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Jaminan Pemeliharaan Kesehatan bagi Masyarakat Miskin Kota Yogyakarta
This study tried to describe the health care insurance program for the poor implemented by regional health insurance provider at Yogyakarta city. A qualitative approach has been used in this study. The finding of this study indicated that the successful implementation and development of the care program provides benefits to the government. The successful of the program includes (1) development budget expenditure in the health sector be more efficient, (2) partial subsidies can be allocated to communities in need (3) government get people healthier and more productive. Nevertheless, the fact in Indonesia nowadays, also in Yogyakarta, the development of Managed Care Program still runs slowly. Kata Kunci : Jaminan Kesehatan, Masyarakat Miskin, Unit Pelaksana Teknis (UPT)
Water supply system provided by Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) plays an important role in fulfilling local citizen's needs, both upper-middle and low classes of the society. Basically, water supply system involves three stakeholders: the users (the customers), the management (the company), and local government as a regulator. As a user, customer's main concerns is the fulfillment of his/her needs with affordable price, whilst PDAM as the management aims to gain profit. In the other hand, local government aims to keep the balance between supply and demand while seeking growth in its income.Currently, water supply service in Palu is only accessible for those from upper-middle class whilst the poor cannot access the service due to its high tariff. The issue of the need of equal access to the standardized water supply system, that at the same time is affordable for every citizen, consequently has emerged. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a study using Ability To Pay (ATP) and Willingness To Pay (WTP) approaches, taking into account the society's real expenses and water supply system's existing tariff. In subsequent, the subsidy for low-class society can be calculated.The population of this research consist of 408 households, spread into four districts. The primary data was collected by administering questionnaire using simple random sampling. Interviews were also conducted in order to gain more insight into the data. Secondary data was collected from PDAM Donggala and some other institutions. The data was analyzed using two techniques; first, ATP technique with household's expenses approach; and second, WTP technique by taking user's (customer) perception into consideration. The results showed that 75% of those who allocating 5% of their income to pay the PDAM's bills had the ability to pay more than the tariff, whilst only 40% of those who allocating 3% of their income had the ability to pay more than the tariff. It is also appeared that none of the respondents were willing to pay more than the tariff (which is Rp.1450/m3). Further analysis showed that 47,3% of PDAM's customers were able to subsidize to the poor, as their ability to pay (ATP) were mosre than Rp. 1500/m3
This research for knowing the political participation of the urban poor and the factors that affect the political participation of the urban poor in the election of President and Vice President in 2014 in the Village Mangasa Subdistrict Tamalate Makassar. The kind of research is descriptive quantitative research by explaining the political participation of the urban poor, the sample of 30 people in the poor communities selected by purposive sampling. The results showed a participation rate of urban poor in the election of president and vice president in 2014 in the Village Mangasa Tamalate District Makassar. The form of political participation of the poor consists of electoral activities, the lobby, the organization's activities, find connections and acts of violence, political participation Reasons divided on the influence of community groups, availability of facilities, and low motivation. Typology of political participation consists of poor and semi apathetic apathy. As well as political communication is divided into function information and education functions. The political participation of the urban poor is also strongly influenced by factors supporting consisting of Consciousness or the will and the influence of the government, as well as inhibiting factors are factors Environmental and Economic factors. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui partisipasi politik masyarakat miskin kota dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi partisipasi politik masyarakat miskin kota dalam pemilihan Presiden dan Wakil Presiden 2014 di Kelurahan Mangasa Kecamatan Tamalate Kota Makassar. Jenis penelitian adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan menggunakan sampelnya sebanyak 30 orang masyarakat miskin yang di pilih secara Purposive Sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat partisipasi politik masyarakat miskin kota dalam pemilihan presiden dan wakil presiden 2014 di Kelurahan Mangasa Kecamatan Tamalate Kota Makassar. Adapun bentuk partisipasi politik masyarakat miskin terdiri dari kegiatan pemilihan, lobby, kegiatan organisasi, mencari koneksi dan tindakan kekerasan, Alasan partisipasi politik terbagi atas pengaruh kelompok masyarakat, ketersediaan sarana, dan rendahnya motivasi. Tipologi partisipasi politik terdiri dari masyarakat miskin apatis dan semi apatis. Serta komunikasi politik terbagi atas fungsi informasi dan fungsi pendidikan. Partisipasi politik masyarakat miskin kota juga sangat dipengaruhi oleh faktor pendukung yang terdiri dari Kesadaran atau kemauan dan pengaruh pemerintah, serta faktor penghambat yaitu faktor Lingkungan dan faktor Ekonomi.
Realitas Sosial Masyarakat Miskin Kota dalam Naskah Drama Madekur dan Tarkeni Atawa Orkes Madun 1 Karya Arifin C. Noer
Salah satu faktor penyebab kemiskinan masyarakat Indonesia adalah tidak berkembangnya sebuah kultur etos kerja. Selain itu hilangnya hak-hak yang seharusnya di dapat oleh masyarakat melalui kesempatan yang ada di dalam industri lapangan pekerjaan sudah terenggut sejak zaman pendelegasian kekuasaan politik yang dijalankan di kalangan penguasa atau bangsawan untuk mengendalikan wilayah dengan cara bekerja sama dengan pemimpin sebagai mitra kerja sehingga berdampak kepada masyarakat miskin di Ibukota. Hal tersebutlah yang menjadi alasan mendasar mengapa realitas masyarakat miskin kota menjadi fokus kajian dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) Menggambarkan realitas sosial dalam naskah drama Madekur dan Tarkeni Atawa Orkes Madun 1 karya Arifin C Noer, 2) Mendeskripsikan gambaran masyarakat miskin kota dalan naskah drama Madekur dan Tarkeni Atawa Orkes Madun 1 karya Arifin C Noer, dan 3) Faktor penyebab terjadinya masyarakat miskin kota dalam naskah drama Madekur dan Tarkeni Atawa Orkes Madun 1 karya Arifin C Noer. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Objek penelitian ini adalah dialog dan narasi. Data yang digunakan berjumlah 82 data dan diperoleh menggunakan teknik dasar berupa teknik baca dan catat. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan sosiologi dengan teori Georg Lukacs. Hasil penelitian, yakni (1) Realitas sosial dalam naskah drama Madekur dan Tarkeni Atawa Orkes Madun 1 karya Arifin C. Noer, yang terdiri dari; a. Realitas Sosial – Keagamaan, b. Realitas Sosial – Pendidikan, dan c. Realitas Sosial – Ekonomi (2) gambaran masyarakat miskin kota dalam naskah Drama Madekur dan Tarkeni karya Arifin C. Noer, yang terdiri dari; a. Kualitas kesehatan, b. Rendahnya motivasi untuk berprestatsi, c. Tingkat depresi, d. Tidak adanya akses dalam mencari pekerjaan dengan penghasilan tetap dan modal dan e. Tidak bisa memenuhi kebutuhan pokok (sandang, papan dan papan) Dan (3) faktor penyebab terjadinya masyarakat miskin kota, yakni; a. Tingkat pendidikan yang Rendah, b. Ilegalitas pekerjaan, c. Tidak memiliki keterampilan dan d. Tingginya tingkat kekerasan dalam naskah drama.Kata kunci: realitas sosial, masyarakat miskin kota, Madekur dan Tarkeni, sosiologi sastra. One of the factors causing poverty in Indonesian society is the lack of a culture of work ethic. In addition, the loss of rights that should be obtained by the community through opportunities in the employment industry has been taken away since the era of delegation of political power exercised by the rulers or aristocrats to control the territory by working with leaders as partners so that it has an impact on the poor in the capital. This is the fundamental reason why the reality of the urban poor is the focus of study in this study. This study aims to: 1) Describe social reality in the drama script Madekur and Tarkeni Atawa Orkes Madun 1 by Arifin C Noer, 2) Describe the picture of the urban poor in the drama script Madekur and Tarkeni Atawa Orkes Madun 1 by Arifin C Noer, and 3) The factors causing the urban poor in the drama script Madekur and Tarkeni Atawa Orkes Madun 1 by Arifin C Noer. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods. The object of this research is dialogue and narrative. The data used are 82 data and obtained using basic techniques in the form of reading and note-taking techniques. This study uses a sociological approach with Georg Lukacs theory. The results of the research were (1) social reality in the drama script Madekur and Tarkeni Atawa Orkes Madun 1 by Arifin C. Noer, which consisted of; a. Social Reality - Religious, b. Social Reality - Education, and c. Social - Economic Reality (2) a description of the urban poor in the script of Drama Madekur and Tarkeni by Arifin C. Noer, which consists of; a. Health quality, b. Low motivation to excel, c. Depression level, d. Lack of access to finding work with fixed income and capital and e. Not being able to meet basic needs (clothing, boards and boards) and (3) the factors causing the urban poor, namely; a. Low level of education, b. The illegality of work, c. Do not have skills and d. The high level of violence in drama scripts.Keywords: social reality, urban poor, Madekur and Tarkeni, sociology of literature
In: Populasi, Band 17, Heft 1
ISSN: 2476-941X
The research aims to find out the implementation of JPKM before and after being organized by PT. Askes, the financing and health service accepted by those who join JPKM program in Yogyakarta City, and how useful was JPKM program according to poor citizens in Yogyakarta City. This research is designing to combine two methodologies, quantitative and qualitative method. A quantitative research needed to conduct a survey and a qualitative research aims to get more comprehensive view from stakeholders in the implementation of JPKM in Yogyakarta City. The results of this study are first, the low level of commitment from local government in Yogyakarta City in health sector. Second, Yogyakarta City has not yet developed its own social security system. Third, there is no complete database of poor citizens to be used in order to appoint the target for this health insurance program. Fourth, form the point of view of the target, health card has shown effective.
The research aims to find out the implementation of JPKM before and after being organized by PT. Askes, the financing and health service accepted by those who join JPKM program in Yogyakarta City, and how useful was JPKM program according to poor citizens in Yogyakarta City. This research is designing to combine two methodologies, quantitative and qualitative method. A quantitative research needed to conduct a survey and a qualitative research aims to get more comprehensive view from stakeholders in the implementation of JPKM in Yogyakarta City. The results of this study are first, the low level of commitment from local government in Yogyakarta City in health sector. Second, Yogyakarta City has not yet developed its own social security system. Third, there is no complete database of poor citizens to be used in order to appoint the target for this health insurance program. Fourth, form the point of view of the target, health card has shown effective.
The more and more of poor communities in the urban area has changing lane of target direction when disscussing about poverty. Urban poverty potentially become a source of social economic and social politic problems which can be fatal for society in a bigger scale. A qualitative method is used in this reseach based on reality in the field where a data collected by involved directly in the programme implementation. The result of this research showed that 1) Implementation of Raskin Programme in Batu barely having no difficulties, however there is still a lack of fund in Raskin distribution so regional government aiding a help through their APBD 2) expected role of the community will be very helpful for stimulation process in where at the same time boost empowerment of those poor community, 3) empowering process that happen in Raskin programme is showing a very healthy progress to combat poverty and giving a good impact to elevate their welfare and food self family.
Community empowerment efforts by the City of Baznas in Padang are through a program created as a form of productive zakat utilization and the distribution carried out by BAZ must be prioritized for productive and well-targeted businesses. From this description, the researcher formulated the problem in three research problem formulations, namely 1. How is the Baznas strategy of Padang City in empowering the poor with the requirements of mosque/mushalla worshipers. 2. How is the implementation of empowering the poor by the Padang City Baznas on the condition of being a mosque/mushalla congregation? And 3. What are the inhibiting and supporting factors of Padang City Baznas in empowering the poor on the condition of being a mosque/mushalla congregation? This research is a field research (field research) using descriptive qualitative method. The results of this study are the Baznas Padang City strategy in empowering the poor with the requirements of the mosque/mushalla congregation, which was conducted in 2011. Then it will not be discussed in the Padang City Baznas. Implementation of empowerment of the poor by the Padang City Baznas on the condition of being a congregation mosque, in the field there was found a mosque or mushalla that provided convenience, however there were also mosque or mushalla administrators who were indeed selective in providing the request letter, because they were contacted with the surrounding public assistance . The inhibiting factor of the City of Padang Baznas in empowering the poor on the condition of being a mosque/mushalla congregation is the lack of understanding of the community towards the purpose of the inclusion of the congregational active statement. While the supporting factors are the City of Padang Baznas has strength, support and support from the government, has experienced human resources, and has a strategic location on the edge of the By Pass road in the city of Padang.Keywords: Strategy, Baznas, Empowering, The Poor, and Jama'ah Mosque.
The study aims to describe procedural inequity, social inequity and political inequity for the poor in the accessibility to the Indonesian National Health Insurance. This study uses a qualitative method. Meanwhile, data collection uses in-depth interview, observation, and document study. Data analysis steps consist of data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing and verification. Procedural inequity was shown the invalid data collection process of the poor, so that they are not recorded as beneficiaries (PBI/Penerima Bantuan Iuran) or participants of the Social Security Management Agency of Health (BPJS/Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial-Kesehatan). Social inequity was shown to be unclear in the eligibility of the poor, which resulted in them having difficulty getting as beneficiaries. Meanwhile, political inequity has shown that there are marginalized the poor. Limited budget allocation causes the power elite to prioritize the poor who are near the power elite. Even though, they have the right to get a national health insurance program.
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Miskin Terdampak Erupsi Raung
: Erupsi Raung menjadi bencana nasional meski tak separah erupsi Sinabung. Aktivitas vulkanik Raung yang terus menerus erupsi membawa dampak negatif di bidang penerbangan, pertanian, dan bisnis. Adalah masyarakat ekonomi menengah kebawah di sekitar daerah terdampak erupsi Raung di Kecamatan Sumber Jambe, yakni Desa Jambearum, Rowosari, dan Gunung Malang yang menggantungkan hidupnya pada areal pertanianlah yang juga paling terpuruk dengan terjadinya bencana alam ini. Disaat areal pertanian rusak akibat paparan abu vulkanik Raung, muncullah pengangguran-pengangguran baru yang apabila tidak segera diberi solusi maka akan berimbas pada masalah yang semakin besar. Pemberdayaan masyarakat merupakan upaya memfasilitasi masyarakat untuk mampu mengembangkan sumber daya lokal, faham dan kritis terhadap realitas sosial-politik, sehingga memungkinkan mereka berkembang secara ekonomis dan mampu secara otonom menentukan pilihan bagi perkembangan hidupnya. Pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui pendidikan kecakapan hidup menjadi salah satu pemecahan masalah pasca bencana erupsi Raung karena menyeimbangkan antara pemberian bekal baik secara material maupun non material
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Miskin: Pendekatan Modal Manusia (Studi Layanan Publik tentang Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Miskin yang Diselenggarakan oleh BPM-KB dan Posko 100 di Kota Surabaya)
Poverty is one of development problems in developed and developing country like Indonesia. Poverty is complex problem that impacts negatively toward many aspects of people themselves, society and nation. Therefore, government has main duty to solve poverty problem comprehensively and holistically. Poverty occurs in Indonesia both in urban and rural area especially in Surabaya. There are many program of poverty alleviation that have been implemented or being implemented by government and community. One of poverty alleviation programs in Surabaya is poor people empowerment which it has been implemented by Community Empowerment Board-Family Planning and Posko 100. Those programs emphasize on firstly human capital development which is harmonized with other empowerments and participatory development (partnership). Poor people empowerment in Surabaya that has been implemented by Community Empowerment Board-Family Planning and Posko 100 is one way of public service namely providing training service, providing facilities, and developing partnership. Theoretically, public service relates to main ideas of Denhardt and Denhardt (2000) about new public service, human capital approach relates to concept of Theodore W. Schultz (Fagerlind and Saha, 1983) and Gary S. Becker (Seo, 2005; Lauri, 2004), and non-formal training relates to Philip H. Combs and Manzoor Ahmed (1973). Empowerment dimensions relate to concepts of Rappaport (Suharto, 2007:59; Nawawi, 2007:176), and concept of the World Bank (Narayan, 2002). The purposes of the study are to identify (1) the process of poor people empowerment, (2) participation of private sector, society, and trainee in poor people empowerment program, (3) the roles of government in empowering poor people, (4) the result of poor people empowerment, and (5) models of poor people empowerment that have been implemented by Community Empowerment Board-Family Planning and Posko 100 in Surabaya. Keywords: Public Service, Poverty, Empowerment, Human Capital, Participation, Community Empowerment Board-Family Planning (BPM-KB) and Posko 100
ABSTRACTThis research aims to get an overview or description of the implementation of the policy of the Ministry of health ofthe poor in the HOSPITALS of the city of Bitung. The type of research used in this research is descriptive qualitativeapproach method. Descriptive research aims to describe, summarize a variety of conditions, the situation or thevarious variables that arise in society which became the object of the research. Penelitiaannya focus on the factor ofcommunication, resources, attitudes andbureaucratic structure.Conclusions are in General, almost all indicators of policy implementation services Jamkesmas heldin Bitung city HOSPITALS already are good enough, the indicator of the system/equipment medical facilities arealready full enough. Meanwhile, implementing any policy stance is already pretty good and friendly in serving thepeople who came for the medication, but became the indicator needs to be fixed is the slowness of the distributionof the cards to the general wards of JAMKESMAS recipient JAMKESMAS card.Then there are some factor restricting the achievement of success of implementation of the policy of the Ministry ofhealth of the poor in the HOSPITALS of the city of Bitung IE from external factors, such as lack of understanding ofthe people about the ownership card JAMKESMAS.Keywords: Healthcare, Policy Implementation
Upaya pemberdayaan masyarakat miskin di kota dalam rangka mencapai peningkatan kesejahteraan hidup (studi kasus di kantor sosial Kota Malang)
In: Sulistyowati, Endang and Ngabut, Rofinus (2005) Upaya pemberdayaan masyarakat miskin di kota dalam rangka mencapai peningkatan kesejahteraan hidup (studi kasus di kantor sosial Kota Malang). Publisia Jurnal Kebijakan Publik, 9 (1). pp. 30-43. ISSN 1410-0983
The attempt of attacking against poverty will be successful only if it is conducted by means of providing job that later on results in reasonable income for the poor. This means implies not only increased earning for them, but also high dignity as both human beings and the member of a society, like the others. Therefore, the government roles in poverty attacking program should be executed, since for certain region with very significant social gap or inequality it necessary a solution in order for reducing or even eradicating poverty.
Abstract: The provision of legal aid to date is still not fully felt for the poor, especially the legal and justice aspects. The issuance of Law Number 16 Year 2011 on Legal Aid or so-called UUBH becomes an important breakthrough in constitutional development post-reformasi law. This paper focuses on the provision of legal aid by the Legal Aid Post (Posbakum) in the Religious Court of Bengkulu City. This research is a qualitative research with interview to get data. The results showed that the implementation of legal services through Posbakum in Religious Courts of Bengkulu City has been going well. Although in the implementation of legal services is still constrained by the human resources (HR) in Posbakum, but if dihat from the administrative process and the impact of legal aid services, the overall implementation of legal services through Posbakum in the Court of Religion has been running well according to achievements based on legislation