Simultane Verbrennung –Methan -Benzin- und Methan -Diesel -Mischbetrieb
In: MTZ - Motortechnische Zeitschrift, Band 72, Heft 10, S. 806-814
ISSN: 2192-8843
2521 Ergebnisse
In: MTZ - Motortechnische Zeitschrift, Band 72, Heft 10, S. 806-814
ISSN: 2192-8843
In der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung steht Methan als Treibhausgas im Schatten von Kohlendioxid. Völlig zu Unrecht, denn mit einem Treibhauspotential, das etwa 25 mal größer als das von Kohlendioxid ist, macht es ein Sechstel der anthropogenen Treibhausgasemissionen aus. Unterschätzt wird Methan jedoch vor allem mit Blick auf konkreten Klimaschutz. Bereits zu geringen Kosten gibt es erhebliche Potentiale, den Methanausstoß zu verringern. Methan entsteht nicht nur in der Viehhaltung, sondern auch im Erdgasbereich, in der Abfallwirtschaft und im Kohlenbergbau. Hier lassen sich in vielen Fällen zu vertretbaren Kosten größere Mengen Methan vermeiden. Hinzu kommt, dass sich anfallendes Methan energetisch nutzen lässt. Mit anderen Worten: Verglichen mit einer Tonne Kohlendioxid lässt sich eine entsprechende Menge Methan zuweilen deutlich kostengünstiger vermeiden. Die Herausforderung besteht darin, die Vermeidung von Methanemissionen wirksam in klimapolitische Strategien zu integrieren.
Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas and is estimated to be responsible for approximately one-fifth of man-made global warming. Per kilogram, it is twenty-five times more powerful than carbon dioxide over a 100-year time horizon - and global warming is likely to enhance methane release from a number of sources. Current natural and man-made sources include many where methane-producing micro-organisms can thrive in anaerobic conditions, particularly ruminant livestock, rice cultivation, landfill, wastewater, wetlands and marine sediments. This timely and authoritative book provides the only comprehensive and balanced overview of our current knowledge of sources of methane and how these might be controlled to limit future climate change. It describes how methane is derived from the anaerobic metabolism of micro-organisms, whether in wetlands or rice fields, manure, landfill or wastewater, or the digestive systems of cattle and other ruminant animals. It highlights how sources of methane might themselves be affected by climate change. It is shown how numerous point sources of methane have the potential to be more easily addressed than sources of carbon dioxide and therefore contribute significantly to climate change mitigation in the 21st century.
In: DIW-Wochenbericht: Wirtschaft, Politik, Wissenschaft, Band 76, Heft 39, S. 656-663
ISSN: 1860-8787
World Affairs Online
In: MTZ worldwide, Band 72, Heft 10, S. 78-84
ISSN: 2192-9114
In: Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung: UWSF ; Zeitschrift für Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie ; Organ des Verbandes für Geoökologie in Deutschland (VGöD) und der Eco-Informa, Band 2, Heft 3, S. 163-169
ISSN: 1865-5084
Purpose. To analyze Australian methane hydrate resources, exploration, and production, its current state and future potential. Methods. Analysis of data published in different sources concerned with geological surveys and government reports related to Australian natural gas reserves, production and consumption of gas in Australia. Analysis of theoretical and experimental research into methane hydrates properties and prevention of gas hydrate deposits formation in pipes during production and transportation of natural gas. Findings. The study of gross figures associated with the present state of gas production in Australia testified that enough gas is extracted to meet the current needs. Increase in natural gas consumption in future creates good chances for developing gas production from unconventional deposits, specifically getting methane from gas hydrates deposits. While predicting main trends in the efficient exploration and use of methane hydrates resources it is necessary to consider their possible impact on the environment. Originality. On the basis of the conducted analysis, the current state of methane hydrates research in Australia is examined. For its gas industry, it is critical to estimate their reserves and assess methane extraction from gas hydrates deposits in the near future. Practical implications. The obtained results can be used to evaluate the investment attractiveness of future exploration of methane hydrates resources in Australia. ; Мета. Аналіз австралійських ресурсів гідрату метану, поточного стану розвідки гідратних покладів і потенціальних перспектив їх розробки у майбутньому. Методика. Аналітичне вивчення даних, опублікованих у різних джерелах даних геологічних пошуків та урядових звітів, пов'язаних із австралійськими запасами природного газу, видобутком і споживанням газу в Австралії. Аналіз теоретичних та експериментальних досліджень властивостей гідратів метану, попередження відкладення газогідратів у трубах при видобуванні й транспортуванні природного газу. Результати. Аналіз валових показників сучасного стану видобутку природного газу показав, що його добувається достатньо для забезпечення поточних потреб споживання в Австралії. Зростання споживання природного газу в майбутньому визначає перспективу використання газу з нетрадиційних покладів, зокрема метану із покладів газових гідратів. При прогнозуванні основних напрямків ефективного дослідження й використання ресурсів гідратів метану необхідно враховувати їх можливий вплив на навколишнє середовище. Наукова новизна. На підставі проведеного аналізу описано поточний стан дослідження гідратів метану в Австралії, показана важливість для газової промисловості уточнення у найближчому майбутньому їх запасів та видобутку метану із газогідратних покладів. Практична значимість. Представлені результати можуть бути використані для оцінки інвестиційної привабливості майбутньої розвідки ресурсів гідратів метану в Австралії. ; Цель. Анализ австралийских ресурсов гидрата метана, текущего состояния разведки гидратных залежей и потенциальных перспектив их разработки в будущем. Методика. Аналитическое изучение данных, опубликованных в различных источниках данных геологических изысканий и правительственных отчетов, связанных с австралийскими запасами природного газа, добычей и потреблением газа в Австралии. Анализ теоретических и экспериментальных исследований свойств гидратов метана, предупреждения отложений газогидратов в трубах при добыче и транспортировке природного газа. Результаты. Анализ валовых показателей современного состояния добычи природного газа показал, что его добывается достаточно для обеспечения текущих потребностей в Австралии. Рост потребления природного газа в будущем определяет перспективу использования газа из нетрадиционных залежей, в частности метана из залежей газовых гидратов. При прогнозировании основных направлений эффективного исследования и использования ресурсов гидратов метана необходимо учитывать их возможное влияние на окружающую среду. Научная новизна. На основании проведенного анализа описано текущее состояние исследования гидратов метана в Австралии, показана важность для газовой промышленности уточнения в ближайшем будущем их запасов и добычи метана из газогидратных залежей. Практическая значимость. Представленные результаты могут быть использованы для оценки инвестиционной привлекательности будущей разведки ресурсов гидратов метана в Австралии. ; We wish to thank Dr. Edward Rravets, Technical Consultant, Rainbow Pty. Ltd., China for his support and encouragement for the work presented here. We also thank Mr. Oleg Pogreb, Technident Pty. Ltd. for his willingness to share his knowledge, information and data on unconventional gas production in Australia.
Climate change is a global issue requiring unified action. Methane gas is a major component of greenhouse gas emissions contributing to global warming. This project is exploring the commercial potential of Pastoral Greenhouse Gas Research Consortium (PGgRc) developed technologies designed to mitigate the largest source of agricultural methane emissions. These technologies are methane vaccines and inhibitors targeting emissions from enteric fermentation in ruminant livestock. The two technologies share functional aspects but require different administration and upkeep. As novel technologies designed for a developing market the commercial potential of PGgRc's methane vaccines and inhibitors is uncertain. To validate the potential methane mitigation products this project focuses on farmer adoption and interaction with the technologies. Interviews with farmers around New Zealand have been used to identify the strengths and weaknesses of methane vaccines and inhibitors from the perspective of the end user. A thematic analysis of the transcribed data highlighted various concerns among the participating farmers and provides a map of areas needing further investigation when moving forward with developing the technologies. Of key importance was the value methane vaccines and inhibitors offered the participants. Currently, methane mitigation offers no financial benefits to participants and good feelings about acting against climate change are not substantial enough to mitigate purchase and administration costs. There is potential that using PGgRc's methane vaccines and inhibitors could improve livestock productivity, but it is yet to be verified based on current testing and development. Establishing that using the technologies leads to increased live weight gain or milk and wool production could provide profitability benefits that farmers would value. This hinges on any benefits providing substantial enough gains to the farmer to offset the purchase and administration costs. If no productivity benefits are identified government regulations creating a methane cost or subsidising the technologies could be necessary for methane vaccines and inhibitors to have value within the agricultural sector. Alternatively, if consumer purchasing behaviour shifts in favour of low emissions products the agricultural sector will need to shift production methods to remain competitive in the new market environment. PGgRc aims to employ a licensing business model using the methane vaccine and inhibitor IP they possess. Partnering with an experienced company would provide PGgRc with the market knowledge and manufacturing capabilities producing their technologies requires. As part of their development strategy they aim to develop their technology to a proof of concept stage before forming any production partnerships. This project highlights the critical factors for successfully commercialising PGgRc's technologies. It is designed to guide the continued development of the methane mitigation technologies and help shape PGgRc's market approach.
In: Agriculture Issues and Policies
Intro -- METHANE DIGESTERS AND BIOGAS RECOVERY -- METHANE DIGESTERS AND BIOGAS RECOVERY -- Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data -- CONTENTS -- PREFACE -- Chapter 1: CARBON PRICES AND THE ADOPTION OF METHANE DIGESTERS ON DAIRY AND HOG FARMS -- METHANE DIGESTERS AND GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS -- Carbon Offset Markets -- FACTORS INFLUENCING METHANE DIGESTER ADOPTION -- Manure Management Method and Farm Size -- Modeling Methane Digester Profits -- Electricity Prices, Onfarm Electricity Use, and Sales of Excess Electricity -- Carbon Offset Price -- CONCLUSIONS -- End Notes -- Chapter 2: CLIMATE CHANGE POLICY AND THE ADOPTION OF METHANE DIGESTERS ON LIVESTOCK OPERATIONS -- ABSTRACT -- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS -- SUMMARY -- What Is the Issue? -- What Are the Major Findings? -- How Was the Study Conducted? -- INTRODUCTION -- DAIRY, HOG OPERATIONS PRODUCE MOST MANURE METHANE -- CLIMATE CHANGE POLICIES COULD SPUR DIGESTER ADOPTION -- BOOSTING BENEFITS OVER COSTS WOULD ENCOURAGE METHANE DIGESTER ADOPTION -- Electricity-Prices, Onfarm Use, and Sales of Surplus-Is a Key to Digester Profitability -- Carbon Price Could Play Major Role in Digester Adoption Decision -- Existing Types of Manure Storage and Handling Favor Southern Farms for Offset-Program Qualification -- Digesters' Other Benefits Include Odor Reduction, Less Surface-Water Contamination -- SCALE OF LIVESTOCK OPERATIONS AFFECTS BENEFITS FROM CARBON OFFSETS -- Digester Adoption Spreads to More States as Carbon Price Rises -- Options for Promoting Adoption of Biogas Technologies by Smaller Scale Operations -- MORE CARBON OFFSETS ARE SUPPLIED AT HIGHER PRICE -- CONCLUSIONS -- APPENDIX -- The Net Present Value of a Methane Digester Project -- ARMS Data Description -- REFERENCES -- End Notes -- Chapter 3: UNITED STATES ANAEROBIC DIGESTER: STATUS REPORT -- INTRODUCTION -- Energy Potential
In: International issues & Slovak foreign policy affairs, Band 22, Heft 3, S. 33-54
ISSN: 1337-5482
World Affairs Online
No other similar manual availableWritten by authorities in the fieldGives comprehensive account of the methodologies and protocols for measuring methaneThe techniques can be adapted to other systems needing methane measurement, such as biogas plants, manure storage and application processes, sludge fermentation plants etc.
In: International issues & Slovak foreign policy affairs, Band 22, Heft 3, S. 33-54
ISSN: 1337-5482
In: Berichte des Forschungszentrums Waldökosysteme
In: Reihe A 137