Paediatric Nursing Care
In: Contact: the interdisciplinary journal of pastoral studies, Band 35, Heft 1, S. 17-19
7162 Ergebnisse
In: Contact: the interdisciplinary journal of pastoral studies, Band 35, Heft 1, S. 17-19
In: Contact: the interdisciplinary journal of pastoral studies, Band 73, Heft 1, S. 3-6
"When preparing today's students to become tomorrow's nurses, Wolters Kluwer knows you need a Transcultural Nursing textbook that you can trust. Transcultural Concepts Care, 8th Ed, is a comprehensive text that provides nurses with the theoretical foundations for transcultural nursing. The text features transcultural theories, models, & research Transcultural Nursing Scholars Margaret M. Andrews, Joyceen S. Boyle, and John W. Collins emphasize the need for effective & efficient communication, client- and patient-centered teamwork, & collaboration among members of the interprofessional health care team. Their approach to transcultural nursing is rooted in cultural assessment, which is special allows students to care for individuals, groups, & communities from any & all cultural groups they might encounter in their professional careers"--
In: Routledge key themes in health and society
Partiality and impartiality in nursing care -- Partiality and professional ethics in nursing care -- On the concept of need for nursing care -- Variations of partiality in nursing care -- Partiality, justice and moral dilemmas -- Towards an ethics of nursing care
Uniquely organized around the AONE competencies, this trusted resource gives you an easy-to-understand, in-depth look at today's most prevalent nursing leadership and management topics. Coverage features the most up-to-date, research-based blend of practice and theory related to topics such as: the nursing professional's role in law and ethics, staffing and scheduling, delegation, cultural considerations, care management, human resources, outcomes management, safe work environments, preventing employee injury, and time and stress management. UNIQUE! Chapters divided according to AONE competencies for nurse leaders, managers, and executives. Research Notes in each chapter summarize relevant nursing leadership and management studies and highlight practical applications of research findings. Case Studies at the end of each chapter present real-world leadership and management situations and illustrate how key concepts can be applied to actual practice. Critical Thinking Questions at the end of each chapter present clinical situations followed by critical thinking questions to help you reflect on chapter content, critically analyze the information, and apply it to the situation. NEW! Full-color design makes content more vivid and realistic. NEW! Chapter on Communication and Care Coordination covers these integral topics. NEW! Updates to critical thinking exercises, case studies, research notes, and references offer the most current information. NEW! Updated sections on Current Issues and Trends reflect the latest topics in the field. NEW! Relevant Web Sites boxes provide authoritative resources for additional research.
In: Revista de Pesquisa: Cuidado é Fundamental Online, Band 5, Heft 5, S. 61-68
Objective: To analyze studies nationally published that discuss the use of music in nursing care in intensive care. Method: Descriptive study, systematic review of literature type, having as object the studies published about music therapy in the intensive care unit (ICU), in national journals accessed during the month of March, 2011. Results: Most of the publications were focused on pediatric care, not directed to the ICU, indexed in the LILACS database, predominantly literature review. Conclusion: With further study and dissemination of knowledge in the scientific community, health workers and nursing satisfaction can implement music therapy in health services.
In: Organizacija: revija za management, informatiko in kadre ; journal of management, informatics and human resources, Band 48, Heft 4, S. 287-297
ISSN: 1581-1832
Starting points: In Slovenia, the higher education institution for nursing started exploring employability opportunities in nursing care in connection with the achievement of competencies from students' and employers' point of view. This article highlights the importance of monitoring nursing graduates' employability. Its aim is to examine the employability of nursing care graduates based on the self-evaluation of competences obtained during the last study year and to establish a link between the self-evaluation of competences and students' academic performance.
Methodology: A questionnaire was distributed to full and part time nursing care students attending the last study year at five different healthcare/health sciences faculties in Slovenia and to employers (healthcare institutions) where the majority of nursing care graduates finds employment. We examined the level of competence achieved by nursing students and the level of competences required by employers. The sample included a total of 485 students. 194 surveys were returned, which represent a 40 percent response. We used Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for each individual joined competence. Further, we compared employability skills of students and employers with Mann-Whitney and Wilcox rank-sum test. For correlation between two variables we used Spearman correlation analysis.
Results: The Mann-Whitney and Wilkson Rank test show that employers generally assess competences with a higher average grade in comparison to students and these differences are statistically significant. By applying the Spearman correlation analysis, we established that a statistically significant weak correlation may be observed between the "average grade" and "competences" variables.
Discussion and conclusion: Our findings show that a continuous monitoring of general and subject-specific competences gained by students, along with a periodic verification of competences demanded by employers, is necessary. It is very important to monitor the requirements of the labour market in terms of ongoing communication with employers who can best estimate special knowledge needs.
In: OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, Band 6, Heft 2
ISSN: 1091-3734
At the beginning of the 21st century, the familiar biomedical health care "culture" must accommodate not only persons from diverse cultures, but also diverse systems of care. For perhaps the first time in over a century, biomedicine must accommodate others rather than require them to assimilate into its "culture." This fundamental shift requires nurses to move quickly to develop cultural competency as individuals and to provide leadership for this system-wide change. Such competence is important when using complementary and alternative modalities. This article addresses America's experience with diversity and its legacy in today's health indicators; it explores cultural competency and its achievement at the individual and system levels; and it discusses the use of complementary and alternative treatments that are a part of this health care "revolution." Nurses are challenged to shape this reform as did the founder of modern nursing 150 years ago.
In: Medical care research and review, Band 64, Heft 2_suppl, S. 10S-43S
ISSN: 1552-6801
Concerns about nurse staffing in hospitals, nursing's influence on patient safety and health care outcomes, and nurses' work environment (e.g., equipment failures, documentation burden) have led to increased interest in measuring and reporting nursing's performance. This article reviews recent efforts and issues involved in identifying a set of nursing-sensitive performance measures. Sustaining and strengthening current efforts requires developing measures that address all the domains of nursing, addressing technical issues needed to analyze the impact of nursing on patient safety and health care outcomes, developing data systems that provide the information needed to implement the model system, regularly improving the set of endorsed standards to reflect the most current science and empirical evidence, and persuading all health care stakeholders that measurement and reporting nursing-sensitive standards make a difference in the care and quality that are delivered. Each of these tasks requires substantial development work and construction and maintenance of the infrastructure to sustain the performance measurement efforts.
In: International review of the Red Cross: humanitarian debate, law, policy, action, Band 15, Heft 171, S. 307-309
ISSN: 1607-5889
In: Journal of Nepal Health Research Council, Band 6, Heft 1, S. 42-48
ISSN: 1999-6217
Not uploaded.Key words: Care; Communication; Interpersonal; NursingDOI: 10.3126/jnhrc.v6i1.2443Journal of Nepal Health Research Council Vol. 6, No. 1, Issue 12, April, 2008 Page: 42-48
Cover -- Half Title Page -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Contents -- Preface -- Acknowledgments -- Section I: Introduction to Hospice and Palliative Care -- Chapter 1: Introduction to Palliative Care -- Palliative Care -- Chapter 2: Introduction to Hospice Care -- Hospice Care -- Chapter 3: Prognostication and Prognostic Tools -- Types of Disease Trajectories -- Chapter 4: Establishing Goals of Care -- Establishing Goals of Care -- Section II: Guidelines for End-Stage Cancer -- Chapter 5: Cancers of the Head and Neck -- Brain Cancer -- Esophageal Cancer -- Oral Cancer -- Thyroid Cancer -- Appendix -- Chapter 6: Cancers of the Chest and Abdomen -- Breast Cancer -- Lung Cancer -- Liver Cancer -- Pancreatic Cancer -- Colorectal Cancer -- Renal Cancer -- Bladder Cancer -- Stomach Cancer -- Appendix -- Chapter 7: Cancers of the Reproductive System -- Cervical Cancer -- Ovarian Cancer -- Uterine Cancer -- Penile Cancer -- Prostate Cancer -- Testicular Cancer -- Appendix -- Chapter 8: Cancers of the Blood, Skin, and Bone -- Bone Cancer -- Melanoma Skin Cancer -- Leukemia -- Lymphoma -- Multiple Myeloma -- Squamous Cell Carcinoma -- Appendix -- Section III: NonCancer Diagnoses -- Chapter 9: Cardiac Disease -- Advanced and End-Stage Heart Failure -- Left Heart Failure (Congestive Heart Failure) -- Right Heart Failure (Also Known as Cor Pulmonale) -- Coronary Artery Disease -- Dilated Cardiomyopathy -- Dysrhythmias -- Infective Endocarditis -- Pericardial Effusion -- Rheumatic Heart Disease -- Valvular Heart Disease -- Appendix -- Chapter 10: Dementia -- Alzheimer-Type Dementia -- Frontotemporal Dementia -- Huntington Disease -- Lewy Body Dementia -- Vascular Dementia -- Appendix -- Chapter 11: Hepatic Disorders -- Cirrhosis -- Chronic Viral Hepatitis -- Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease -- Appendix -- Chapter 12: Immunologic Disorders.
Background: Nella realtà sanitaria il processo assistenziale si basa sulla valutazione di priorità, ma può capitare di posticipare alcuni compiti fino al turno successivo, o addirittura di ometterli, a discapito dei ragionevoli principi del caring. A ciò, aggiungendosi anche i profondi cambiamenti demografici, l'aumento dell'onere socioeconomico correlato all'assistenza e le politiche sanitarie di contenimento dei costi, non può che conseguire un ritardo o un'incompletezza nell'erogazione delle cure e degli interventi assistenziali necessari ad ogni paziente. Il termine "cure mancate" (Missed Nursing Care in inglese) rappresenta un indicatore della qualità delle cure offerte ed indica, appunto, qualsiasi aspetto assistenziale omesso, con potenziali danni per il paziente, gli operatori sanitari e la stessa organizzazione. Obiettivi: Il presente elaborato si pone lo scopo di analizzare la letteratura reperibile sul tema delle Missed Nursing Care, declinandola attraverso il modello della scoping review, ovvero della revisione esplorativa; essendo una sintesi prevalentemente qualitativa, l'elaborato ha l'obiettivo di individuare risorse e carenze professionali a livello nazionale ed internazionale, determinare un quadro operativo di riferimento ed interpretare i problemi che potranno sollecitare ulteriori ricerche e opportunità di sviluppo. Materiali e metodi: Dopo la definizione della stringa di ricerca e dei criteri di inclusione del materiale, sono state consultate 5 banche dati (MEDLINE/PubMed, CINAHL Complete, The Cochrane Library, OpenGrey, Grey Literature Report) per la selezione degli studi di pertinenza. Al termine della ricerca sono stati raccolti 38 studi di differenti tipologie, i cui contenuti sono stati analizzati e confrontati all'interno di una tabella, poi inclusi nella discussione. Risultati: Tra le principali cause sono emerse il sempre maggiore carico di lavoro dato dalla complessità dei casi clinici (dovuto alla comorbidità e all'aumentata età materna delle attuali gravidanze) e dall'imprevedibilità nel prevedere le oscillazioni del numero di pazienti in carico al reparto nel tempo. Le problematiche di budget sono risultate la principale causa della cronica carenza di personale, da cui deriva un rapporto sfavorevole tra professionisti e persone assistite. A questi esiti segue, inoltre, la mancata possibilità per gli stessi operatori di focalizzarsi sull'assistenza one to one ed il supporto psicologico al paziente, nonostante siano elementi fondamentali del processo di caring. Conclusioni: Le evidenze emerse dalle opinioni dei professionisti sottolineano una quantità significativa di concause che espongono a rischi la sicurezza del paziente. Nonostante conclusioni simili siano state ottenute da altri studi in precedenza, specialmente in merito ai carenti livelli di staff infermieristico ed ostetrico, occorre sviluppare ulteriori indagini nell'ambito materno infantile, non solo per il numero limitato di studi in merito, ma anche per la natura circoscritta delle ricerche svolte fino ad ora alla realtà statunitense.