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1176 Ergebnisse
In: Journal of Legal Rhetoric and Communication (Forthcoming)
Trabajo presentado a la 10th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research: Social Networks: Making Connections between Citizens, Data and Government, celebrada en Puebla (México) del 17 al 21 de mayo de 2009. ; In this paper we present a new approach to monitor noise pollution involving citizens and built upon the notions of participatory sensing and citizen science. We enable citizens to measure their personal exposure to noise in their everyday environment by using GPS-equipped mobile phones as noise sensors. The geo-localised measures and user-generated meta-data can be automatically sent and shared online with the public to contribute to the collective noise mapping of cities. Our prototype, called NoiseTube, can be found online. ; This work was partially supported by the EU under contract IST- 34721 (TAGora). The TAGora project is funded by the Future and Emerging Technologies program (IST-FET) of the European Commission. Matthias Stevens is a Research Assistant of the Fund for Scientific Research, Flanders (Aspirant van het Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek - Vlaanderen). ; Peer reviewed
In: Handbook of Environmental Engineering 1
I Air Pollution Control -- 1 Introduction to Air Pollution -- 2 Fabric Filtration -- 3 Cyclones -- 4 Electrostatic Precipitation -- 5 Wet Scrubbing -- 6 Atmospheric Dilution -- 7 Ventilation And Air Conditioning -- 8 Other Air Pollution Control Techniques -- II Noise Pollution Control -- 9 Introduction to Noise Pollution -- 10 Noise Control.
In: Habitat international: a journal for the study of human settlements, Band 10, Heft 3, S. 235-244
Working paper
Like many other mega cities of developing countries, noise pollution in Dhaka city of Bangladeshis a big concern. Here noise is produced from different sources like traffic, loudspeaker,people gathering etc. To mitigate the noise pollution in Dhaka city, the governmentof Bangladesh has recently passed a new ordinance and has modified the existing traffic controlrules. However, the condition did not improve as much as expected. Exposure to highlevel noise may cause severe stress on the auditory and nervous system of the city dwellers,particularly the children. The extreme effects e.g. deafness and mental breakdown are alsooccasionally reported. This paper reports the level of noise pollution in Dhaka city. For thispurpose noise levels have been measured at ten major locations of the city from 8 AM to 10PM during the working days. The data have been analyzed to calculate various noise parameterssuch as Leq, and Lnp. It is observed that at all the locations, the level of noise remains farabove the acceptable limit for all the time. Comparison of present results with the existingprevious results shows that noise level in the Dhaka city is increasing day by day. The papersuggests that urgent measures should be taken into consideration to control the level of noisepollution in the city and vulnerable institutions like kinder gardens, schools and hospitalsshould be located far away from the road side. ; QC 20120424
In: Handbook of environmental engineering 2
Never before in the history, has the environment pollution drawn such attention of policymakers, academicians and the court in India. The present concern for preservation and conservation of environment arises from the hazardous impact on the human actions. Human demands are increasing day by day with the growth of population and modernization. For a long time many individuals have accepted noise as a part of their environment. The development of various engines, technological machinery in industries, jet planes, automobiles etc all contributed to increasing noisy environment. Noise is now regarded by many people as a pollution component that contributes to deterioration of the environment. Noise pollution is infect a threat to million that could be as dangerous as the pollution of the atmosphere. The recently intensified effort to save the environment has succeeded impressively in bringing the subject to wide public notice. It has helped to identify problems and arise concern. But it has been deficient in solutions. For very good reason effective steps to save the environment will require a highly expert knowledge of governmental machinery, knowledge of political infighting, knowledge of how tough and enforceable legislation might be written and how such legislation has been systematically enacted. The focus of present day policies is to use emission free technologies to be useful in preserving and conserving precious natural environment.