Zukünftige Führung militärischer Verbände
In: Der Schweizer Soldat, Band 71, Heft 3, S. 12-13
14400 Ergebnisse
In: Der Schweizer Soldat, Band 71, Heft 3, S. 12-13
In: Zeitschrift für Heereskunde, Band 76, Heft 446, S. 180-190
Geschildert werden praktische Erfahrungen aus der Zusammenarbeit multinationaler militärischer Verbände am Beispiel der Deutsch-Französischen Brigade. Insbesondere auf Probleme und Konflikte innerhalb dieser multinationalen Kooperation wird eingegangen. Diese sind im Wesentlichen darin begründet,dass beide Armeen eine große Zahl an Unterschieden aufweisen, wie beispielsweise unterschiedliche Taktik und Einzelplanung, oder aber abweichende militärische Terminologie.
In: SOWI-Arbeitspapier 83
World Affairs Online
In: Allgemeine schweizerische Militärzeitschrift: ASMZ, Band 166, Heft 9, S. 13
ISSN: 0002-5925
In: Wehrtechnik: WT, Band 40, Heft 5, S. 68-72
ISSN: 0043-2172
World Affairs Online
In: Österreichische militärische Zeitschrift: ÖMZ, Band 24, Heft 3, S. 291-293
ISSN: 0048-1440
World Affairs Online
In: Europäische Sicherheit: Politik, Streitkräfte, Wirtschaft, Technik, Band 56, Heft 2, S. 36
ISSN: 0940-4171
The Bundeswehr has reacted to the current security challenges with the setup of the new territorial network. Today, almost two decades after the end of the Cold War the Bundeswehr is successfully contributing to the protection of Germany and its citizens. The chief responsibility rests with the civilian side.The Bundeswehr is now seconding the communal administrations on all levels by assigning them military partners which can co-act and advise them not only in the event of a disaster, but in the civil emergency planning already. The concept has proved well in its first crucial test duriqg the birds flu in the island of Ruegen last year and partly also during the soccer world championship in summer 2006 already. Now it is about to consistently continue on the once taken course by resortiqg to the reservists 'from all Federal States. (Europäische Sicherheit / SWP)
World Affairs Online
In: Europäische Sicherheit: Politik, Streitkräfte, Wirtschaft, Technik, Band 56, Heft 2, S. 37-40
ISSN: 0940-4171
World Affairs Online
In: Militärwesen: Zeitschrift für Sicherheit, Streitkräfte, Abrüstung, Heft 12, S. 15-18
ISSN: 0323-4894
World Affairs Online
In: Wehrtechnik: WT, Band 40, Heft 5, S. 96-105
ISSN: 0043-2172
World Affairs Online
In: Europäische Sicherheit: Politik, Streitkräfte, Wirtschaft, Technik, Band 57, Heft 12, S. 50-53
ISSN: 0940-4171
Materiel allowance, training, and flying as well as technical-logistical procedures have to be nationally - but increasingly also multi-nationally -fashioned in a way to allow air transport means to be employed more and more in cooperation with partner nations on an interoperable basis. Aside from multinational command and control facilities, such as the European Air Transport Command, the establishment of a A400M Support Center for multinational use can make a substantial contribution to an improvement of the efficiency and increase of the economy through cost sharing. If necessary, binational and multinational air transport units can serve as catalysts for the interoperable use of the A400M. As regards the introduction and use of the A400M it has thus to be ensured that the basically uniform platform is to be kept maximally identical with all operator nations for the purpose of interoperability. In this way it will be possible to achieve the long-term goal of a multinational use and operation of joint air transport bases by avoiding national double struciures; but this requires continuous efforts on all echelons - both on military and industrial levels. (Europäische Sicherheit / SWP)
World Affairs Online
In: Österreichische militärische Zeitschrift: ÖMZ, Band 19, Heft 6, S. 475-481
ISSN: 0048-1440
World Affairs Online
In: Europäische Sicherheit: Politik, Streitkräfte, Wirtschaft, Technik, Band 51, Heft 10, S. 13-21
ISSN: 0940-4171
World Affairs Online