Neisseria meningitidis is the leading cause of bacterial meningitis in the United States and worldwide. A serogroup A/C/W-135/Y polysaccharide meningococcal vaccine has been licensed in the United States since 1981 but has not been used universally outside of the military. On 14 January 2005, a polysaccharide conjugate vaccine that covers meningococcal serogroups A, C, W-135, and Y was licensed in the United States for 11- to 55-year-olds and is now recommended for the routine immunization of adolescents and other high-risk groups. This review covers the changing epidemiology of meningococcal disease in the United States, issues related to vaccine prevention, and recommendations on the use of the new vaccine.
In countries with established programmes for vaccination of infants, toddlers and adolescents with meningococcal conjugate vaccines, serogroup B invasive meningococcal disease remains the major cause of septicaemia and meningitis in the paediatric and adolescent age groups. Novartis has developed a serogroup B meningococcal vaccine, 4CMenB, to meet this need. We reviewed all 4CMenB studies. The studies found 4CMenB to be highly immunogenic when administered in all schedules, with protective antibody levels (serum bactericidal antibody titres ≥4 or ≥5 with human complement, hSBA) against serogroup B strains expressing vaccine antigens in >95% of vaccinated cohorts. When antibody levels waned, all tested groups demonstrated booster responses. Although possibly an underestimation, the Meningococcal Antigen Typing System (MATS) technique predicts that global coverage of 4CMenB against all serogroup B strains is in the range 66% (Canada) to 91% (USA). The vaccine was found to be generally well tolerated, although local and systemic reactions, notably fever in infants, typical of many vaccines, were increased following concomitant administration of 4CMenB with routine vaccines. When tested, prophylactic paracetamol significantly decreased the frequency and severity of reactions in infants, with no clinically significant impact on immunogenicity of 4CMenB or concomitant routine vaccines. The vaccine is approved for use in the following age groups in the European Union (2 months+), Canada (2 months through 17 years), Australia (2 months+) and Chile (2 months+), following clinical evaluation in 4843 infants and toddlers, and 1712 adolescents and adults, in schedules including a three-dose (2, 3, 4 or 2, 4, 6 months) and a two-dose (6–11 months) infant series with a booster in the second year of life, a two-dose series in toddlers (12–23 months) and children (2–10 years) given 2 months apart (with a booster at least in the EU), and a two-dose series in adolescents (11–17 years) given 1–6 months apart. 4CMenB presents a ...
BACKGROUND: Although Neisseria meningitidis is one of the major causes of meningitis, meningococcal pneumonia is the most common non-neurological organ disease caused by this pathogen. METHODS: We conducted a review of the literature to describe the risk factors, pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of meningococcal pneumonia. RESULTS: Meningococcal pneumonia was first described in 1907 and during the 1918–1919 influenza pandemic large numbers of cases of meningococcal pneumonia occurred in patients following the initial viral infection. A number of publications, mainly case series or case reports, has subsequently appeared in the literature. Meningococcal pneumonia occurs mainly with serogroups Y, W-135 and B. Risk factors for meningococcal pneumonia have not been well characterised, but appear to include older age, smoking, people living in close contact (e.g. military recruits and students at university), preceding viral and bacterial infections, haematological malignancies, chronic respiratory conditions and various other non-communicable and primary and secondary immunodeficiency diseases. Primary meningococcal pneumonia occurs in 5–10% of patients with meningococcal infection and is indistinguishable clinically from pneumonia caused by other common pathogens. Fever, chills and pleuritic chest pain are the most common symptoms, occurring in > 50% of cases. Productive sputum and dyspnoea are less common. Diagnosis of meningococcal pneumonia may be made by the isolation of the organism in sputum, blood, or normally sterile site cultures, but is likely to underestimate the frequency of meningococcal pneumonia. If validated, PCR-based techniques may be of value for diagnosis in the future. While penicillin was the treatment of choice for meningococcal infection, including pneumonia, prior to 1991, a third generation cephalosporin has been more commonly used thereafter, because of concerns of penicillin resistance. Chemoprophylaxis, using one of a number of antibiotics, has ...
Meningococcal disease describes the spectrum of infections caused by Neisseria meningiditis, including meningitdis, bacteremia, and bacteremic pneumonia. Two quadrivalent meningococcal polysaccharide-protein conjugate vaccines that provide protection against meningococcal serogroups A, C, W, and Y (MenACWY-D [Menactra, manufactured by Sanofi Pasteur, Inc., Swiftwater, Pennsylvania] and MenACWY-CRM [Menveo, manufactured by Novartis Vaccines, Cambridge, Massachusetts]) are licensed in the United States for use among persons aged 2 through 55 years. MenACWY-D also is licensed for use among infants and toddlers aged 9 through 23 months. Quadrivalent meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine (MPSV4 [Menommune, manufactured by sanofi pasteur, Inc., Swiftwater, Pennsylvania]) is the only vaccine licensed for use among persons aged ?56 years. A bivalent meningococcal polysaccharide protein conjugate vaccine that provides protection against meningococcal serogroups C and Y along with Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) (Hib-MenCY-TT [MenHibrix, manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals, Rixensart, Belgium]) is licensed for use in children aged 6 weeks through 18 months. This report compiles and summarizes all recommendations from CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) regarding prevention and control of meningococcal disease in the United States, specifically the changes in the recommendations published since 2005 (CDC. Prevention and control of meningococcal disease: recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices [ACIP]. MMWR 2005;54[No. RR-7]). As a comprehensive summary of previously published recommendations, this report does not contain any new recommendations; it is intended for use by clinicians as a resource. ACIP recommends routine vaccination with a quadrivalent meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MenACWY) for adolescents aged 11 or 12 years, with a booster dose at age 16 years. ACIP also recommends routine vaccination for persons at increased risk for meningococcal disease (i.e., persons who have persistent complement component deficiencies, persons who have anatomic or functional asplenia, microbiologists who routinely are exposed to isolates of N. meningitidis, military recruits, and persons who travel to or reside in areas in which meningococcal disease is hyperendemic or epidemic). Guidelines for antimicrobial chemoprophylaxis and for evaluation and management of suspected outbreaks of meningococcal disease also are provided. ; Introduction -- Methods -- Background -- Meningococcal vaccines -- Postlicensure safety surveillance for meningococcal conjugate vaccines -- Cost-effectiveness analyses -- Rationale for recommendations for use of meningococcal -- Vaccines -- Recommendations for use of meningococcal vaccines -- Future meningococcal vaccines, areas for research, and public education -- References -- Appendix A. Antimicrobial chemoprophylaxis -- Appendix B. Evaluation and management of suspected outbreaks of meningococcal disease ; prepared by Amanda C. Cohn, Jessica R. MacNeil, Thomas A. Clark, Ismael R. Ortega-Sanchez, Elizabeth Z. Briere, H. Cody Meissner, Carol J. Baker, Nancy E. Messonnier ; March 22, 2013. ; The material in this report originated in the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, Anne Schuchat, MD, Director, and the Division of Bacterial Diseases, Rana Hajjeh, MD, Director ; Also availalble via the World Wide Web. ; Includes bibliographical references (p. 19-22).
"In January 2005, a tetravalent meningococcal polysaccharide-protein conjugate vaccine ([MCV4] Menactra, manufactured by Sanofi Pasteur, Inc., Swiftwater, Pennsylvania) was licensed for use among persons aged 11-55 years. CDCns Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends routine vaccination of young adolescents (defined in this report as persons aged 11-12 years) with MCV4 at the preadolescent health-care visit (at age 11-12 years). Introducing a recommendation for MCV4 vaccination among young adolescents might strengthen the role of the preadolescent visit and have a positive effect on vaccine coverage among adolescents. For those persons who have not previously received MCV4, ACIP recommends vaccination before high-school entry (at approximately age 15 years) as an effective strategy to reduce meningococcal disease incidence among adolescents and young adults. By 2008, the goal will be routine vaccination with MCV4 of all adolescents beginning at age 11 years. Routine vaccination with meningococcal vaccine also is recommended for college freshmen living in dormitories and for other populations at increased risk (i.e., military recruits, travelers to areas in which meningococcal disease is hyperendemic or epidemic, microbiologists who are routinely exposed to isolates of Neisseria meningitidis, patients with anatomic or functional asplenia, and patients with terminal complement deficiency). Other adolescents, college students, and persons infected with human immunodeficiency virus who wish to decrease their risk for meningococcal disease may elect to receive vaccine. This report updates previous reports from ACIP concerning prevention and control of meningococcal disease. It also provides updated recommendations regarding use of the tetravalent meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine (MPSV4) and on antimicrobial chemoprophylaxis." - p. 1 ; prepared by Oleg O. Bilukha, Nancy Rosenstein, Division of Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases, National Center for Infectious Diseases. ; "May 27, 2005." ; Update published for this report: Revised recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices to Vaccinate all Persons Aged 11-18 Years with Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2007 Aug 10;56(31):794-5. ; Also availalble via the World Wide Web. ; Includes bibliographical references (p. 17-21). ; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Prevention and Control of Meningococcal Disease Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP).MMWR 2005;54 (No. RR-7):[inclusive page numbers].
In: Brennan , O C , Moore , J E & Millar , B C 2022 , ' Does social deprivation correlate with meningococcal MenACWY, Hib/MenC and 4CMenB/Meningococcal Group B vaccine uptake in Northern Ireland? ' , The Ulster medical journal , vol. 91 , no. 1 , pp. 9-18 .
Background: Several meningococcal vaccines have been recently introduced into the infant and adolescent vaccination schedules in Northern Ireland to promote immunity to protecting against meningococcal septicaemia and meningococcal meningitis. Maintained vaccination uptake is vital in securing individual protection as well as herd immunity. Several social factors have been described in influencing vaccine uptake and therefore it was the aim of this study to examine possible correlations between meningococcal vaccine uptake rates and indicators of social deprivation in Northern Ireland. Methods: Vaccination data was retrieved from the Cover of Vaccination Evaluated Rapidly (COVER) database, for meningococcal vaccines (MenACWY, HiB/MenC & 4CMenB, as well as for MMR vaccine as a non-meningococcal control). Vaccine coverage data assessed included (i). Two doses of MenB by 12 months, (ii). All 3 doses of MenB by 24 months, (iii). HiB/MenC coverage, (iv). MenACWY (Year 12s, for NI) (v). First dose of MMR. Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measures 2017 (NIMDM2017) were examined against 38 indicators in 7 domains. NI HSCT vaccine uptake dataset for each vaccine was correlated with each indicator in the HSCT NIMDM2017 dataset. Regression analysis was performed to determine the relationship between vaccine uptake and deprivation indicators and coefficient of variation (R ) was calculated for each of the indicators. R values >0.7 were considered significant. Results: For 4CMenB (all 3 doses by 24 Months), HiB/MenC, MenACWY and for MMR, correlation of variation (R ) values > 0.7, were obtained for 17, 16, 0 and 17 social deprivation indicators, respectively. Significant deprivation indicators were (i) the proportion of 18-21 year olds, who have not enrolled in higher education courses at higher or further education establishments, (ii) the proportion of domestic dwellings that are unfit, (iii) the proportion of domestic dwellings with Local Area Problem Scores, (iv) rate of burglary, (v) rate of vehicle crime, (vi) rate of antisocial behaviour incidents (per 1,000 population), (vii) absenteeism at primary schools and (viii) the proportion of the population aged 65 and over living in households whose equivalised income is below 60% of the NI median. Conclusion: Within the last two decades, incidence of meningococcal disease has been on the decline. The introduction of meningococcal vaccines has contributed to this decrease and uptake of such vaccines should remain a public health priority to maintain the decline in meningococcal disease. Identifying contributing factors to low vaccine uptake, such as, the association between local deprivation and uptake of meningococcal vaccines, should be of public health importance and acknowledged by local governments and policy makers in their efforts to enhance vaccine uptake, both infant and teenage vaccination. There is a clear correlation with educational deprivation measures such as absenteeism and poor educational attainment and reduced vaccine uptake, perhaps through lack of understanding and willingness to vaccinate. This is where the importance of a clear and coherent public health message surrounding meningococcal vaccination should be prioritised, particularly to establish innovative modalities in a multidisciplinary team approach, to reach out to and increase vaccine uptake rates in socially deprived communities in Northern Ireland.
###EgeUn### ; Introduction: Bacterial meningitis is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality among children and adults. Better understanding of the seroepidemiology of meningitis is critical for both the selection and implementation of an effective meningitis vaccine for the national immunization program. Because physicians play a crucial role in the implementation of this vaccine, the aim of this study was to evaluate the attitudes, behaviors, and knowledge of healthcare professionals in Turkey regarding the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of bacterial meningitis, especially pneumococcal and meningococcal meningitis. Methods: This study used a cross-sectional electronic survey with a national convenience sample of 339 physicians (171 pediatric age specialists [PAS] and 168 adult patient specialists [APS]) in Turkey. A web-based questionnaire which consisted 28 questions about the definition, diagnosis, and treatment of bacterial as well as knowledge and/or attitudes about meningococcal vaccines, was designed. Results: Approximately 72.9% (n = 247) of the respondents followed a patient with meningitis in the last year. A 49.5% of participants preferred to perform computerized cranial tomography (CCT) for suspected meningitis cases before lumbar puncture (LP) at 75-100% frequency (27.5% PAS; 72% APS, p ). In addition 27.1% of the respondents reported using a routine steroid as an adjunctive treatment (19% PAS; 35% APS, p ). For meningococcal meningitis, 72.5% of the participants preferred to use third-generation cephalosporins (63.1% PAS; 82.1% APS, p ). For pneumococcal meningitis, approximately 50% of the participants preferred to use a third-generation cephalosporin plus glycopeptide (41.5% PAS; 58.9% APS, p < .05). While 32.7% of the sample preferred to administer a 7-day course of antibiotics for meningococcal meningitis, 40.9% preferred a course of 14 days or more. For pneumococcal meningitis, 88.4% of the sample preferred a 10-14 day course of antibiotics. In addition, 67% of the PAS group and 50% (p < .001) of the APS group thought that a conjugated meningococcal vaccine should be a part of the National Immunization Program. The top five groups recommended for routine immunization included all children, asplenia/splenectomy patients, immunodeficient patients, those who planned to travel to endemic areas, including Hajj, and military personnel. Conclusion: In this large convenient sample of physicians in Turkey, we showed that there are heterogenous approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of bacterial meningitis, also differences between pediatricians and non-pediatricians regarding their beliefs and attitudes, which may be due to differences in the epidemiology and clinical presentation between children and adults. We observed appropriate but unnecessary extended courses of antibiotics for meningitis. Most of the participants thought that children are a vulnerable risk group that should potentially be immunized and that meningococcal vaccines should be included in the National Immunization Program. Our results imply that more awareness is needed regarding diagnosis, treatment, and further recommendations for meningitis at the country level in Turkey.
To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked Files. This article is open access. ; New vaccines targeting meningococci expressing serogroup B polysaccharide have been developed, with some being licensed in Europe. Coverage depends on the distribution of disease-associated genotypes, which may vary by age. It is well established that a small number of hyperinvasive lineages account for most disease, and these lineages are associated with particular antigens, including vaccine candidates. A collection of 4,048 representative meningococcal disease isolates from 18 European countries, collected over a 3-year period, were characterized by multilocus sequence typing (MLST). Age data were available for 3,147 isolates. The proportions of hyperinvasive lineages, identified as particular clonal complexes (ccs) by MLST, differed among age groups. Subjects <1 year of age experienced lower risk of sequence type 11 (ST-11) cc, ST-32 cc, and ST-269 cc disease and higher risk of disease due to unassigned STs, 1- to 4-year-olds experienced lower risk of ST-11 cc and ST-32 cc disease, 5- to 14-year-olds were less likely to experience ST-11 cc and ST-269 cc disease, and ≥25-year-olds were more likely to experience disease due to less common ccs and unassigned STs. Younger and older subjects were vulnerable to a more diverse set of genotypes, indicating the more clonal nature of genotypes affecting adolescents and young adults. Knowledge of temporal and spatial diversity and the dynamics of meningococcal populations is essential for disease control by vaccines, as coverage is lineage specific. The nonrandom age distribution of hyperinvasive lineages has consequences for the design and implementation of vaccines, as different variants, or perhaps targets, may be required for different age groups. ; Wellcome Trust European Union
Six cases of Neisseria meningitidis serogroup W135 meningococcal infection have been reported in Turkey since 2003. Seven isolates recovered from four meningococcal meningitis patients and two asymptomatic carriers produced three distinct pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) patterns. Multilocus sequence typing and antigen gene sequencing showed that five isolates were indistinguishable from ST-11 (ET-37) serogroup W135 meningococci, which were first isolated in Saudi Arabia and were responsible for the worldwide outbreak among Hajj pilgrims and their contacts in 2000. The remaining two isolates, which had related PFGE patterns, differed from each other at only one of the genetic loci characterized but were not related to the ST-11 clonal complex. None of the six individuals recalled contact with a pilgrim or had traveled on the Hajj. These six individuals exhibited no time or place relationships to each other, except for the two asymptomatic carriers, who were soldiers and served in the same military unit. These data demonstrate that serogroup W135 meningococci with different genotypes, including the Hajj epidemic strain, are endemic in Turkey.
Background Childhood immunisation services have been disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. WHO recommends considering outbreak risk using epidemiological criteria when deciding whether to conduct preventive vaccination campaigns during the pandemic. Methods We used two to three models per infection to estimate the health impact of 50% reduced routine vaccination coverage in 2020 and delay of campaign vaccination from 2020 to 2021 for measles vaccination in Bangladesh, Chad, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, and South Sudan, for meningococcal A vaccination in Burkina Faso, Chad, Niger, and Nigeria, and for yellow fever vaccination in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, and Nigeria. Our counterfactual comparative scenario was sustaining immunisation services at coverage projections made prior to COVID-19 (i.e. without any disruption). Results Reduced routine vaccination coverage in 2020 without catch-up vaccination may lead to an increase in measles and yellow fever disease burden in the modelled countries. Delaying planned campaigns in Ethiopia and Nigeria by a year may significantly increase the risk of measles outbreaks (both countries did complete their supplementary immunisation activities (SIAs) planned for 2020). For yellow fever vaccination, delay in campaigns leads to a potential disease burden rise of >1 death per 100,000 people per year until the campaigns are implemented. For meningococcal A vaccination, short-term disruptions in 2020 are unlikely to have a significant impact due to the persistence of direct and indirect benefits from past introductory campaigns of the 1- to 29-year-old population, bolstered by inclusion of the vaccine into the routine immunisation schedule accompanied by further catch-up campaigns. Conclusions The impact of COVID-19-related disruption to vaccination programs varies between infections and countries. Planning and implementation of campaigns should consider country and infection-specific epidemiological factors and local immunity gaps worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic when prioritising vaccines and strategies for catch-up vaccination. Funding Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance.
Background: Childhood immunisation services have been disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. WHO recommends considering outbreak risk using epidemiological criteria when deciding whether to conduct preventive vaccination campaigns during the pandemic. Methods: We used two to three models per infection to estimate the health impact of 50% reduced routine vaccination coverage in 2020 and delay of campaign vaccination from 2020 to 2021 for measles vaccination in Bangladesh, Chad, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, and South Sudan, for meningococcal A vaccination in Burkina Faso, Chad, Niger, and Nigeria, and for yellow fever vaccination in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, and Nigeria. Our counterfactual comparative scenario was sustaining immunisation services at coverage projections made prior to COVID-19 (i.e. without any disruption). Results: Reduced routine vaccination coverage in 2020 without catch-up vaccination may lead to an increase in measles and yellow fever disease burden in the modelled countries. Delaying planned campaigns in Ethiopia and Nigeria by a year may significantly increase the risk of measles outbreaks (both countries did complete their supplementary immunisation activities (SIAs) planned for 2020). For yellow fever vaccination, delay in campaigns leads to a potential disease burden rise of >1 death per 100,000 people per year until the campaigns are implemented. For meningococcal A vaccination, short-term disruptions in 2020 are unlikely to have a significant impact due to the persistence of direct and indirect benefits from past introductory campaigns of the 1- to 29-year-old population, bolstered by inclusion of the vaccine into the routine immunisation schedule accompanied by further catch-up campaigns. Conclusions: The impact of COVID-19-related disruption to vaccination programs varies between infections and countries. Planning and implementation of campaigns should consider country and infection-specific epidemiological factors and local immunity gaps worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic when prioritising vaccines and strategies for catch-up vaccination. Funding: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance.
Surveillance for diabetes mellitus--United States, 1980-1989: "Problem/Condition: In the United States, diabetes mellitus is the most important cause of lower-extremity amputation and end-stage renal disease; the major cause of blindness among working-age adults; a major cause of disability, premature mortality, congenital malformations, perinatal mortality, and health-care costs; and an important risk factor for the development of many other acute and chronic conditions (e.g., diabetic ketoacidosis, ischemic heart disease, stroke). Surveillance data describing diabetes and its complications are critical to increasing recognition of the public health burden of diabetes, formulating health-care policy, identifying high-risk groups, developing strategies to reduce the burden of this disease, and evaluating progress in disease prevention and control. Reporting Period Covered: In this report, data are summarized from CDC's diabetes surveillance system; trends in diabetes and its complications are evaluated by age, sex, and race for the years 1980-1989. Description of System: CDC has established an ongoing and evolving surveillance system to analyze and compile periodic, representative data on the disease burden of diabetes and its complications in the United States. Data sources currently include vital statistics, the National Health Interview Survey, the National Hospital Discharge Survey, and Medicare claims data for end-stage renal disease. Results and Interpretation: In 1989, approximately 6.7 million persons in the United States reported that they had diabetes mellitus, and a similar number probably had this disabling chronic disease without being aware of it. The disease burden of diabetes and its complications is large and is likely to increase as the population grows older. Effective primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention strategies are needed, and these efforts need to be intensified among groups at highest risk, including blacks. Important gaps exist in periodic and representative data for describing the disease burden. Actions Taken: CDC is assisting diabetes control programs in 26 states and one territory. These programs attempt to reduce the burden of diabetes by preventing blindness, lower-extremity amputations, cardiovascular disease, and adverse outcomes of pregnancy among persons with diabetes. Because of important limitations in measuring the burden of diabetes, CDC is exploring sources of surveillance data for blindness, adverse outcomes of pregnancy, and the public health burden of diabetes among minority groups." - p. 1 ; Laboratory-based surveillance for meningococcal disease in selected areas--United States, 1989-1991: "Problem/Condition: Neisseria meningitidis is a leading cause of bacterial meningitis and septicemia in the United States. Accurate surveillance for meningococcal disease is required to detect trends in patient characteristics, antibiotic resistance, and serogroup-specific incidence of disease. Reporting Period Covered: January 1989 through December 1991. Description of System: A case of meningococcal disease was defined by the isolation of N. meningitidis from a normally sterile site, such as blood or cerebrospinal fluid, in a resident of a surveillance area. Cases were reported by personnel in each hospital laboratory in the surveillance areas. The surveillance areas consisted of three counties in the San Francisco metropolitan area, eight counties in the Atlanta metropolitan area, four counties in Tennessee, and the entire state of Oklahoma. Results: Age- and race-adjusted projections of the U.S. population suggest that approximately 2,600 cases of meningococcal disease occurred annually in the United States. The case-fatality rate was 12%. Incidence declined from 1.3/100,000 in 1989 to 0.9/100,000 in 1991. Seasonal variation occurred, with the highest attack rates in February and March and the lowest in September. The highest rates of disease were among infants, with 46% of cases affecting those 2 years of age. Actions Taken: Current recommendations against the use of sulfa drugs for treatment or prophylaxis of meningococcal disease unless the organism is known to be sensitive to sulfa should be continued. Since resistance to rifampin is rarely reported, it continues to be the drug of choice for prophylaxis. The development of vaccines effective for infants and vaccines inducing protection against serogroup B would be expected to have a substantial impact on disease." - p. 21 ; Surveillance for diabetes mellitus, United States, 1980-1989 / Linda S. Geiss, William H. Herman, Merilyn G. Goldschmid, Frank DeStefano, Mark S. Eberhardt, Earl S. Ford, Robert R. German, Jeffrey M. Newman, David R. Olson, Stephen J. Sepe, John M. Stevenson, Frank Vinicor, Scott F. Wetterhall, Julie C. Will -- Laboratory-based surveillance for meningococcal disease in selected areas, United States, 1989-1991 / Lisa A. Jackson, Jay D. Wenger, Meningitis and Special Pathogens Branch, Division of Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases, National Center for Infectious Diseases and the Meningococcal Disease Study Group ; "June 4, 1993"--Cover. ; Also available via the World Wide Web. ; Includes bibliographical references (p. 19-20, p. 29-30).
Chung Pham Van,1,2,* The Trong Nguyen,2,3,* Sy Tien Bui,2,4 Trong Van Nguyen,2,4 Huyen Thi Thanh Tran,2,5 Dong Trac Pham,6 Long Phi Trieu,7 Manh Dang Nguyen1,2 1Department of Foodborne Infectious Disease, Institute of Clinical Infectious Disease, 108 Military Central Hospital, Hanoi, Vietnam; 2Vietnamese-German Center of Excellence in Medical Research, 108 Military Central Hospital, Hanoi, Vietnam; 3Department of Airborne Infectious Disease and Intensive Care Unit, Institute of Clinical Infectious Disease, 108 Military Central Hospital, Hanoi, Vietnam; 4Department of Microbiology, 108 Military Central Hospital, Hanoi, Vietnam; 5Department of Molecular Biology, 108 Military Central Hospital, Hanoi, Vietnam; 6Military Medical Department, Ministry of National Defense, Hanoi, Vietnam; 7Department of Microbiology, Military Institute of Preventive Medicine, Hanoi, Vietnam*These authors contributed equally to this workCorrespondence: The Trong NguyenDepartment of Airborne Infectious Disease and Intensive Care Unit, Institute of Clinical Infectious Disease, 108 Military Central Hospital, No. 1, Tran Hung Dao Street, Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi, 11610, VietnamTel +84 964666899Email drthe108@gmail.comObjective: Despite strict surveillance, Neisseria meningitidis still causes life-threatening invasive meningococcal disease (IMD). The study aimed to describe the prevalence, clinical and subclinical features, and treatment outcomes of IMD among young soldiers of the Vietnam People's Army.Methods: A prospective, population-based surveillance study was conducted in all Vietnamese military hospitals from January 2014 to June 2021. The presence of Neisseria meningitidis was confirmed by PCR or culture from blood or/and CSF. Epidemiological indices (incidence, serogroups, and distribution of cases by length of service), medical history, clinical and sub-clinical features, and treatment outcomes were documented and analyzed.Results: There were 69 IMD cases (91% serogroup B) documented, mainly in conscripts (91%). The highest annual incidence was 3.33/100,000 soldiers per year. Of these cases, 44% were meningitis (n=30), 19% septicemia (n=13), and 38% meningococcemia (n=26). The most common clinical symptoms were neck stiffness (61 cases, 88%), petechial rash (51%), and shock (20 cases, 29%). Laboratory findings showed leukocytosis in 96% of IMD cases, PCT > 0.05 (ng/mL) in 100%, elevated leukocyte count (> 1,000/mm3) in 71%, and high protein > 1 g/L in 70%. The overall mortality rate was 9%. Two cases were found to be resistant to ceftriaxone. Prognostic factors of severity included petechial rash (OR = 9.82, p < 0.001), septicemia (OR = 5.83, p < 0.001), meningococcemia (OR = 6.22, p < 0.001), low platelet count, prolonged prothrombin time; high PCT (AUC = 0.84, p < 0.001), and increased creatinine (AUC = 0.86, p < 0.001).Conclusion: IMD remains a health threat in the armed forces in Vietnam, especially among new recruits. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study in Vietnam describing ceftriaxone resistance in Neisseria meningitidis and suggests the need to reconsider standard empiric therapy for IMD.Keywords: meningitis, Neisseria meningitidis, sepsis
In: Martín-Sánchez , M , Fairley , C K , Bradshaw , C S , Chen , M Y & Chow , E P F 2020 , ' Meningococcal vaccine uptake among men who have sex with men in response to an invasive meningococcal C disease outbreak in Melbourne, Australia ' , Sexually Transmitted Infections , vol. 96 , no. 4 , pp. 246-250 .
Objective: In 2017, there was an outbreak of invasive meningococcal disease (IMD) serogroup C among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Victoria, Australia. A government-funded free meningococcal (MenACWY) vaccination programme targeting all MSM living in Victoria was launched between December 2017 and December 2018. The aim of this study was to examine the vaccine uptake among MSM attending a sexual health clinic in Melbourne. Methods: This was a retrospective clinical audit of MSM attending the Melbourne Sexual Health Centre (MSHC) during the vaccination programme. We calculated the proportion of MSM who received the meningococcal vaccine on their first visit and at any time during the programme. We performed univariable and multivariable logistic regression to identify the factors associated with the vaccine uptake on the first visit. Results: Of the 10 370 MSM who attended MSHC, 55.5% received the vaccine on their first visit and 67.4% at any time during the programme. MSM had higher odds of receiving the vaccine on the first visit if they were aged 16-25 years (adjusted OR (aOR) 1.21; 95% CI 1.08 to 1.35) or 26-35 years (aOR 1.17; 95% CI 1.07 to 1.29) in comparison with MSM older than 35 years; were HIV-negative and not on pre-exposure prophylaxis (aOR 1.80; 95% CI 1.56 to 2.09); had more than four male partners in the last 12 months (aOR 1.16; 95% CI 1.06 to 1.27); had male partners only (aOR 2.24; 95% CI 1.96 to 2.55); or were born overseas (aOR 1.11; 95% CI 1.03 to 1.21). Conclusions: Two-thirds of the MSM attending a sexual health clinic received at least one dose of meningococcal vaccine. The vaccination programme coincided temporally with a dramatic reduction in the incidence of IMD. Vaccination should be further promoted among MSM and men who have sex with both men and women.
When you consider the risks undertaken by US military personnel, do you include risk for disease? Public health officials do. Military personnel are at risk for infectious disease because of crowding, the rigors of physical training, and sometimes unhygienic field conditions. Meningococcal disease (usually manifested as bacterial meningitis or blood-borne infection) can be rapidly fatal. It has historically affected the military more than the general US population. One hundred years' worth of data support this trend from as long ago as World War I. However, in 1970, a policy requiring vaccination of military recruits started lowering the rate of infection, although the rate remained higher than that for the general population. Since 1982, improvements in vaccines have lowered rates even further. As a result of these vaccination efforts, the meningococcal disease rate among military personnel has reached a historic low, which now matches that of the general population.