Revealing the Mechanisms of Mercury Adsorption on Metal-Doped Kaolinite(001) Surfaces by First Principles
In: HAZMAT-D-21-13922
15 Ergebnisse
In: HAZMAT-D-21-13922
In: International journal of public sector management, Band 34, Heft 5, S. 586-601
ISSN: 1758-6666
PurposeIn most Latin American countries, the provision of legal assistance to the vulnerable population is carried out by public defender's offices (PDOs), agencies composed of state-paid career lawyers. The aim of this paper is to explain the cross-country variation in regarding the autonomy levels of Latin American PDOs.Design/methodology/approachA scale to measure autonomy was built allowing access to the autonomy of sixteen different PDOs. Data were gathered through content analysis of the statutes that organize the PDOs and analyzed through qualitative comparative analysis (QCA).FindingsThe results demonstrate different levels of autonomy among Latin American PDOs. Furthermore, conditions related to institutional and social contexts, such as levels of income, human development, democracy, and the complexity of the political systems, presented sufficient relationships for high levels of autonomy.Research limitations/implicationsIt was not possible to interview representatives of the PDOs analyzed. This could help the interpretation of the legislation applied to PDOs, as well as the observation of regulations that may not have come to the knowledge of researchers. Thus, analyses were made according to what was observed in the legislation of each country. It is also noteworthy that this research covered only nationwide PDOs, not involving subnational PDOs. In addition, the data have only internal validity, and cannot be extrapolated to the population.Practical implicationsThe creation of a scale to measure the autonomy of public agencies stands out as an original comparative data set of PDOs covering a large amount of Latin American countries.Social implicationsThis study was able to characterize the institutional arrangements of sixteen national PDOs, allowing broad comparison between legal aid agencies for the vulnerable population in a region of the world that still suffers from high levels of poverty.Originality/valueThe article presents possible explanations on the variations of PDOs' level of autonomy, showing PDOs' idiosyncrasies, whose autonomy is influenced also by social context variables, in view of the nature of their mission. It should be noted that factors related to the social context are not widely considered by the literature on autonomy of public agencies.
The wine Common Market Organisation has established two concepts for recognizing the quality of wines in the European Union (EU). The first corresponds to the so-called Protected Designation of Origin (PDO), and the second to the Protected Geographical Indication (PGI). The set of Spanish PDOs includes the subset of Spanish DOs (Designation of Origin), which have been recognized as quality wines by Spanish authorities since 1932. Spain accounts for 67 DOs but, due to a lack of data, only 34 of them are suitable for carrying out our analysis. We will analyze the efficiency of this subset for the 2008, 2009 and 2010 seasons resorting to Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and using a new additive based efficiency measure known as BAM (Bounded Adjusted Measure). Since we are using panel data, we will also evaluate the productivity associated with this data set resorting to Malmquist indexes. Our results show that the efficiency behavior of the subset of Spanish DOs is uniform over the time periods analyzed and that productivity experiments only minor and irrelevant changes. They also show that three DOs are in a very good competitive position while another three DOs are in a very bad position. We end up suggesting some economic reasons for explaining these results.
The Public Defender's Offices (PDOs) are responsible for providing legal assistance to citizens in situations of social and economic vulnerability. These organizations litigate directly against the State in order to guarantee the provision of public services and to prevent abuses or deviations by the government. Therefore, autonomy tends to be relevant for these organizations to fulfill their mission. This work aims to analyze the relationship between autonomy and performance in Brazilian PDOs. The work tests the perception of the impact between autonomy and performance of Brazilian PDOs. To this end, a survey was carried out with bureaucrats from 27 Brazilian Public Defender's Offices (PDOs) and data analysis was carried out through structural equation modeling. The variables observed include, in addition to performance and autonomy, availability of resources, competences and accountability. The results indicate that the perception in these organizations is that they must operate autonomously, away from political influences, so that they can perform their mission in the best way. The skills of bureaucrats are also a relevant factor in the performance of these organizations, as is accountability. However, there was no significant relationship between resource availability and perceived performance. The contributions of this study include obtaining evidence of empirical validity to measure the constructs autonomy, availability of resources, skills and responsibility and their impact on the performance of PDOs.
In: International journal of operations & production management, Band 44, Heft 10, S. 1750-1779
ISSN: 1758-6593
PurposeThis paper examines how different configurations of societal impact are pursued by purpose-driven organizations (PDOs) and how these configurations align with the application of varying supply chain design (SCD) practices.Design/methodology/approachThis multi-method study uses quantitative data from 1588 B Corps and qualitative data from 316 B Corps to examine how PDOs align SCD with the pursuit of diverse types of societal impact. The authors first conduct a cluster analysis to group organizations based on the impact they create. Second, qualitative content analysis connects impact with enabling SCD elements.FindingsThe analysis of the five identified clusters provides detailed empirical insights on influencers, design decisions and building blocks adopted by PDOs to drive a range of societal impacts. Specifically, the nature of the impact pursued affects (1) whether a PDO will be more influenced by a need in the political environment or an opportunity in the industry environment, (2) the relative importance of the design of social flows versus material flows and (3) the need to develop new relational resources with beneficiaries versus leveraging existing capabilities to manage inter-firm processes.Originality/valueThis study responds to calls to disaggregate different dimensions of societal impact and examines the relationship between SCD and a breadth of sustainability impacts for different stakeholders. In doing so, the authors identify four SCD pathways organizations can follow to achieve specific societal impacts. This study is also the first to employ a supply chain perspective in the study of certified B Corps.
30 Páginas; 3 Tablas; 3 Figuras ; This work assesses the potential of multidimensional fluorescence spectroscopy combined with chemometrics for characterization and authentication of Spanish Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) wine vinegars. Seventy-nine vinegars of different categories (aged and sweet) belonging to the Spanish PDOs "Vinagre de Jerez", "Vinagre de Montilla-Moriles" and "Vinagre de Condado de Huelva", were analyzed by excitation-emission fluorescence spectroscopy. A visual assessment of fluorescence landscapes pointed out different trends with vinegar categories. PARAllel FACtor analysis (PARAFAC) extracted the potential fluorophores and their values in the PDO vinegars. This information, coupled with different classification methods (Partial Least Square Discrimination Analysis "PLS-DA" and Support Vectors Machines "SVM"), was able to discriminate the wine vinegar category within each PDO, for which SVM models obtained better results (>92% of classification). In each category, SVM also allows the differentiation between PDOs. The proposed methodology could be used as an analysis method for the authentication of Spanish PDO wine vinegars. ; The authors want to thank "Consejería de Economía, Innovación y Ciencia" of the "Junta de Andalucía" for the financial support provided through the project P12-AGR-1601, and the Spanish Regulatory Councils of the wine vinegar PDOs for their invaluable help with the acquisition of the samples for this study. In addition, authors want to thanks "Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte" (MECD, Spanish Government) for the FPU pre-doctoral fellowship and UPV/EHU (University of the Basque Country) for the grant received from the program ''Contratación de Doctores Recientes". ; Peer reviewed
In: GRUR international: Journal of European and International IP Law, Band 71, Heft 12, S. 1147-1161
ISSN: 2632-8550
This article focuses on traditional specialities guaranteed (TSGs), the least researched of the EU quality schemes that also include the better known protected designation of origin (PDO) and protected geographical indication (PGI). Firstly, this contribution presents a historical account of the evolution of this quality label. Secondly, it illustrates the results of the first empirical analysis of the contents of the Single Documents for all the TSGs registered, thus providing an unprecedented view of their nature. Thirdly, it divides TSGs into six categories, which will be called 'profiles', in order to provide a nuanced picture of what is protected by this quality scheme and how. Finally, this work reflects on why this label has always been essentially unsuccessful in terms of number of registrations, and what could be done to revive it. It concludes that, because of the residual nature of TSGs compared with PDOs/PGIs, it is highly unlikely that TSGs will acquire more importance as market-related labels. Hence, from this point of view, discontinuing them might lead to a simplification and clarification of the EU quality schemes. However, the fact that they are residual does not mean that they are superfluous. They may nonetheless play a meaningful role as tools aimed at connecting the names of traditional products with their original recipes, thus contributing to the preservation of relevant pieces of European gastronomic heritage that would otherwise be denied any form of recognition and protection.
Dottorato di ricerca in Economia e territorio ; Geographical Indications of origin (GIs) are increasingly being adopted as public policy in the European Union for the identification of typical food products in the form of Protected Designations of Origin (PDOs) and Protected Geographical Indications (PGIs). In recent years substantial interest has emerged in improving this policy in order to encourage the adoption of PDO/PGI schemes as well as to enhance their effectiveness. The increasing number of PDO/PGI recognitions (over one thousand at the beginning of 2011) and the ongoing overhaul of these policy schemes at the European level, make the assessment of the actual performance of the PDO/PGI policy a critical task for the revision and improvement of the policy itself. However, due to the dearth of official information, the deeply different production and marketing conditions among PDO/PGI products, and the variety of stakeholders involved, a comprehensive approach for the assessment of the impacts of PDO/PGI schemes in terms of achievement of their objectives is missing. We contribute to the assessment of PDO/PGI schemes by building an approach to measuring the actual performance of the PDO/PGI products in relation to the objectives of the European Regulation 510/2006. We do this through a multi-criteria ex-post analysis that compares the performance of different PDO/PGI products with respect to multiple criteria. The present work develops a comparative evaluation of the performance of 31 Italian PDOs in the cheese sector and 30 Italian PDO/PGIs in the e-v olive oil sector: i) relative to the different objectives of the schemes, ii) by using a set of suitable indicators that inform on the effectiveness of a wide number of PDOs/PGIs with respect to the regulation's objectives, and iii) by considering the priorities of the different actors involved in PDO/PGI schemes, with regard to the importance of different objectives. Results obtained in the two cases analyzed are consistent. We evidenced a trade off among the performance on the objectives which suggests a possible underlying contradiction of the policy itself: a success on the marketplace is not iii necessarily contributing to higher returns to producers placed upstream in the supply chain of the sector and vice versa, a stronger market power to producers, also in terms of relevance on the territory, is not in line with a good performance on the market. Although there are exceptions to this trend, the trade off at issue is indicative of a general ambiguity in the PDO/PGI policy and it reflects two opposite feasible strategies, practicable within the different PDO/PGIs. Moreover, the policy maker scenario simulated in the two cases showed an overall higher performance of smaller PDOs, well rooted on the territory of origin, targeted to niche market segments, for both the cheese and the olive oil sectors. On the opposite, lower ranked PDOs tend to be larger (in terms of turnover, quantity and area of production covered), well established in the wider markets through large distribution systems. The evidence that smaller PDOs are performing, on the overall, better than the bigger ones, is somehow surprising and not trivial: nevertheless a better performance of small PDOs, especially in the baseline scenario, seems to be coherent with the Policy makers perspective. Multi Criteria analysis is a promising approach to evaluating the performance of PDOs/PGIs. A "well aware" use of a Multi Criteria technique can be useful for the assessment of the performance of PDO and PGI schemes, to allow to gain insights on the cases of success (i.e. the best practices) and the conditions of the most effective realizations of the schemes, providing a support to the policy maker for the future revision of the policy. ; Negli ultimi anni è emerso un interesse sostanziale al miglioramento dell'efficacia della politica per la qualità dell'Unione Europea, di cui le Denominazioni d'Origine e le Indicazioni Geografiche Protette (DOP e IGP) rappresentano importanti strumenti. Il crescente numero di riconoscimenti (oltre un migliaio all'inizio del 2011) in tutta Europa, la previsione di un sostegno finanziario per la conformazione ai sistemi di qualità da parte degli agricoltori e la revisione in atto della politica europea per la qualità, rendono la valutazione della performance dei prodotti DOP/IGP un aspetto cruciale per il proseguimento ed il miglioramento della politica stessa. Un approccio complessivo di valutazione sistematica e trasparente attualmente è mancante a causa della scarsità di dati disponibili, delle profonde diversità nelle modalità di produzione, nelle condizioni di commercializzazione e negli interessi dei soggetti interessati, e si rende quanto mai necessario. Il presente lavoro ha l'obiettivo di contribuire alla valutazione della performance dell'attuale sistema di DOP e IGP in relazione agli obiettivi del Regolamento Europeo 510/2006. Ciò viene fatto attraverso un' analisi multicriteri che confronta, in un'ottica ex-post, le prestazioni di diverse DOP/IGP rispetto a criteri multipli. La valutazione comparativa è svolta su un campione di 31 DOP nel settore dei formaggi e 30 DOP/IGP nel settore degli oli extra vergine d'oliva italiani: i) relativamente ai diversi obiettivi del regolatore europeo, ii) utilizzando un insieme indicatori di efficacia relativi ad un ampio numero di DOP/IGP rispetto agli obiettivi del regolamento, e iii) considerando le diverse priorità dei portatori di interesse coinvolti nei sistemi DOP/IGP, relativamente ai diversi obiettivi. I risultati ottenuti, coerenti nei due casi analizzati, evidenziano l'esistenza di un parziale trade off tra i diversi obiettivi della politica. In particolare, un successo sul mercato non necessariamente è in linea con un rafforzamento del potere contrattuale dei produttori a monte della filiera e viceversa, il potere contrattuale dei produttori, non si accompagna a buone prestazioni sul mercato. Pur con alcune eccezioni a questa generale tendenza della maggior parte delle DOP esaminate, il trade off in questione è indicativo di un' ambiguità di fondo dei v sistemi DOP/IGP e riflette due strategie di sviluppo percorribili dalle DOP/IGP divergenti ed in parte inconciliabili. Inoltre, nella prospettiva degli obiettivi indicati dal Regolamento, sono le DOP più piccole, più radicate sul territorio di origine, prevalentemente mirate a segmenti di mercato di nicchia, ad ottenere i risultati migliori sia nel comparto caseario che in quello degli oli d'oliva. All'opposto, le DOP in basso nella classifica tendono ad essere realtà più grandi (in termini di fatturato, quantità e areale di produzione), ben consolidate sul mercato attraverso sistemi di distribuzione di massa. L'evidenza che le piccole DOP si mostrano, nel complesso, migliori di quelle più grandi, è in qualche modo sorprendente e non banale: tuttavia, e soprattutto nello scenario di base, sembra essere coerente con la prospettiva del decisore pubblico. L'analisi Multi Criteri è un approccio promettente per la valutazione della performance di DOP/IGP. Un utilizzo "consapevole" di questo strumento può essere utile per la valutazione delle prestazioni dei sistemi di DOP e IGP, per consentire di acquisire conoscenze sui casi di successo (le best practices) e sulle condizioni che li rendono possibili, fornendo un supporto al decisore pubblico per la futura revisione della politica.
N° ISBN - 978-2-7380-1284-5 ; International audience ; The objective of the paper is to elaborate the guidelines for an innovative methodological proposal on the analysis and the assessment of the territorial externalities created by the economic and institutional activities of Local Agro-Food Systems (LAFS), such as those linked to protected designations of origin (PDOs) of olive oil in Spain. We base our analysis in the case studies carried on by the author and by the international bibliography on this subject. We use a multi-disciplinary approach relating to the LAFS theories, coming from the Franco Mediterranean scholarship, as well as to the perspectives of Agricultural and Rural Multifunctionality theories. The relevance of olive oil LAFS in Spain may be found in the fact that they are a fine example for the analysis of the multifunctional behaviour and their potential in contributing to territorial governance. They have important implications on the environmental and landscape management, corresponding a farming type in which landscapes of high environmental and cultural value, made up of traditional olive groves, are set to become more and more marginalised economically as a result of the global intensification of the olive farming process, having dramatic problems of erosion. On the other hand, PDOs can create interesting formulas for the institutional and the inter-professional organisation of identity-based food products. In order to provide suitable guidelines for related public policies which aim to maintain and improve these olive landscapes, methodological developments on the analysis and valuation of a series of territorial externalities is required.
N° ISBN - 978-2-7380-1284-5 ; International audience ; The objective of the paper is to elaborate the guidelines for an innovative methodological proposal on the analysis and the assessment of the territorial externalities created by the economic and institutional activities of Local Agro-Food Systems (LAFS), such as those linked to protected designations of origin (PDOs) of olive oil in Spain. We base our analysis in the case studies carried on by the author and by the international bibliography on this subject. We use a multi-disciplinary approach relating to the LAFS theories, coming from the Franco Mediterranean scholarship, as well as to the perspectives of Agricultural and Rural Multifunctionality theories. The relevance of olive oil LAFS in Spain may be found in the fact that they are a fine example for the analysis of the multifunctional behaviour and their potential in contributing to territorial governance. They have important implications on the environmental and landscape management, corresponding a farming type in which landscapes of high environmental and cultural value, made up of traditional olive groves, are set to become more and more marginalised economically as a result of the global intensification of the olive farming process, having dramatic problems of erosion. On the other hand, PDOs can create interesting formulas for the institutional and the inter-professional organisation of identity-based food products. In order to provide suitable guidelines for related public policies which aim to maintain and improve these olive landscapes, methodological developments on the analysis and valuation of a series of territorial externalities is required.
In: IIC - International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law, Band 51, Heft 1, S. 31-69
ISSN: 2195-0237
AbstractThis paper analyses the suitability of the extension of the EU quality schemes – Protected Designations of Origin (PDOs) and Protected Geographical Indications (PGIs) – to the protection of non-agricultural products. In particular, the work develops an original investigation on the nature of these goods and assesses whether it is compatible with the scope of protection of the EUsui generisGI system, which is determined by the different origin link that characterises the two abovementioned quality schemes. The research, by applying a mixed comparative/empirical methodology and building upon a previously unpublished dataset, develops an analysis divided into three parts, reaching the following conclusions. First, ifsui generisGIs were chosen as the means to protect non-agricultural products, the French legislation on thesui generisprotection of handcrafts should be considered as the best practice. Second, the empirical analysis shows that, since non-agricultural goods are characterised by a loose link to a specific place, predominantly based on the on the product's history and on its distinctive traditional method of production, PGIs seem to be fit for the purpose. Indeed, the analysis of a sample of non-terroiragricultural products protected by PGIs will highlight this parallelism. Third, evidence shows that PDOs could be useful only in a small number of cases while the rationale of Traditional Specialities Guaranteed (TSGs), despite not being origin labels, can be useful to define products that cannot be linked to a specific area by physical or natural elements. Therefore, the EU legislator should take these elements into consideration if it decides to extend the EU GI regime to non-agricultural products.
This paper analyses the suitability of the extension of the EU quality schemes – Protected Designations of Origin (PDOs) and Protected Geographical Indications (PGIs) – to the protection of non-agricultural products. In particular, the work develops an original investigation on the nature of these goods and assesses whether it is compatible with the scope of protection of the EU sui generis GI system, which is determined by the different origin link that characterises the two abovementioned quality schemes. The research, by applying a mixed comparative/empirical methodology and building upon a previously unpublished dataset, develops an analysis divided into three parts, reaching the following conclusions. First, if sui generis GIs were chosen as the means to protect non-agricultural products, the French legislation on the sui generis protection of handcrafts should be considered as the best practice. Second, the empirical analysis shows that, since non-agricultural goods are characterised by a loose link to a specific place, predominantly based on the on the product's history and on its distinctive traditional method of production, PGIs seem to be fit for the purpose. Indeed, the analysis of a sample of non-terroir agricultural products protected by PGIs will highlight this parallelism. Third, evidence shows that PDOs could be useful only in a small number of cases while the rationale of Traditional Specialities Guaranteed (TSGs), despite not being origin labels, can be useful to define products that cannot be linked to a specific area by physical or natural elements. Therefore, the EU legislator should take these elements into consideration if it decides to extend the EU GI regime to non-agricultural products.
International audience This article examines the contentious issue of the coexistence of cheese made from raw milk and cheese made from pasteurised milk in areas of protected designation of origin (PDOs). The French PDO system is held to be the benchmark of the international system of Geographical Indications (GIs). Drawing on the multi-level perspective framework of socio-technical transitions, we conceptualise PDO cheeses as a "niche" nested within a dominant regime that promotes pasteurisation as the standard technology to control pathogens in milk. Careful examination of statistical data and the specifications for PDO cheeses shows that raw milk is experiencing an upturn in domestic production, which we relate to the reinforcement of the regulatory frameworks governing protection of GIs. We investigate more fully the steady increase in raw milk use by studying two contrasting cases of PDO cheeses (Saint-Nectaire and Ossau-Iraty), in which the confrontation between technologies is internalised. Analysis of local innovation pathways highlights a series of key decisions that strengthen the position of raw milk from the farm to the marketplace, namely grass-feeding, limiting herd productivity, technology-specific identification marks and redistribution of decision-making power among stakeholders. Regulatory mechanisms that counterbalance the pressures of the regime by strategic management of the "terroir" niche are identified and discussed. We argue that shifting the focus from niche regime interaction towards the internal dynamics of niches sheds light on the conditions of a coexistence of apparently antagonistic models of production in agrifood networks.
Protected Designations of Origin (PDO) safeguard and recognize food products with specific qualities resulting from their origins. This topic has been of recent interest to academics. Nonetheless, research that addresses sustainability in PDOs is still scarce. Thus, this paper aimed to identify the way the link between PDO and sustainability topic has been approached in recent research, especially on geographical spaces with a great history of use and exploitation of PDO figures, such as the European Union (EU). A systematic literature review methodology was selected by applying the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) methodology, and by using Scopus, WoS, and Science Direct database between 2005 and 2021. From this screening process, 41 eligible studies were selected, and a qualitative and quantitative analysis was performed on the selected sample to address the following elements: (1) timeline growth on the field of knowledge; (2) food type product analyzed in the research; (3) research's geographical location; (4) methodologies used, and (5) sustainability term's combinations and its link to food type product. The results showed that sustainability in PDO's research in the EU has experienced an upwards trend and is mostly carried out in those countries with the highest volume of PDOs registration, focusing mainly on dairy and oil products. Most of them applied mixed methodologies to assess an interdisciplinary sustainability perspective from its social, economic, and environmental dimension, being sustainable production systems the most common term used in the research. ; Las denominaciones de origen protegidas (DOP) salvaguardan y reconocen los productos alimenticios con cualidades específicas derivadas de su origen. Este tema ha sido de reciente interés para los académicos; no obstante, la investigación que aborda la sostenibilidad en las DOP es aún escasa. Por tanto, este trabajo tuvo como objetivo identificar la forma en que se ha abordado el vínculo entre DOP y sostenibilidad en investigaciones recientes, especialmente en espacios geográficos con una gran trayectoria en el uso y explotación de DOP, como la Unión Europea (UE). Se seleccionó una metodología de revisión sistemática de la literatura aplicando la metodología Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyzes (PRISMA) y se utilizó la base de datos de Scopus, WoS y Science Direct entre 2005 y 2021. De este proceso de selección, se escogieron 41 estudios elegibles y se realizó un análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo de la muestra para abordar los siguientes elementos: (1) tendencia temporal en el campo del conocimiento; (2) tipo de producto alimenticio analizado en la investigación; (3) ubicación geográfica de la investigación; (4) metodologías utilizadas; y (5) combinaciones de términos de sostenibilidad y su vínculo con el tipo de producto alimenticio. Los resultados mostraron que la investigación de la sostenibilidad en DOP en la UE presenta una tendencia creciente, y se lleva a cabo principalmente en aquellos países con el mayor volumen de registro de DOP, centrándose en productos lácteos y aceite, y aplicando metodologías mixtas para evaluar desde una perspectiva interdisciplinaria la dimensión social, económica y ambiental de la sostenibilidad, siendo los sistemas de producción sostenibles, el término más utilizado en la investigación.
Aim of study: How are successful applications for quality labels for food and agricultural products written? This research aims to answer this question through the study of the applications for three quality labels within the EU Scheme for Agricultural and Foodstuffs: Protected Designation of Origin (PDO), Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) and Traditional Speciality Guaranteed (TSG). The research focuses in determining the topics and narratives that describe the link with the geographical area for the two former and the traditional character for the latter.Area of study: Europe.Material and methods: Using a Qualitative Data Analysis, the research analyses 132 products registered on the scheme between January 2016 and April 2019. The researcher categorized a total of 1,724 excerpts and studied the sections on the link with the geographical area for PDOs and PGIs, and the key elements establishing the product's traditional character for TSGs.Main results: Main results offer quantitative and qualitative outputs. They indicate that cultural and social issues make up the half of the story arguing about the products, and natural, space/place and time/history make up the second half in proportions that depend on the type of scheme. Topic and storytelling analyses revealed particular understandings of place, origins and traditions in narratives developing on agriculture, history and knowledge transference between generations. The applicants used socio-economic particularities, regional history, and environmental uniqueness to justify the special character of products.Research highlights: The results give practitioners, policymakers and institutions guidelines and recommendations about how to structure and write their applications for quality labels for food and agricultural products.