National Occupational Research Agenda: update 2001
"At the midpoint of its implementation, NORA continues to evolve and thrive. Those dedicated to NORA and occupational safety and health have produced: 1. An enthusiastic and productive, broad-based NORA Liaison Committee. 2. Successful efforts of 20 NORA Teams, including outreach, conferences and symposia, and the production of research agendas. 3. A successful grant process that produced record-breaking funding for targeted occupational safety and health research in Fiscal Years 1998, 1999, 2000, and 2001. 4. Three surveys (FY96, FY98, FY00) of Federal occupational safety and health research investment, showing increases in Federal partner funding in occupational safety and health in general, and NORA in particular. 5. Evidence that a national research agenda was, and continues to be, needed and that NORA research priority areas were well chosen with broad input and growing support. 6. Recognition that NORA is a model for public-private partnerships and is being widely used by other organizations in similar planning efforts. 7. The first broad-based network of public and private partnerships in occupational safety and health." - NIOSHTIC-2 ; "Publication of this NORA Update 2001 and the celebration of our 2001 NORA Symposium mark both the midpoint of the 10-year implementation of NORA and the 30th anniversary of the establishment of NIOSH by the Occupational Safety and Health Act. Throughout its thirty years as the nation's primary research agency for worker safety and health, NIOSH has played a vital role in improving safety and health conditions in the workplace. We track diseases and injuries efficiently, we identify risks with sophisticated techniques, we design and evaluate creative interventions, and we communicate and educate widely and rapidly. For these accomplishments, we acknowledge the scientific excellence of our predecessors, who have brought us further than we ever could have imagined thirty years ago. However, we are all too aware that much remains to be done and new challenges constantly appear. As we remember our past, we recognize that NIOSH did not come this far alone and, as we anticipate our future, we acknowledge that partnership, collaboration, and participation are the keys to success. NORA at five years both reflects and focuses the progress of NIOSH at thirty years. NORA is the embodiment of partnership and--by targeting research--fosters a sense of community and common purpose among researchers and practitioners in the wide variety of disciplines under the banner of occupational safety and health. NORA provides a forum for diverse voices in labor, industry, government, and academia to contribute their unique perspectives. NIOSH at age thirty has a long history of listening to and addressing those perspectives, but NORA has given us a powerful mechanism to convert perspectives into data to effect real change. As in previous years, we are proud to see NORA used as a model for other organizations devising agendas for their own research and practice." - -p. 1 ; Also available via the Wide Web.