Spašavanje ljudskih života na moru
In: Journal of Maritime & Transportation Science, Band 49-50, Heft 1, S. 379-384
75 Ergebnisse
In: Journal of Maritime & Transportation Science, Band 49-50, Heft 1, S. 379-384
In: Alternatives Économiques, Band 304, Heft 7, S. 64-64
In: Hommes & migrations, Band 1105, Heft 1, S. 35-39
In: Istorija 20. veka, Band 35, Heft 2/2017, S. 59-70
ISSN: 2560-3647
In: Labour / Le Travail, Band 21, S. 258
In: Productions Animales 3 (17), 177-182. (2004)
Le terme domestication possède un sens législatif, attribuable à des espèces qui ont fait l'objet de pressions de sélection, mais aussi un sens littéraire, prenant en compte le temps depuis lequel l'espèce vit auprès de l'homme et la possibilité de contrôler sa reproduction. Selon le premier sens de ce terme, aucune des deux espèces de gadidés qui font l'objet de cet article, la morue et le lieu jaune, ne peut être considérée comme domestique. D'un point de vue littéraire, les travaux de recherche menés depuis 140 ans sur la morue et le contrôle fin de sa reproduction accordent à cette espèce le statut de domestique. C'est plus difficilement le cas du lieu jaune chez lequel les travaux ont débuté il y a dix ans et dont la reproduction est encore mal maîtrisée. Les faibles différences observées entre les performances de morues d'élevage et sauvages mettent en évidence l'impact encore limité de ce processus chez cette espèce. Grâce à l'intérêt porté à son élevage dans le nord de l'Europe et de l'Amérique, des techniques d'aquaculture mais également des programmes de sélection devraient être disponibles, facilitant l'accession de la morue au statut de domestique, tel que l'entend le législateur. ; The term "domestication" has a legislative meaning when it applies to species submitted to selection pressures, but also a literary one, according to the time since which the species live closed to men and the possibility of controlling their reproduction. In terms of legislation, none of both species of gadids object of this article, cod and pollack, can be considered as domestic. From a literary point of view, 140 years of research and the control of the reproduction, give to the cod a domestic status. It is not the case with pollack, only studied since ten years and the reproduction of which is still badly controlled. The weak differences observed between the performances of breeding and wild cods focuse the still limited impact of the domestication on this species. Thanks to its aquacultare development in the North Europe and America, fish farming techniques as well as selection programs should be available, facilitating the cod to reach a domestic status such as considered by the legislator.
Morsko razgraničenje u uvjetima poluzatvorenog mora poput Jadrana uvijek je složeno pitanje. Prvi bilateralni sporazum o granici na moru u Jadranskome moru postignut je već u prvoj etapi u povijesti morskoga razgraničenja, no nakon političkih promjena u početku 1990-ih i povećanja broja obalnih država, potencijalni sustav morskih granica postao je još složeniji nego dotad. U izlaganju se daje pregled razvitka sustava morskih granica, naglašavaju se postojeći granični sporovi te naposljetku vrednuju i mogućnosti rješenja spornih točaka, pod pretpostavkom da sređen sustav morskih granica pridonosi općoj regionalnoj stabilnosti. ; The delimitation of maritime boundaries in semi-closed seas such as Adriatic is always a complex issue. The first bilateral maritime boundary agreement in the Adriatic Sea was reached at an early stage in the history of maritime delimitation, but potential offshore boundary system became more complicated following political changes in the 1990's and increase in the number of coastal states. This paper provides an overview of the development of maritime boundary system in the Adriatic, highlights disputes and remaining problems and evaluates potential solutions to disputes, claiming that completion of maritime boundary system should enhance regional stability.
In: Histoire des grandes entreprises 6
In: Međunarodni problemi: Meždunarodnye problemy, Band 61, Heft 1-2, S. 74-91
ISSN: 0025-8555
World Affairs Online
Main topics: Municipal legislation, bilateral treaties on delimitation and participation in multilateral conventions on the law of the sea, by the former Yugoslav Federation and other coastal States in the Adriatic at the ''critical date''. Developments in Croatia and other coastal states after 1991. The principle of uti possidetis in its various aspects as a basis to the settlement of territorial disputes on land and maritime areas. The author emphasizes the problems and claims raised in maritime delimitation of Croatia with Slovenia, Italy, Bosnia-Herzegovina and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro).
Knjiga je nastala na temelju rukopisa njezina zapovjednika kapetana bojnog broda Andre Vrkljana. Vrkljanov "ratni dnevnik" nastao je tijekom 70-ih i 80-ih godina 20. stoljeća na temelju sjećanja, zabilješki, istraživanja i dopisivanja s nekadašnjim legionarima. Poslije napada nacističke Njemačke na Sovjetski Savez 22. lipnja 1941, u borbe na Istoku uključila se i Nezavisna Država Hrvatska. Iako nije službeno navijestio rat Sovjetskom Savezu, poglavnik NDH Ante Pavelić na istočno je bojište uputio dobrovoljačke postrojbe okupljene pod zajedničkim imenom Hrvatska legija. Time su se priključili brojnim postrojbama koje su njemački saveznici ili okupirane europske zemlje slale kao pomoć u Hitlerovom pohodu protiv boljševizma, kako ga je tumačila nacistička propaganda
In: Pomorska biblioteka 7
ABSTRACT This study aims to:, 1) To find out how the role of extension agents in the development of conservation agriculture in Kelurahan Moru. 2) To find out the obstacles faced by AEW in implementing conservation agriculture. Data collect by using survey method, observation and literature review. The 38 respondents were chosen by using simple random sampling technique. The results showed that: The role of extension agents in the development of conservation agriculture in Moru sub-urban was categorized as expected with an average score of 3.81 or 76.28%. The constraints faced by farmers in the research location were the lack of supporting facilities in the field. Suggestions are the government should support farmers in running conservation agriculture by providing with training farmers about bokashi facilities and also other facilities ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk ; 1) Mengetahui bagaimana peranan penyuluh dalam pengembangan pertanian konservasi di Kelurahan Moru. 2) Untuk mengetahui kendala-kendala apa saja yang dihadapi penyuluh dalam melaksanakan pertanian konservasi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode survey dan observasi serta studi kepustakaan. Penentuan sampel menggunakan metode acak sederhana (simple random sampling) sebanyak 38 responden. Untuk menjawab tujuan pertama dilakukan analisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif dan untuk menjawab tujuan kedua digunakan metode analisis secara kuantitatif dengan cara meberikan narasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: peranan penyuluh dalam pengembangan pertanian konservasi di Kelurahan Moru, dikategorikan sudah sesuai harapan degan rata-rata skor yang 3,81 atau 76,2%. Kendala-kendala yang dihadapi oleh penyuluh di lokasi penelitian yaitu kurangnya fasilitas bahan-bahan praktek dilapangan yang menunjang. Disarankan kepada pemerintah dan pihak terkait, agar terus mengembangkan pertanian konservasi serta membantu petani dalam pembuatan bubuk bokashi dan menambah fasilitas lainnya dilapangan agar pertanian konservasi ini terus terus berkembang.
The Elohist tradition is a collection of writings which play an important role in the making of the books of Tentrateuch. This tradition was created in the northern region during the social revolution of the northern kingdom of Israel under the new government led by Jerobeam I. Based on the background, this article is written to give a whole understanding about both concept and context of Elohist tradition through qualitative research by using hermeneutics approach and literature study. This article is systematically and comprehensively explaining about the connection between Elohist tradition with the effort to succeed and legitimize the power of elites in Northern Kingdom of Israel. This article also describes the reality that Elohist tradition is a kind of product which stresses the intimate connection between religion traditions with the social-political conditions in the Northern Kingdom of Israel in 930 until 722 B.C. Based on this concept, the Elohist traditon is written with the main major is related with social-religious propaganda either in the global and local diplomatic context.