515 Ergebnisse
Discovery: The Use of the N9/PFF2/KF94 Filter Mask by 100% of the South Korean Herd Has Saved Thousands of Lives on COVID-19
Working paper
Zur Wirtschaftskraft deutscher Regionen aus langfristiger Perspektive: Alte Muster werden in Ostdeutschland langsam wieder sichtbar
Kann der Osten Deutschlands in Zukunft noch wesentlich aufholen, oder haben die 40 Jahre Zentralplanwirtschaft dauerhafte Spuren in der Raumstruktur der deutschen Volkswirtschaft hinterlassen? Dieser Beitrag vergleicht die Raumstruktur der deutschen Volkswirtschaft im Jahr 1925, vor den politischen Umbrüchen des 20. Jahrhunderts, mit ihrer Entwicklung nach der Vereinigung. Es zeigen sich folgende Punkte: Gewinner der historischen Umbrüche war eher Süd- als Westdeutschland. Berlin konnte sein Hauptstadt-Potenzial lange nicht ausspielen, beginnt dies aber nun nachzuholen. Die Wirtschaftskraft ostdeutscher Flächenländer war 1925 breit gestreut und dabei teils höher, teils niedriger als die Deutschlands. Seit 1990 ist sie dagegen viel niedriger als im gesamtdeutschen Durchschnitt und liegt eng beieinander. Zwar holten die ostdeutschen Flächenländer in den Jahren nach 1990 zügig auf, nach dem Jahr 2000 aber nur noch langsam. Die Streuung nimmt erst seit 2010 wieder ein wenig zu. Aus historischer Perspektive sehen manche Tendenzen, etwa der Berlin-Boom und die höhere Wachstumsdynamik in Sachsen, wie eine Normalisierung aus, die sich mit einiger Wahrscheinlichkeit fortsetzen dürfte.
Decentralization, social capital and regional convergence
By studying the interaction between social capital and decentralization, we show that political decentralization can be a source of divergence across heterogeneous regions. In particular, we claim that since the local endowments of social capital display their effect on the economy mainly through the functioning of local institutions, decentralization enhances (hampers) growth wherever social capital is high (low). We define our hypothesis within a growth model with public capital, and use the North-South divide in Italy to assess the quantitative plausibility of our model. A calibration exercise shows that it accounts for the major swings in the Italian regional divide since 1861.
Fifty shades of state: Quantifying housing market regulations in Germany
The paper aims at measuring the rental housing market regulations in Germany between 1913 and 2015. Four classes of housing policy are considered: Rent controls, tenant protection, rationing of housing, and fostering of social housing. Based on a thorough analysis of federal and regional legislation, for each class, an index is constructed, increasing in degree of regulation. The average of class-specific indices make up a composite index. The index reflects dramatic increases in regulations during and immediately after the World Wars. Likewise, the 2010s are characterized by a surge in virtually all classes of regulations in Germany related to the growing housing scarcity in large cities due to intra- and international migration leading to a geographical mismatch between housing supply and demand.
Aid and conflict at the subnational level: Evidence from World Bank and Chinese development projects in Africa
Using geo-referenced data on development projects by the World Bank and China, we provide a comprehensive analysis of the effect of aid on conflict using fixed effects and instrumental variables strategies. The results show that aid projects seem to reduce rather than fuel conflict, on average. Our analysis suggests that this is driven by projects in the transport and financial sectors, and through less lethal violence by governments against civilians. There are no clear differences based on ethnic fractionalization and government affiliation of a region, but some indications of spill-overs to other regions. We also find no increased likelihood of demonstrations, strikes or riots, but a higher likelihood of non-lethal government repression in areas where China is active.
The Effect of the Spanish Reconquest on Iberian Cities
This paper studies the effect of the Spanish Reconquest, a military campaign that aimed to expel the Muslims from the Iberian Peninsula, on the population of its most important cities. The almost four centuries of Reconquest offer a "quasi-natural" experiment to study the persistence of population shocks at the city level. Using a generalized difference in differences approach, we find that the Reconquest had an average significant negative effect on the relative population of the main Iberian cities even after controlling for a large set of country and city-specific geographical and economic indicators, as well as city-specific time trends. Nevertheless, our results show that this negative shock was short-lived, vanishing within the first one hundred years after the onset of the Reconquest. These results can be interpreted as weak evidence on the negative effect that war and conflict have on urban primacy. They also suggest that the locational fundamentals that determined the relative size of Iberian cities before the Reconquest were more important determinants of the fate of these cities than the direct negative impact that the Reconquest had on their population.
Market break or simply fake? Empirics on the causal effects of rent controls in Germany
In: Series: DIW Discussion Papers
In: No. 1584
In: gbv-ppn:860849295
In: RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp1584
Rising rents in German cities have led to an intense debate about the need for tighter rent controls in housing markets. In April 2015, the so-called rental brake was introduced, which imposes upper bounds for rents in new contracts, in order to immediately slow down the increase of rents in tight housing markets. Since then, 11 federal states made use of this instrument. We take advantage of this intra-country variation and test whether the regulation had a causal effect on rents and house prices in the short run. We apply a standard difference-in-differences setup that allows us to study the effects of the rental brake on the underlying price trend in neighboring treated and non-treated postal-code districts. We ground our analysis on a large sample of online advertised rental dwellings and find that, contrary to the expectations of the policy makers, the rental brake has, at best, no impact in the short run. At worst, it even accelerates rent increases both in municipalities subject to the rental brake and in neighboring areas. We further conclude, based on our estimates on the development of at prices, that investors expect on little impact on future rental income.
Remuneração especial para servidores especializados
In: Revista do Serviço Público, Band 87, Heft 1-2, S. 5-7
ISSN: 2357-8017
É o Departamento Administrativo do Serviço Público o órgão supervisor da administração pública, e, como tal, um setor especializado do Poder Público, exercendo suas atribuições no âmbito da Presidência da República, de acordo com o Decreto-lei n9 8.323-A, de 7 de dezembro de 1945, e com o Decreto n9 41.955, de 3 de agosto de 1957, que é seu Regimento.
Lettres champenoises, ou Correspondance politique, morale et littéraire, adressée à Mme de ***, à Arcis-sur-Aube
1820 ; 1820 (N9,T1). ; Appartient à l'ensemble documentaire : ChArdenn1
Fraternité : action féministe : éducation morale, civique, politique, sociale / dir. Mme Billot-Thulard
octobre 1935 ; 1935/10 (N9). ; Appartient à l'ensemble documentaire : PaysLoir1
Le Journal de Chabanais : politique et agricole paraissant les 1er et 3e dimanches de chaque mois
août 1924 ; 1924/08 (N9). ; Appartient à l'ensemble documentaire : PoitouCh1
Le Journal de Chabanais : politique et agricole paraissant les 1er et 3e dimanches de chaque mois
août 1923 ; 1923/08 (N9). ; Appartient à l'ensemble documentaire : PoitouCh1
La Renaissance : politique, littéraire et artistique / dir. Henry Lapauze
septembre 1918 ; 1918/09 (N9). ; Appartient à l'ensemble documentaire : Pam1