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29734 Ergebnisse
Cover -- CONTENTS -- TRADE NET MIGRATION AND AGRICULTURE: INTERACTIONS BETWEEN EXTERNALRISKS AND THE NEW ZEALAND ECONOMY -- A. The Interaction of External Risks and Linkages in New Zealand -- B. Spillovers from a Growth Slowdown in China -- C. Spillovers from the Interplay of Net Migration and the Australian Economy -- D. Spillovers to New Zealand's Agriculture Sector -- E. Conclusions -- References -- BOX -- 1. ANZIMF - The Australia-New Zealand Integrated Monetary and Fiscal Model -- FIGURES -- 1. New Zealand's Agricultural Exports -- 2. New Zealand's Services Exports -- 3. Growth Slowdown in China - Outcomes in China -- 4. Growth Slowdown in China - Spillovers to New Zealand -- 5. Growth Slowdown in China - Net Migration Effects in New Zealand -- 6. Growth Slowdown in China with Various New Zealand Policy Options -- 7. Growth Slowdown in China with Fiscal Stimulus in Different Economies -- 8. Growth Slowdown in Australia - Outcomes in Australia -- 9. Growth Slowdown in Australia - Spillovers to New Zealand -- 10. Growth Slowdown in Australia - Net Migration Effects in New Zealand -- 11. Agriculture Sector Risk Scenarios -- TABLE -- 1. Trade Patterns in ANZIMF -- ANNEXES -- I. Key Assumptions Underlying the Simulations -- II. New Zealand's Fiscal Multipliers in ANZIMF -- QUANTIFYING CONSUMPTION-EQUIVALENT WELFARE IN NEW ZEALAND -- References -- FIGURES -- 1. Consumption-Equivalent Welfare vs. Income, 2017 -- 2. New Zealand, Welfare Index in 2017 -- 3. Progress in Welfare Over Time -- TABLES -- 1. Mapping Consumption-Equivalent Welfare (CEWS) Indicators Into Living StandardsFramework (LSF) -- 2. Welfare Indicators, 2017 -- 3. Growth of Welfare, Income, and Components, 2007-2017 -- INTERACTION BETWEEN MONETARY POLICY AND FINANCIAL STABILITY IN NEWZEALAND -- A. Introduction -- B. A Review of the Debate on Monetary Policy and Financial Stability.
In: European journal of political research: official journal of the European Consortium for Political Research, Band 24, Heft 4, S. 505-513
ISSN: 0304-4130
World Affairs Online
Cover -- CONTENTS -- INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT IN NEW ZEALAND: GAPS AND MULTIPLIER EFFECTS -- A. Introduction -- B. A Baseline for the Infrastructure Investment Gap -- C. Benefits from Closing the Infrastructure Investment Gap -- D. Closing the Gap as a Tool for Fiscal Policy -- E. Conclusions -- BOXES -- 1. The Six Step Methodology of the Global Infrastructure Outlook -- 2. ANZIMF - The Australia-New Zealand Integrated Monetary and Fiscal Model -- 3. Choosing the Output Elasticity for the Regions in Need of Development -- FIGURES -- 1. Global Infrastructure Needs versus Trends and Historical Averages -- 2. New Zealand's Infrastructure Needs versus Comparators -- 3. Infrastructure Components for New Zealand -- 4. Infrastructure Investment Gap for New Zealand -- 5. Closing the Baseline Infrastructure Investment Gap by 2040 -- 6. Infrastructure Investment Gaps -- 7. Closing the Gap Earlier -- 8. Average Annual Household Income Growth, 2007-2017 -- 9. Matching Infrastructure Infrastructure Quality in Terms of Real GDP -- TABLES -- 1. Closing the Infrastructure Investment Gap for Regional Development -- 2. Infrastructure Quality Scores -- References -- REVAMPING INFLATION TARGETING IN NEW ZEALAND 30 YEARS AFTER ITS INCEPTION -- A. Introduction -- B. Evolution and Performance of Inflation Targeting in New Zealand -- C. Operationalization of the Dual Mandate -- D. Conclusion -- BOX -- 1. The Specification of the Output/Employment Goal for the Fed and the RBA -- FIGURES -- 1. Dincer-Eichengreen Central Bank Transparency Index -- 2. Inflation and Expected Inflation -- 3. Output Gap in Selected Economies -- 4. Official Cash Rate and Inflation and Output Gap -- 5. Revisions to the Projections in the Monetary Policy Statements -- 6. Anchoring of Inflation Expectations (2015-2018) -- 7. Illustrative Loss Functions (2012-2018) -- TABLES.
In: European journal of political research: official journal of the European Consortium for Political Research, Band 50, Heft 7-8, S. 1077-1083
ISSN: 1475-6765
In: European journal of political research: official journal of the European Consortium for Political Research, Band 38, Heft 3-4, S. 470-480
ISSN: 0304-4130
Provides an overview of politics in New Zealand in 1999, highlighting election results & prominent issues. 5 Tables, 3 References.