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36379 Ergebnisse
Cover; Title Page; Colophon ; Summary ; Introduction to Patient Reported Outcomes; Definitions; Application; Taxonomy; Format; Applications of PRO data; Clinical trials; Regulatory approvals; Real world evidence studies; Clinical practice; Health technology assessment; Prescribers and patients; Collecting PRO data to support product evaluation; Develop a PRO strategy considering issues important to patients, the target product profile and stakeholder requirements; Select validated PRO instruments; Ensure the trial or study design is appropriate for PRO collection; Linguistic Validation.
In: Better Partnership Working
In: Rand Corporation technical report series
This text was developed to help providers who evaluate low acuity complaints in any setting. The aim is to highlight common pitfalls in the management of those seemingly minor illnesses or injuries, which if not identified early or if managed incorrectly can have devastating and longterm consequences. This text will bring the provider's attention to high-risk aspects of chief complaints that may be encountered in a variety of low-acuity settings. Focused on high-risk pitfalls practitioners may encounter in everyday practice, each of the book's chapters is written by an expert chosen for his/he