Narrative des Wissenstransfers
In: SOCIALIA - Studienreihe Soziologische Forschungsergebnisse, 158
94745 Ergebnisse
In: SOCIALIA - Studienreihe Soziologische Forschungsergebnisse, 158
In: Narrative inquiry: a forum for theoretical, empirical, and methodological work on narrative, Band 8, Heft 2, S. 379-390
ISSN: 1569-9935
In: Narrative inquiry: a forum for theoretical, empirical, and methodological work on narrative, Band 22, Heft 2, S. 267-286
ISSN: 1569-9935
Particular attention has been paid in recent years to the functional embedding of narrative within sociocultural practices (De Fina & Georgakopoulou, 2008) and to the role narrative plays in the construction of identity (Bamberg, 2011). Narrative practices, though, are still equated with narrating activities, with "a form of action, of performance" (Blommaert, 2006) at a given moment in discursive time. This article argues that when narrative is embedded in particularly complex sociocultural practices such as the adversarial trial, it is not sufficient to consider activities of narrating and their immediate discursive environment. For while participants orient to narrative in a context such as the trial, the infrequency of identifiable narrative discourse can give the analytical impression that narrative is peripheral to the overall practice. The model of Narrative Navigation outlined here is the first systematic attempt to make salient the fundamentally dynamic, multifaceted and rhetorical nature of narrative in adversarial jury trial. The model should provide a more holistic picture of narrativity in such contexts and should enhance language-based discourse analytic approaches to narrative.
In: Qualitative Gesundheits- und Pflegeforschung, S. 221-232
Das von Fritz Schütze in den 1970er Jahren vorgestellte Erhebungsinstrument des narrativen Interviews gehört mittlerweile in der Bundesrepublik im Bereich der qualitativen Sozialforschung und insbesondere in der Biographieforschung zu einem der bekanntesten Verfahren. Thematisch sind diesem Verfahren kaum Grenzen gesetzt; so sind im Bereich der Pflegewissenschaften Interviews zu Fragestellungen aus dem pflegerisch-therapeutischen Be-reich ebenso wie aus dem Umfeld der Gesundheitspolitik bzw. des Gesundheitsmanagements vorstellbar. Neben sozialwissenschaftlichen Interviews wird diese Form der Gesprächsführung darüber hinaus mittlerweile auch in Beratungs- und Therapiekontexten eingesetzt (vgl. Loch & Schulze 2002; Rosenthal).
In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte: APuZ, Band 63, Heft 29-31, S. 39-45
ISSN: 2194-3621
"Extremistische Narrative orientieren sich an ideologischen Grundaussagen, konzentrieren sich jedoch gleichzeitig auf konkrete Bezüge. Eine mögliche Gegensteuerung scheint in der Entwicklung von Gegen-Narrativen zu liegen. Diese greifen jedoch nur, wenn sie aus dem gleichen kulturellen Ursprung entwickelt werden." (Autorenreferat)
Blog: Soziopolis. Gesellschaft beobachten
Blog: Soziopolis. Gesellschaft beobachten
Call für Papers für eine Tagung vom 28. bis 30. November 2024 in Hamburg. Deadline: 30. April 2024
In: Journal of aging studies, Band 34, S. 183-189
ISSN: 1879-193X
In: Comparative Law and Anthropology (J.A.R. Nafziger, ed.), Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2017, pp. 304-315; ISBN: 978 1 78195 517 8
Working paper
In: Narrative inquiry: a forum for theoretical, empirical, and methodological work on narrative, Band 22, Heft 1, S. 202-210
ISSN: 1569-9935
This article addresses recent contestations of the role of narrative inquiry in the field of identity analysis and in qualitative inquiry more generally. In contrast to essentializing tendencies in the field of narrative inquiry (which have been contested under the headers of narrative exceptionalism, narrative imperialism, and narrative necessity), I am reiterating my proposal to theorize narrative inquiry as narrative practice (formerly 'small story approach') within which narratives and narrative inquiry present a more modest but thoroughly viable contribution.
In: In. Moreno-Sandoval,A "FINANCIAL NARRATIVE PROCESSING IN SPANISH", Ed. Tirant lo Blanch, 2021
In: Andre , P , Haaland , I , Roth , C & Wohlfart , J 2021 ' Inflation Narratives ' .
We provide evidence on the stories that people tell to explain a historically notable rise in inflation using samples of experts, U.S. households, and managers. We document substantial heterogeneity in narratives about the drivers of higher inflation rates. Experts put more emphasis on demand-side factors, such as fiscal and monetary policy, and on supply chain disruptions. Other supply-side factors, such as labor shortages or increased energy costs, are equally prominent across samples. Households and managers are more likely to tell generic stories related to the pandemic or mismanagement by the government. We also find that households and managers expect the increase in inflation to be more persistent than experts. Moreover, narratives about the drivers of the inflation increase are strongly correlated with beliefs about its persistence. Our findings have implications for understanding macroeconomic expectation formation.
In: Narrative inquiry: a forum for theoretical, empirical, and methodological work on narrative, Band 16, Heft 1, S. 112-121
ISSN: 1569-9935
In various professional fields today, a profusion of practices are inspired by or draw sustenance from narrative inquiry; similarly, narrative inquiry must attend to these practices as they are vital to its future. Ultimately a full fledged dialogue between scholars and practitioners is to be sought. We review three major domains in which narratives are in action: psychotherapy, organizational change, and conflict reduction. We conclude by taking up theoretical issues raised by these practices. Of particular concern are questions of why narratives are effective in social change, and what theoretical orientations are most adequate to the challenge of practice.