Mass properties such as the centre of gravity location, moments of inertia, and total mass are of great importance for vehicle stability studies and deployment. Certain parameters are required when these vehicles need to be arranged inside an aircraft for the carrier to achieve proper mass balance and stability during a flight. These parameters are also important for the design and modelling process of vehicle rollover crash studies. In this study, the mass properties of a military armoured vehicle were estimated using hoisting and pendulum method. The gross total weight, longitudinal and vertical measurements were recorded by lifting the vehicle using a mobile crane and the data were used to estimate the centre of gravity. The frequency of vehicle oscillation was measured by applying swing motion with a small angle of the vehicle as it is suspended on air. The centre of gravity and mass moment of inertia were calculated using the vector mechanics approach. The outcomes and limitations of the approach as discussed in details.
Mass properties such as the centre of gravity location, moments of inertia, and total mass are of great importance for vehicle stability studies and deployment. Certain parameters are required when these vehicles need to be arranged inside an aircraft for the carrier to achieve proper mass balance and stability during a flight. These parameters are also important for the design and modelling process of vehicle rollover crash studies. In this study, the mass properties of a military armoured vehicle were estimated using hoisting and pendulum method. The gross total weight, longitudinal and vertical measurements were recorded by lifting the vehicle using a mobile crane and the data were used to estimate the centre of gravity. The frequency of vehicle oscillation was measured by applying swing motion with a small angle of the vehicle as it is suspended on air. The centre of gravity and mass moment of inertia were calculated using the vector mechanics approach. The outcomes and limitations of the approach as discussed in details.
This thesis is a contribution to the structural health analysis of the body of ground military vehicles. Belonging to the 20 - 30 tons range, such vehicles are deployed in a variety of operational contexts where driving conditions are severe and difficult to characterize. In addition, due to a growing industrial competition, the mobility function of vehicles is acquired from suppliers and is no longer developed by Nexter Systems. As a result, the complete definition of this function is unknown. Based on this context, the main objective of this thesis is to analyze the health of the vehicle body using a probabilistic approach in order to control the calculation techniques allowing to take into account the random nature of loads related to the use of ground military vehicles. In particular, the most relevant strategies for propagating uncertainties due to the terrain within a vehicle dynamics model are defined. This work describes how it is possible to manage an observation data measured in the vehicle for the purpose of assessing the reliability with respect to a given damage criterion. An application on a demonstrator entirely designed by Nexter Systems illustrates the proposed approach. ; Ce travail de thèse est une contribution à l'analyse de santé structurale de la caisse de véhicules militaires terrestres à roues. Appartenant à la gamme 20 - 30 tonnes, de tels véhicules sont déployés dans des contextes opérationnels variés où les conditions de roulage sont sévères et difficilement caractérisables. De plus, faisant face à la concurrence, la fonction mobilité des véhicules est acquise auprès de fournisseurs et n'est plus développée par Nexter Systems. De ce fait, la définition complète de cette fonction n'est plus connue. S'appuyant sur ce contexte, l'objectif principal de la thèse est d'aborder l'état de santé de la structure porteuse par approche probabiliste, afin de maitriser les techniques de calcul permettant la prise en compte de l'aléa intrinsèque des chargements liés à la diversité d'emploi des ...
This thesis is a contribution to the structural health analysis of the body of ground military vehicles. Belonging to the 20 - 30 tons range, such vehicles are deployed in a variety of operational contexts where driving conditions are severe and difficult to characterize. In addition, due to a growing industrial competition, the mobility function of vehicles is acquired from suppliers and is no longer developed by Nexter Systems. As a result, the complete definition of this function is unknown. Based on this context, the main objective of this thesis is to analyze the health of the vehicle body using a probabilistic approach in order to control the calculation techniques allowing to take into account the random nature of loads related to the use of ground military vehicles. In particular, the most relevant strategies for propagating uncertainties due to the terrain within a vehicle dynamics model are defined. This work describes how it is possible to manage an observation data measured in the vehicle for the purpose of assessing the reliability with respect to a given damage criterion. An application on a demonstrator entirely designed by Nexter Systems illustrates the proposed approach. ; Ce travail de thèse est une contribution à l'analyse de santé structurale de la caisse de véhicules militaires terrestres à roues. Appartenant à la gamme 20 - 30 tonnes, de tels véhicules sont déployés dans des contextes opérationnels variés où les conditions de roulage sont sévères et difficilement caractérisables. De plus, faisant face à la concurrence, la fonction mobilité des véhicules est acquise auprès de fournisseurs et n'est plus développée par Nexter Systems. De ce fait, la définition complète de cette fonction n'est plus connue. S'appuyant sur ce contexte, l'objectif principal de la thèse est d'aborder l'état de santé de la structure porteuse par approche probabiliste, afin de maitriser les techniques de calcul permettant la prise en compte de l'aléa intrinsèque des chargements liés à la diversité d'emploi des véhicules militaires terrestres. En particulier, les stratégies les plus pertinentes pour propager les incertitudes de roulage au sein d'un modèle mécanique d'un véhicule terrestre sont définies. Ces travaux décrivent comment il est possible d'exploiter une grandeur d'intérêt au sein du véhicule dans un objectif d'évaluation de la fiabilité par rapport à un critère de dommage donné. Une application sur un démonstrateur entièrement conçu par Nexter Systems illustre l'approche proposée.
Military vehicles are designed for off the road mobility. These are liable for deployment on varying ground conditions. Terrain parameters effecting vehicle systems design are listed. To avoid large scale measurement of terrain parameters, use of physiographic maps in forecasting these parameters has been suggested. Field tests to ascertain the similarity of soil strength parameter between the similar physiographic terrain units, called land facets were conducted and the tests confirmed the usefulness of the technique.