The National Information Base: Applications of Microtechnology To the Education of the Visually Handicapped
In: British journal of visual impairment: BJVI, Band 7, Heft 1, S. 37-38
ISSN: 1744-5809
15 Ergebnisse
In: British journal of visual impairment: BJVI, Band 7, Heft 1, S. 37-38
ISSN: 1744-5809
In: Werkstattstechnik: wt, Band 105, Heft 11-12, S. 800-804
ISSN: 1436-4980
Der Fachartikel beschäftigt sich mit der Aufbringung von elektrischen Leiterbahnen aus Aktivlot auf Keramikkörper. In Versuchen konnte eine Befüllung von Kavitäten in Oxidkeramikkörpern mit Aktivlot erzielt werden. Anschließend wurde der Zusammenhang des Volumenanteils der Legierungskomponenten mit dem spezifischen Widerstand untersucht. Dies bietet die Grundlage für weitere Untersuchungen, den elektrischen Widerstand des Lots für die Anwendung als Leiterbahnmaterial zu optimieren.
This paper is concerned with the application of electrical traces of active solder on ceramic bodies. In experiments, a filling of cavities in ceramics could be achieved by using active solder. Subsequently, the connection of the volume fraction of the alloy components with the electrical resistance was investigated. This provides the basis for further investigations to optimize the electrical resistance of the solder for use as interconnecting material.
Jean-François Roth, president of the government of the Republic and Canton of Jura, in his conclusions at the MedTech Day in Basel of the BioValley Life Sciences Week, emphasized the importance his canton attributes to being tied to the Life Sciences environment of Basel and the BioValley. The canton of Jura, lying in the southern-most part of the BioValley, has a strong tradition in watchmaking which later branched out into microtechnology, an industry which requires precision and meticulousness. Therefore, there is a strong relationship between microtechnology and life sciences and more specifically, medical technology. Since medical technology is a fast growing business area, the Canton of Jura took the strategic decision to place the support of this industry at the centre of its economic development plans.
Ziele, Ansatz, Kriterien und Vorgehensweise in der ex-ante Evaluation -- Zusammenfassung der zentralen Aussagen der Sekundäranalyse im Rahmen der Technology and Market Forecast Studies -- Ergebnisse der quantitativen Erhebung für die ex-ante Evaluation -- Ergebnisse der qualitativen Erhebung für die ex-ante Evaluation -- Potenziale einer künftigen Entwicklung der MST in Deutschland -- Chancen und Herausforderungen für die MST der Zukunft -- Innovationsbarrieren auf dem Weg zu erfolgreichen Zukunftsfeldern
In: Revista producao online, Band 3, Heft 1
ISSN: 1676-1901
This paper discusses technology concepts and dimensions, in the field of technology management at the manufacture sector, with respect to product and process. It analyses the generic use nowadays of the term "technology" like "education technology"or management technology", which are essentially methodology and not technology.Considering the embedded technology in products/process, and technology capability in the organizations, was possible the development or the deployment of the term "technology" creating the concepts of "macrotechnology" and "microtechnology". While the macrotechnology is referent to the systemic concept inside the organization, the microtechnology is referent to the technology inside the product/process. Starting with these concepts is possible to analyse strategic and operational aspects of the organization with respect the product technology, the process technology, the technology vulnerability, and the technology capabilit.y. With a preliminar exploratory research was possible to know some ascpects of the organizations's behavior in the field of the technology at the manufacture sector. It was detected limited capability in those organizations with respect the components of microtecnology, like the "core technoloy" and the" boundaries technologies" , either to the product or process. The same conclusion is valide to the technology capability of those companies, related with the macrotechnology concept. Keywords: technology, technology management, product development.
In: Issues in Society v.356
In: Issues in Society Ser. v.356
The use of legal and illicit drugs is widespread in Australia, however for a significant number of people, substance use can lead to addiction, also known as dependence. Many people become dependent on a drug, and they feel that they cannot function without it. They may spend a lot of their time and energy finding and using the drug. They may also need to take increasing amounts to get the same effects, and experience withdrawal symptoms when they stop using it. Addiction is a physical and/or psychological need to use a substance; some substances are more addictive than others, and some users
Micro-optical devices are vital components of conventional military data storage, sensor, and communication systems. Two types of micro-optical device arrays exist: individually addressable and matrix addressable. The matrix addressable array has a drastically reduced number of metal lines and can potentially be fabricated into large, dense (over 1k elements) arrays. Such arrays are expected to enable the development of extremely high bandwidth optical interconnect systems for future military applications including optical computing and short-haul fiber optical communication systems. I investigate new fabrication techniques for the assembly of dense matrix-addressed arrays of micro-optical devices such as vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers. Using a micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) foundry process, I design a test chip that consists of a variety of array configurations to explore possible assembly techniques. I also design a new photolithographic mask set based on assembly by flip-chip bonding and fluidic self-assembly techniques. Using my mask set, I perform basic fabrication studies and an analysis of metallization schemes for the realization of dense emitter and detector arrays. Finally, I develop and characterize three methods for array fabrication including a novel substrate trenching technique and involving the use of a spin-on polymer (poly-methyl-glutarimide or PMGI) that serves as an insulating and planarization layer between row and column metal lines.
In: Foresight, Band 3, Heft 4, S. 331-339
Nanotechnology promises to be the defining science of the 21st century. With its integration of the organic and inorganic worlds, it represents more than simply a continuation of the principles of microtechnology. Because of this it requires new structures of R&D management, and new communication processes. A number of recent foresight studies identify potential future applications for European industry and point to the strengths and weaknesses of Member States. But only new interdisciplinary research networks will enable Europe to harness the power of nanotechnology – or prepare its citizens for the benefits.
In: Foresight, Band 6, Heft 6, S. 364-370
This paper discusses the emergence of nanotechnology as a major new technology thrust which will revolutionize all aspects of the economy and society in the twenty‐first century. This development results from the convergence of the fields of physics, chemistry,biology and engineering at the nanometer level (1 nm=10−9 m). At this level new phenomena operate and new devices and processes can be developed. The boundary between the established field of microtechnology and the new field of nanotechnology is blurred but it is clear that integrated technologies will be developed. In view of the importance of such developments in the Asia‐Pacific region the APEC Center for Technology Foresight carried out a wide‐ranging foresight study of nanotechnology in 2002/2003 and this is reported here. The study provides the strategic policy intelligence to enable economies to improve their strategic planning to deal with future changes stemming from nanotechnology.
In: Snow active: das Schweizer Schneesportmagazin, Band 8, Heft 7, S. 97
Over the last few years, team sports increased the amount of physical demand and its importance. Therefore, work related to physical fitness and its assessment is essential to achieving success. However, there are few studies on this subject at the formative stage. The purpose of this study was then to analyze the physical fitness of an under-18 (U18) women's team divided by game positions. In addition, physical fitness at different times of the season was characterized to identify differences and determine its evolution. To assess physical fitness, tests of aerobic and anaerobic capacities, lower body strength, centripetal force, agility and speed were carried out as designed in the SBAFIT battery. Each player was equipped with an inertial microtechnology device for the collection of data. This research is classified as empirical, with quasi-experimental methodology. The results showed significant differences in variables of the test of aerobic and anaerobic capacities, speed, agility (generic and specific), and centripetal force (right) based on game position and the moment of the season. The results also showed the importance of the specific physical aspect in relation to an optimal improvement in physical fitness, since training sessions and competition do not allow all players to improve equally or efficiently.
In: Roi, Philippe et Girard, Tristan, 'Du métier à tisser à la prothèse vestibulaire,' La Théorie Sensorielle. I - Les Analogies Sensorielles, First Edition Design Publishing (2013) pp. 157-162 et sa bibliographie pp. 291-293. © Les Auteurs.
In: Izvestiya of Altai State University, Heft 6(122), S. 13-18
ISSN: 1561-9451
First attempts to use technical guard means were triggered by the need to prevent property encroachment. The easiest way to detect and locate lawbreakers was to place various objects in their way that would signal of their movements. With the advance of electronic technology special security breach devices appeared, as well as security alarm systems. Wide use of technical means allows to remove or minimize the adverse impact of a man — the most unreliable and invincible link in any security system.
Since its formation in 1952, the Extradepartmental Guards has been employing technical means for facility protection based on such elements of electronic technology as diodes and transistors, followed by automated systems of central surveillance. Starting from the 2000s, microtechnology and cellular-based radio-communication guard systems have been used by the Extradepartmental Guards for facility protection.
Extradepartmental Guards units run by the internal affairs authorities in the Altai Territory have been employing technical means since the end of the 1950s. Back then, when their use was launched, only some major departments had central surveillance systems operating. Later on technical means started to be used in all departments. Their use significantly increases the reliability of property protection and helps to reduce the number of thefts from facilities guarded by Extradepartmental Guards.
In: Snow active: das Schweizer Schneesportmagazin, Band 10, Heft 10, S. 151
The current investigation aimed to understand the differing positional demands across two elite rugby union competitions, with special reference to high-intensity effort (HIE) and repeated high-intensity effort (RHIE) activity. Four hundred and forty-one (n = 441) individual game files from thirty-five competitive games from the European Rugby Champions Cup (tier 1; n = 8) and PRO12 League (tier 2; n = 24) were analysed. Players' locomotor profiles were recorded using wearable global positioning system microtechnology (10 Hz Catapult S5, Catapult Innovations, Australia). Locomotor activities were classified as running (≥4.4 m∙s−1), high-speed running (≥5.5 m∙s−1), accelerations (≥2 m∙s−2) and decelerations (≤−2 m∙s−2). Data was gathered on collisions (≥4 g−1), high-intensity efforts (HIE), repeated high-intensity efforts (RHIE), average number of efforts within a RHIE bout (n) and maximal number of efforts within a RHIE bout (n). Overall locomotor differences between competitions were trivial to small in nature, with tier 1 competition associated with a larger number of RHIE bouts (6.5 ± 1.4 vs. 5.7 ± 1.5, effect size, ES = 0.55) and efforts per bout (3.0 ± 1.1 vs. 2.4 ± 1.2, ES = 0.52). Collisions comprised a greater proportion of total HIE for forwards within tier 1 competition compared to tier 2 competition. The hooker (mean difference: 4 [−10 to 14]; ES = 0.30, small), lock (mean difference: 5 [−12 to 23]; ES = 0.36, small) and backrow (mean difference: 8 [−10 to 15]; ES = 0.54, small) positions engaged in more collisions during tier 1 competition compared to tier 2 competition. These findings can be used by athletic performance staff to design game-specific drills and recovery strategies during different competition weeks to ensure players are appropriately prepared for the differing demands of elite rugby competition.
In: Reihe Soziologie / Institut für Höhere Studien, Abt. Soziologie, Band 55
'Auf der Basis einer empirischen Untersuchung von drei aneinander anschließenden F&E-Projekten aus den bundesdeutschen Förderprogrammen zur 'Mikrosystemtechnik' wird den Fragen nachgegangen, wie die involvierten Akteure ihre Kooperationsbeziehungen organisieren und welche Erfolgsfaktoren der Zusammenarbeit bestimmt werden können. Anhand der Veränderungsprozesse vor allem in der Entwicklung und Realisierung gemeinsamer Projektdemonstratoren lässt sich aufzeigen, dass die Emergenz einer neuen Entwurfs- und Fertigungsweise zentral von wechselseitigen Austausch- und Lernprozessen der Akteure abhängig ist, die aus ganz unterschiedlichen Kontexten (Großunternehmen, KMU, Universitäten, Fraunhofer-Instituten) entstammen. Im vorliegenden Fall kann beobachtet werden, wie eine neuartige 'Wissenspraxis' entsteht, die auf der Verknüpfung und Transformation unterschiedlicher disziplinärer sowie organisationaler Arbeitsweisen und Wissensbestände basiert und sich in einer spezifischen handlungswirksamen Vorgehensweise im Kooperationsalltag der Akteure nieder schlägt.' (Autorenreferat)
In: SWP-Studie, Band S 24
Die rüstungstechnische Entwicklung wird zunehmend von neuen Mikrotechnologien beherrscht, die sich für militärische wie kommerzielle Verwendungen eignen. Es handelt sich hierbei in erster Linie um die sogenannte Nanotechnologie, um nanotechnische Anwendungen in der Informationselektronik sowie um die Biotechnologie auf gentechnischer Basis. Die fortschreitende Miniaturisierung technischer Systeme und ihrer Bauteile hat für die militärische Waffen- und Gerätetechnik ebenso wie für die internationale Sicherheit weitreichende Folgen. Die hier untersuchten Trendmerkmale deuten darauf hin, daß der rasche, tiefgreifende technische Wandel für die Streitkräfte ein Dauerzustand bleiben wird. Aufgrund ihrer Leistungsmerkmale können die neuen Mikrotechnologien erhebliche Gefährdungen der internationalen Sicherheit hervorrufen. Durch eine extrem gesteigerte Wirksamkeit bei gleichzeitiger ziviler, kommerzieller Verbreitung erschließen sie auch nichtstaatlichen internationalen Organisationen ein beträchtliches Gewaltpotential. Frühwarnung, Abschreckung und Vergeltung von Bedrohungen beziehungsweise Verletzungen der internationalen Sicherheit werden durch moderne Waffensysteme, aber auch aufgrund der Verwundbarkeit mikrotechnologisch fundierter und gesteuerter Systeme erschwert. In der Rüstungskontrollpolitik wird die kooperative Vertragsverifikation zunehmend einseitigen, nichtkooperativen Überprüfungsmethoden (Aufklärung, Spionage) weichen. Eine Sicherheitspolitik in neuen Dimensionen ist daher erforderlich, bei der sich geheimdienstliche, militärische und polizeiliche Aufklärung an den spezifischen Gefährdungspotentialen moderner mikrotechnologischer Waffensysteme orientieren.