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11844 Ergebnisse
Avtori: Abdulmenaf Bedžeti, Branimir Jovanoviḱ, Vancho Uzunov, Gligor Bishev, Dragan Minovski, Dragan Tevdovski, Ivana Vuchkova, Mario Holcner, Mila Carovska, Olimpija Hristova-Zaevska, Sanela Shkrijelj, Stefan Bužarovski. - Skopje : Fondacija Fridrich Ebert, Kancelarija Skopje, 2023. - 69 Seiten = 1,4 MB PDF-File. - (Nauchna studija)Electronic ed.: Skopje : FES, 2023. - Cyrillic script
In: Nação e defesa, Heft 84, S. 13-24
ISSN: 0870-757X
In: Politička revija: časopis za politikologiju, komunikologiju i primenjenu politiku = Political review : magazine for political science, communications and applied politics, Band 19, Heft 1, S. 89-112
ISSN: 1409-9454
After a series of portentous dreams, Richard Moss is drawn to a secluded spot in Ashdown Forest. He witnesses a spacecraft landing and is taken to a distant planet called Terra Nova where inhabitants of Earth migrated 5,125 years ago. Terra Nova is ruled by a ''Great Leader'' named Ezra who oppresses his people. Richard is imprisoned but then rescued by a cosmonaut named Noah and he joins the resistance, forcing Ezra out of power.Richard learns he was brought to Terra Nova to equip him to ret
In: Revista do Serviço Público, Band 70, Heft 3, S. 229-230
ISSN: 2357-8017
O Serviço de Documentação do DASP, na fase em que oraingressa com a nova administração, está empenhado em atingir atodos os objetivos contidos nas diretrizes gerais que nortearam asua criação. Mas não só . A par do prosseguimento de obras e iniciativascuja valia se estampa na simples enunciação, há que mencionar,agora, um esiôrço afincado e atento no sentido de novos,mais amplos empreendimentos. Está nesse caso, para citar umexemplo, a articulação em curso com o National Archives, de Washington,a fim de promover-se a edição de volumes referentes àtécnica geral de arquivos.
Imprint varies: v. 2, Herald Printing House. ; Series not given at head of title of v. 1. ; [v. 1] Selections from the public documents of the province of Nova Scotia. Pub. under a resolution of the House of Assembly passed March 15, 1865. Ed. by T.B. Akins. The translations from the French by B. Curren. 1869.--[v. 2] Nova Scotia archives. II. A calendar of two letter-books and one commission-book in the possession of the government of Nova Scotia, 1713-1741. Ed. by A.M. Macmechan. 1900. ; Mode of access: Internet.
In: Mezinárodní politika: MP, Band 27, Heft 3, S. 3
ISSN: 0543-7962