in pregnancy, is low. Immunization was offered and administered to pregnant women at point of care (POC) during two flu seasons at an urban tertiary care center.
Objectives and ApproachPrimary objective is to determine if POC impacts immunization rate during flu season among a cohort of pregnant women by location and gestational age. Secondary objectives are to examine the pattern of influenza-like illnesses (ILI) among vaccinated and unvaccinated women, and to describe pilot outcomes of POC. Four consecutive influenza seasons (2014/2015, 2015/2016, 2016/2017, 2017/2018) will be examined using seven databases: a) Clinibase, b) National Ambulatory Care Reporting System; C) Discharge Abstract Database; d) Physician Claims; e) Alberta Perinatal Health Program; f) Calgary Zone Public Health; and g) Pharmaceutical Information Network. Outcomes will be examined descriptively using frequencies and proportions.
ResultsBased on the preliminary analysis, approximately 10, 000 visits among 2,500 women occurred during each flu season at the four obstetric care locations: two outpatient clinics and two inpatient units. The proportion of pregnant women who received the flu vaccine ranged from 15-21% during the first three flu seasons. Majority of the women received the vaccine at the flu campaigns (range 48-67%), followed by pharmacy (20-32%). For the 2017-2018 season, year to date uptake rates in outpatient clinics are significantly higher. Final results on additional outcomes will be available by September 2018.
Conclusion/ImplicationsIn completing this study, we hope to better understand the patterns of immunization uptake in pregnancy by place of immunization and gestational age, i.e. identifying optimal "window of opportunity". Results will inform the infrastructure needed to collect data on vaccines administered during pregnancy and linkage to maternal and infant outcomes.
Examining Associations Between Discrimination, Social Cohesion, and Health among White LGBT versus POC LGBT Chicagoans
In: Sociological inquiry: the quarterly journal of the International Sociology Honor Society, Band 93, Heft 4, S. 756-777
ISSN: 1475-682X
Consistent with the minority stress perspective, lesbian/gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals on average report worse health than heterosexual individuals in several domains, for example, general health, mental health, physical health, and healthcare access. Intersectionality‐based research shows that LGBT people of color (POC) are, on average, at even greater risk for adverse health outcomes. Discrimination and social cohesion may be two mechanisms underlying these between‐ and within‐group disparities, given that both constructs are frequently reported within marginalized populations, and that both broadly relate to health. This study used data from the Chicago Department of Public Health to examine broad health differences between White LGBT and LGBT POC, and to test specific models in which social cohesion mediated links between discrimination and health. LGBT POC reported experiencing worse general health, lower access to health care, more experiences of discrimination, and lower feelings of social cohesion than did White LGBT individuals. No mediation effects emerged; however, there was a direct effect of experiencing discrimination on mental health distress. Discrimination exposure inversely related to the feelings of social cohesion.
Beskyttelse av sivile (PoC) og Ansvar for å beskytte (R2P): Konseptuelle og historiske betraktninger
In: Internasjonal politikk, Band 69, Heft 1, S. 108-116
ISSN: 1891-1757
Combining deep learning with physical parameters in POC and PIC inversion from spaceborne lidar CALIOP
In: ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing: official publication of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS), Band 212, S. 193-211
ISSN: 0924-2716