In the future economic system, as suggested by TOP Tax system, that total money supply (real money and debt money/loan money) to be necessary for circulation in banks should be at the minimum level of 100% and at maximum level 110% of the value of GDP of the country. Out of this total money supply in the economic system, 99.7% of the money will be in dematerialised (non physical) form in the accounts of citizens, Governments and companies. Only small portion of money, equalling just 0.3% of the total money in the economic system, will be in physical form i.e. currency notes or coins. All high valued paper currency notes will be demonetised. This record was migrated from the OpenDepot repository service in June, 2017 before shutting down.
The aim of this paper is to clarify the role of money supply as the most important target of the classical monetary policy for the price stability, infl ation and economic growth. The theory of monetary policy was developed by observing the money supply. The simple relationship of the monetary policy including all instruments, targets and goals contains a huge number of empirical models which express relationship between money supply and demand, interest rates and asset prices. Accepting all determinations about regulation of money supply including the theory of quantity of money, money supply is described as supplementary function of inflation, interest rate, wealth, human capital, etc. The problem is to determine how the arguments will have influence on the money supply growth, which argument will initiate higher inflation, when and how long monetary policy instruments should be used. Using empirical models we examined relationship between money supply and assets value. Differentiation of the bond and money market was provided by the author using partial derivatives for estimating interaction between interest rates, prices, money supply, and assets value. Pinigų pasiūla ir turto vertė Santrauka. Pastaraisiais metais infliacijos augimas pasaulio ekonomikoje siejamas daugiausia su kylančiomis energinių išteklių kainomis. Tokio pobūdžio infliaciją, kurią lemia importuojamų žaliavų kainos, galima vertinti kaip išorinių veiksnių keliamą grėsmę tolesniam vis daugiau plintančiam kainų augimui, kurį sustabdyti gali tik racionaliai naudojamos pinigų politikos priemonės kartu su fi skalinės politikos priemonėmis. Straipsnyje analizuojama pinigų pasiūlos ir turto vertės sąveika. Pinigų pasiūla (pinigų kiekis) yra svarbiausias pinigų politikos svertas, veikiantis infliaciją, o kartu ir turto vertę. Analizei naudojami metodai ir dėl empirinių tyrimų gautos lygtys, kurias diferencijuodama pagal pinigų ir vertybinių popierių rinkos rodiklius autorė gauna išvestines ir parodo sąveiką tarp palūkanų, kainų, pinigų pasiūlos ir turto vertės. Reikšminiai žodžiai: pinigų politika, pinigų pasiūla, turto vertė, monetariniai instrumentai, svertai. First published online: 19 Sep 2008
Having developed a simple money multiplier model of the money supply, the author investigates the behaviour of the money multiplier in Bangladesh for the period 1972 to 1993. His findings suggest that although the deposit-currency ratio equation is stable, the equations of the time-deposit ratio and the excess reserves-deposit ratio are unstable. (DÜI-Sen)
In: The Johns Hopkins Institute for Applied Economics, Global Health and the Study of Business Enterprise, Studies in Applied Economics, Working Paper No. 3
The effect of money multiplier is determined by credit activities of the banking system and depends upon the value of the difference between average profitability in the economy and interest rate. The modification of payment systems may lead to decreasing central banks possibilities of money regulation. Seigniorage which is obtained by the banking system is a kind of economic rent. The effect of money multiplier reveals itself in the world credit market and influences exchange rate dynamics of reserve currencies. Using government securities as the main asset of central banks and as an instrument of open market operations leads to appreciation of interest rate and to decreasing of credit activities in the economy. A perspective instrument of money regulation is allocation of central banks deposits with commercial banks.
Efforts to control economic conditions in a country are called monetary policy. The main thing is to regulate the stability of the value of money and the amount of money circulating in the homeland of each country. This macro policy is expected to be able to respond to micro economic growth so that real economic growth will be realized. The economic success of a country is largely determined by the precise determination of monetary policy. This policy was created in response to the microeconomics which was then managed in a macro manner by policy makers. This policy making step must be in accordance with the sharia scenario so that the economic growth is expected to get a blessing so that falah is the ultimate goal of the economy as well as being realized as the policy is taken. A literature review was finally taken in order to find answers to this essential monetary policy concept. The final goal of the discussion of sharia economic policy is to maintain and maintain the stability of the country's economy.