For decades, the issue of young people who are aged 16 -18 and not in employment, education, or training (NEET) has been a major concern for governments and local authorities. In this paper, a big data perspective is taken to examine the NEET issue in order to highlight factors that are correlated with NEET, the negative consequences and causes of NEET, and potential solutions to NEET. The NEET dataset about the 33 London Boroughs has been considered along with other seven datasets relating to population, crime offences, benefits claimants, median property price, active businesses, immigrants, and conception under 18. All the datasets are public-accessible and comprise a data collection of the same period of time from 2009 to 2013. Each of them represents a particular measure. Hierarchical variable clustering, k-means clustering, and correlation analysis have been conducted using SAS Enterprise Miner and Tableau in this work. These tools enable us to analyse the problem in a multi-dimensional, hierarchical, integrated, and longitudinal way. The research has demonstrated that a) The NEET issue is much more severe in outer London than in inner London; b) The main factors correlated with NEET vary from inner London to outer London; c) Each of the measures considered has a certain correlation strength with the NEET rate, and amongst them, median property price is a simple and seemingly accurate indicator of areas likely to suffer from NEET and thus to take appropriate precautions in order to reduce the likelihood of further increases in NEET; and d) The London Boroughs can be grouped based on similarities in terms of a set of given measures, and the memberships of the groups remain stable.
The paper presents the results of qualitative field research about the phenomenon of NEETs - Not (engaged) in Education, Employment or Training - investigated with the constructivist Grounded Theory methodology. The research, which involved 82 young people aged between 18 and 24 years, began in November 2015 and ended with the analysis of data collected in December 2018. In line with the methodological indications of the constructivist Grounded Theory (GT) (Charmaz, 2000, 2006, 2014), field research was immediately accompanied by open coding, using all that was useful for saturation of the categories.The constant critical reflection, conducted throughout the process of my research, has led to detect and define 3 core categories that are fundamental to the definition of a substantive theory. The permanent orientation emerges as a social need because it promotes and increases the psychological well-being of NEETs. The comparison between the "initial" questions of research and the 3 core categories, conceptually valid, allowed me to start the process of focusing and analyzing the possible correlations. Correlations capable of supporting a scientifically strong definition, for the proposal of a substantive theory, emerging from the three initial questions of the research.1. How do you "selfassess" NEETs with respect to the world of work? Psychological area: to understand the characteristics of the NEET individual. How to contribute to its identity awareness about operating (occupying and acting) a role. To train him/her to reflect on his/her own interests, in accordance with his/her own authentic purposeful Self (Di Fabio, 2014). The question aims to understand how:a) to increase the capacity to make choices (Self confidence in decision making);b) to make them feel/perceive that they are ready (Self efficacy and Self capability);c) to raise the skills to manage problems (Self-empowerment and problem solving).2. How do NEETs live their "condition"? Psychosociological area: to investigate the context and environment of NEETs' life. The answers to this question must allow them to understand what they are, first and foremost:a) the causes to which they attribute their current NEET situation (external/internal);b) the roads they would like to take to move towards work (Self orientation);c) their thoughts and attitudes towards current social policies (active/passive).3. How do you represent the labour market? Sociopsychological area: relationship aspect; ability to stay in relationships. In the answers you want to understand:a) what they thought when they were at school in the world of work (imagination about their own future);b) how their thoughts on the world of work are today compared to those years (alignment to their own reality).c) what knowledge, what information they possess of the working possibilities of their territory (awareness of employment opportunities). Keywords: NEETs, Self-empowerment, purposeful Self, Self orientation, resiliency, decision making. Abstract in italiano Il documento presenta i risultati della ricerca sul campo qualitativa sul fenomeno dei NEET - Non (impegnati) nell'istruzione, nell'occupazione o nella formazione - indagati con la metodologia costruttivista della Grounded Theory. La ricerca, che ha coinvolto 82 giovani di età compresa tra 18 e 24 anni, è iniziata a novembre 2015 e si è conclusa con l'analisi dei dati raccolti a dicembre 2018. In linea con le indicazioni metodologiche della Grounded Theory (Charmaz, 2000, 2006, 2014), la ricerca sul campo è stata immediatamente accompagnata da una codifica aperta, utilizzando tutto ciò che è stato utile per la saturazione delle categorie.La costante riflessione critica, condotta durante tutto il processo della mia ricerca, ha portato a rilevare e definire 3 categorie fondamentali che sono fondamentali per la definizione di una teoria sostanziale. L'orientamento permanente emerge come un'esigenza sociale perché promuove e aumenta il benessere psicologico dei NEET. Il confronto tra le domande "iniziali" della ricerca e le 3 categorie fondamentali, concettualmente valide, mi ha permesso di iniziare il processo di focalizzazione e analisi delle possibili correlazioni. Correlazioni in grado di supportare una definizione scientificamente forte, per la proposta di una teoria sostanziale, che emerge dalle tre domande iniziali della ricerca.1. In che modo NEET "selfassess" rispetto al mondo del lavoro? Area psicologica: comprendere le caratteristiche dell'individuo NEET. Come contribuire alla consapevolezza dell'identità sull'operare (occupare e recitare) un ruolo. Formarlo per riflettere sui propri interessi, in accordo con il proprio Sé autentico e propositivo (Di Fabio, 2014). La domanda mira a capire come:a) aumentare la capacità di fare delle scelte (fiducia in se stessi nel processo decisionale);b) farli sentire / percepire di essere pronti (autoefficacia e capacità di auto);c) aumentare le competenze per gestire i problemi (auto-responsabilizzazione e risoluzione dei problemi).2. In che modo i NEET vivono la loro "condizione"? Area psicosociologica: indagare il contesto e l'ambiente della vita dei NEET. Le risposte a questa domanda devono consentire loro di capire cosa sono, innanzitutto:a) le cause alle quali attribuiscono la loro attuale situazione NEET (esterna / interna);b) le strade che vorrebbero percorrere per spostarsi verso il lavoro (orientamento personale);c) i loro pensieri e atteggiamenti nei confronti delle attuali politiche sociali (attivo / passivo).3. Come rappresenti il mercato del lavoro? Area socio-psicologica: aspetto relazionale; capacità di rimanere in relazione. Nelle risposte che vuoi capire:a) cosa hanno pensato quando erano a scuola nel mondo del lavoro (immaginazione per il proprio futuro);b) come sono oggi i loro pensieri sul mondo del lavoro rispetto a quegli anni (allineamento alla propria realtà).c) quali conoscenze, quali informazioni possiedono delle possibilità di lavoro del loro territorio (consapevolezza delle opportunità di lavoro). Parole chiave:NEETs, orientamento, resilienza, Self efficacy, decision making, Self empowerment, Self orientation. ; The paper presents the results of qualitative field research about the phenomenon of NEETs - Not (engaged) in Education, Employment or Training - investigated with the constructivist Grounded Theory methodology. The research, which involved 82 young people aged between 18 and 24 years, began in November 2015 and ended with the analysis of data collected in December 2018. In line with the methodological indications of the constructivist Grounded Theory (GT) (Charmaz, 2000, 2006, 2014), field research was immediately accompanied by open coding, using all that was useful for saturation of the categories.The constant critical reflection, conducted throughout the process of my research, has led to detect and define 3 core categories that are fundamental to the definition of a substantive theory. The permanent orientation emerges as a social need because it promotes and increases the psychological well-being of NEETs. The comparison between the "initial" questions of research and the 3 core categories, conceptually valid, allowed me to start the process of focusing and analyzing the possible correlations. Correlations capable of supporting a scientifically strong definition, for the proposal of a substantive theory, emerging from the three initial questions of the research.1. How do you "selfassess" NEETs with respect to the world of work? Psychological area: to understand the characteristics of the NEET individual. How to contribute to its identity awareness about operating (occupying and acting) a role. To train him/her to reflect on his/her own interests, in accordance with his/her own authentic purposeful Self (Di Fabio, 2014). The question aims to understand how:a) to increase the capacity to make choices (Self confidence in decision making);b) to make them feel/perceive that they are ready (Self efficacy and Self capability);c) to raise the skills to manage problems (Self-empowerment and problem solving).2. How do NEETs live their "condition"? Psychosociological area: to investigate the context and environment of NEETs' life. The answers to this question must allow them to understand what they are, first and foremost:a) the causes to which they attribute their current NEET situation (external/internal);b) the roads they would like to take to move towards work (Self orientation);c) their thoughts and attitudes towards current social policies (active/passive).3. How do you represent the labour market? Sociopsychological area: relationship aspect; ability to stay in relationships. In the answers you want to understand:a) what they thought when they were at school in the world of work (imagination about their own future);b) how their thoughts on the world of work are today compared to those years (alignment to their own reality).c) what knowledge, what information they possess of the working possibilities of their territory (awareness of employment opportunities). Keywords: NEETs, Self-empowerment, purposeful Self, Self orientation, resiliency, decision making.
In: Sinappsi: connessioni tra ricerca e politiche pubbliche : rivista quadrimestrale dell'Istituto nazionale per l'analisi delle politiche pubbliche, Band 13, Heft 1, S. 68-87
In recent years the number of NEETs has been rising alarmingly and profiling the most fragile individuals among youths can prompt more effective policies. We analyse the trajectories of European NEETs in the decade after the financial crisis, linking the trajectories to precrisis structural features of the countries. Using the EU-SILC to identify patterns in the NEET condition, we estimate a multilevel model to assess the impact of macro-variables on them. The main results show the effect of family support policies, training, labour market flexibilization and economic growth in decreasing the probability of being NEET for a long period of time.
The world stands on the brink of a fourth industrial revolution, where dramatic changes in technological advancements will have profound impacts on the future employment landscape and skill requirements. This means that engaging in lifelong learning -be it at school or at work-to anticipate and prepare for future labour market demands is of paramount importance. In this context, the presence of a large population of youth not in education, employment, or training (NEETs) is a major cause for concern. Neets consist of both the unemployed-those without work but actively looking for work-and inactive youth outside the labour force, both groups of who also do not engage in any educational or training activity.
This study investigates the connection between the reasons why some young people end their education without attaining a university degree and the effect of this decision on the probability of becoming a NEET in a set of European countries. Young people face the highest degree of disadvantage in the Mediterranean and East European countries, whereas in Continental European countries the school-to-work transition is smooth. We use the ad hoc module of the 2016 Labour Force Survey (LFS) and focus on young people aged 15 to 24. Our analysis reveals a positive relationship between the decision to drop out of education for health or family reasons and the probability of becoming a NEET. Conversely, when the reason for not completing university education is the desire to start working, and when the individuals who dropped out of university education gathered work experience during this period, the probability of becoming a NEET decreases significantly.
The aim of the article is to compare a NEET rate in EU-28 countries based on the most recent Eurostat statistical studies, and to solve a research problem concerning the situation of youth on the job market through answering a research question how did the NEETs situation change in the period under question which is 2008–2018. An increase of the negative trend of high unemployment among young people is constant, therefore it seems justified for the analysis to cover the period of ten years, which assumingly allows for the more complex assessment of the investigated issue. The analysis is supplemented by the case study of Netherlands which has the lowest NEET rate and as such stands as the example for the other European countries to follow. ; Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie zróżnicowania wskaźnika NEET wśród państw UE-28 na podstawie najnowszych badań statystycznych Eurostatu. Analiza obejmuje przedział czasowy od roku 2008, jako okresu pokryzysowego, aż do roku 2018. Efektem realizacji celu pracy powinna być odpowiedź na pytanie, jak zmieniła się sytuacja NEETs na przestrzeni dekady. Problem badawczy w niniejszym artykule dotyczy przede wszystkim sytuacji młodych ludzi na rynku pracy UE. W związku z utrzymującym się negatywnym trendem wysokiego bezrobocia wśród młodzieży, wydaje się być uzasadnione przeanalizowanie go z perspektywy dziesięcioletniej, która pozwala na bardziej kompleksową ocenę zagadnienia. Analiza zostanie uzupełniona o badanie dotyczące tego, w jaki sposób z problemem radzi sobie Holandia, czyli państwo, które od lat notuje najniższe wskaźniki NEETs i dla wielu innych członków UE pozostaje wzorem do naśladowania.
The aim of the article is to compare a NEET rate in EU-28 countries based on the most recent Eurostat statistical studies, and to solve a research problem concerning the situation of youth on the job market through answering a research question how did the NEETs situation change in the period under question which is 2008–2018. An increase of the negative trend of high unemployment among young people is constant, therefore it seems justified for the analysis to cover the period of ten years, which assumingly allows for the more complex assessment of the investigated issue. The analysis is supplemented by the case study of Netherlands which has the lowest NEET rate and as such stands as the example for the other European countries to follow. ; Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie zróżnicowania wskaźnika NEET wśród państw UE-28 na podstawie najnowszych badań statystycznych Eurostatu. Analiza obejmuje przedział czasowy od roku 2008, jako okresu pokryzysowego, aż do roku 2018. Efektem realizacji celu pracy powinna być odpowiedź na pytanie, jak zmieniła się sytuacja NEETs na przestrzeni dekady. Problem badawczy w niniejszym artykule dotyczy przede wszystkim sytuacji młodych ludzi na rynku pracy UE. W związku z utrzymującym się negatywnym trendem wysokiego bezrobocia wśród młodzieży, wydaje się być uzasadnione przeanalizowanie go z perspektywy dziesięcioletniej, która pozwala na bardziej kompleksową ocenę zagadnienia. Analiza zostanie uzupełniona o badanie dotyczące tego, w jaki sposób z problemem radzi sobie Holandia, czyli państwo, które od lat notuje najniższe wskaźniki NEETs i dla wielu innych członków UE pozostaje wzorem do naśladowania.
This article refers to the results of research that was conducted on the eve of the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland, shortly before the first confirmed laboratory case was registered. The research was carried out with 240 people who dealt daily with youth, including NEETs activation, through work or volunteering in various types of institutions (public, NGO, and private). The results allowed us to back upthe hypothesis that people who deal with NEET youth support on a daily basis value traditional methods of professional activation more than digital methods. The analysis also answered the question of which demo-social variables among the respondents had an impact on their assessment of the methods used for professional activation. The variables that were found to significantly differentiate the respondents' assessments included gender, education, place of residence, the type of institution in which the respondents worked, and the age range of the respondents.
The aim of the article is to compare a NEET rate in EU-28 countries based on the most recent Eurostat statistical studies, and to solve a research problem concerning the situation of youth on the job market through answering a research question how did the NEETs situation change in the period under question which is 2008–2018. An increase of the negative trend of high unemployment among young people is constant, therefore it seems justified for the analysis to cover the period of ten years, which assumingly allows for the more complex assessment of the investigated issue. The analysis is supplemented by the case study of Netherlands which has the lowest NEET rate and as such stands as the example for the other European countries to follow.
This article examines the capability of various welfare states to mitigate youth vulnerability, operationalized as a low NEET rate. It aims to complement existing empirical knowledge with a novel set of indicators and Europe-wide configurational comparison of youth welfare regimes. A QCA-based analysis of 26 European countries revealed two routes with different sets of compensatory and social investment policies that lead to the effective mitigation of the NEET rate. The study confirmed that generous social benefits for young unemployed people are a crucial element in every 'route' to keep the NEET rate low. Beyond this compensatory measure, successful policy configurations revealed the growing convergence of skills regimes in the pursuit of inclusive education policy design. We also found evidence that in mitigating youth vulnerabilities, housing support to young adults can compensate for active labour market policy measures. These findings have implications for policymakers who must take a holistic approach in devising policies and being mindful of the interplay between different policies. The study also provides insights into contemporary dynamics of the youth welfare regimes by making associations with growth regimes and housing regimes.
Being not in employment, education, or training (NEET) can undermine young people's future employment and earnings prospects, leading to lasting economic disadvantage. Being NEET can also have adverse social consequences, such as depression, weaker social engagement, and possibly deviant behavior. These outcomes come at a great cost to the economy and society. This study aims to address four research questions: (1) what are the dropout points of learners across the education continuum; (2) how are NEET computed and monitored across government agencies; (3) how many NEET are potential TVET learners; (4) what barriers do NEET face in pursuing further training. The study used a range of research strategies, such as document review, primary and secondary data analysis, and in-depth interviews with national government offices with programs for youth. The study finds that NEET is still an emerging concept in the Philippines. However, given the large number of youth NEET in the Philippines, and the social and economic implications of this, more attention needs to be directed toward youth NEET and the issues faced by this cohort. First, there is a need to adopt a standard definition of NEET and promote the concept as an important cohort that needs attention from government and nongovernment programs. Second, there should be more comprehensive coverage of people in technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in official statistics to understand the demand for TVET better. Resolving issues in the definition of training participation in official statistics would provide a more comprehensive picture of TVET participation and lead to a more accurate measurement of NEET in the country. Third, more in-depth studies should be conducted to identify other important determinants of being NEET. This will help find effective levers of drawing out the NEET into either learning a trade and/or being productively employed. Fourth, given the high proportion of inactivity among female youth observed, further inquiry into the ...
This study explores the role of the welfare state in reducing young people not being in education, employment, or training (NEET)s across 15 European countries. Using data from the Survey of Adult Skills in the Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) in combination with the Social Expenditure Database, we conducted cross-national analysis to reveal whether the increase in public social spending moderates the risk of being NEET at a young adult age, especially for socially disadvantaged young people. Our results highlighted that the rise of one percentage point of public social spending per gross domestic product, including social expenditure on education, active labor market, and unemployment, is significantly associated with decreasing the odds of being NEET. Furthermore, these social expenditures appeared to lower the NEET risk given socially disadvantaged backgrounds suggesting that young people with low educational levels, whose parents have low educational attainment levels, non-immigrant families, and females are likely to benefit given the robust social protection system. These findings suggest that public social spending may be an effective investment in promoting the social involvement of young people from socially disadvantaged background.
Not in Education, Employment, or Training (NEET) and its Spanish equivalent 'nini' (Ni estudia, Ni trabaja) have dominated youth policy discourses in recent years. Within the European Union, Spain is one of the countries with the highest proportion of young people in NEET situations. In this article, it is argued that the idea of NEET has been weaponised to stigmatise youth, by evoking the phantom of a demotivated young person with scarce training. This stigmatisation has little to do with the reality of many young Spaniards who can find themselves in different situations, such as unemployment, precarious employment, training and education in a matter of days. Thus, there is a need to consider the different experiences and structural circumstances of so-called NEETs rather than viewing them as a homogenous and static group. Using documentary analysis and secondary data, this article examines the diversity of NEET situations for the youth in Spain, which is generally not captured in large national statistics data-sets and policies. Furthermore, it analyses the EU Youth Guarantee and its application in Spain, highlighting where official objectives have not been met, and includes an overview of the current effects of the coronavirus crisis. Ultimately, the paper shows that public discourses centred on an artificially created social group (NEET) legitimise and produce policies that do not respond to young people's actual needs and problems, especially for the most vulnerable among them.