A presente resenha tem como objetivo abordar o capítulo XXIV, do livro I, volume II, de <em>O Capital</em>, de Karl Marx. Entendemos que não é uma tarefa fácil, porém diante da atual conjuntura, cabe-nos compreender <em>O segredo da acumulação primitiva</em>. Ressaltamos, que já no capítulo XXIII <em>A lei geral da acumulação primitiva, </em>Marx expõe como se desenvolveu o processo de acumulação no modo de produção capitalista, a partir da centralização e concentração da riqueza.
Preliminary Material -- Introduction -- 1 Marxism and Sociology -- 2 The Principle of Historical Specification -- 3 The Principle of Historical Specification (continued) -- 4 The Principle of Change -- 5 The Principle of Criticism -- 6 A New Type of Generalisation -- 7 Practical Implications -- 1 Marxism and Political Economy -- 2 From Political Economy to 'Economics' -- 3 From Political Economy to the Marxian Critique of Political Economy -- 4 Scientific versus Philosophical Criticism of Political Economy -- 5 Two Aspects of Revolutionary Materialism in Marx's Economic Theory -- 6 The Economic Theory of Capital -- 7 The Fetishism of Commodities -- 8 The 'Social Contract' -- 9 The Law of Value -- 10 Common Misunderstandings of the Marxian Doctrine of Value and Surplus-Value -- 11 The Ultimate Aims of Marx's Critique of Political Economy -- 1 The Materialist Conception of History -- 2 The Genesis of Historical Materialism -- 3 The Materialist Scheme of Society -- 4 Nature and Society -- 5 Productive Forces and Production-Relations -- 6 Base and Superstructure -- 7 Conclusions -- Bibliography -- Index of Names.
AbstractToday, Karl Kautsky (1854–1938) is mainly remembered for his polemics against the young Bolshevik regime or as the 'renegade' in Lenin'sThe Proletarian Revolution and the Renegade Kautsky(1918), which pillories him for his wavering stance in opposing World War I and his (later) outright hostility to the Russian Revolution of October 1917. Kautsky's authority as a Marxist theoretician was seriously called into question ever since Lenin's polemic. During the Cold War in particular, a consensus emerged which suggested that Kautsky's views of democracy, organisation and revolutionary change had little or nothing to do with the political practice of Russian Bolshevism and the Russian Revolution of 1917. Recently, however, several studies have challenged this consensus. They highlight the profound impact which Kautsky had on the development of Russian Bolshevism and make the case that – prior to his renegacy in 1914 – thinkers such as Lenin and Trotsky viewed Kautsky as the legitimate intellectual heir of Marx and Engels. This article introduces an autobiographical essay written by Kautsky in 1924 and calls for closer engagement with his œuvre as a whole.
El desconocido Karl Marx / R.P. -- Tres ensayos -- Oulanem (tragedia) -- Carta de Heinrich Heine -- Informe remitido a lord Palmerston --Breve bosquejo de una vida memorable -- Historia de la vida de lord Palmerston -- Historia diplomática secreta del siglo XX -- Cartas de Eleanor Marx a Frederick Demuth.
Der Autor belegt in seinem Artikel die Aktualität des ökonomischen Denkens von Karl Marx, indem er dessen Erklärungen und Visionen auf jüngste polit-ökonomische Ereignisse bezieht. Dazu wurde das Verhältnis der Marx'schen Ökonomie zur neoklassischen Harmonielehre, zu den Monetaristen, Neo-Malthusianern und Neo-Ricardianern aufgezeigt, dargelegt, daß der Fortschritts- und Wissenschaftsglaube des ökonomischen Marxismus berechtigt ist und in der Darstellung der Marx'schen Konjunkturtheorien die Reaktualisierung Marx'scher Sicht aufgezeigt. Die Relevanz des Marx'schen Werks heute sieht der Autor im wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Informationswert der ökonomischen Arbeiten und im Ansatz zum Nachweis grundsätzlicher Instabilität des Kapitalismus. Entscheidend aber ist nach Meinung des Autors die Erkenntnis, daß Ökonomie sich nicht nur mit der "Interpretation von statisch-dynamischen Abläufen bei konstantem Datenkranz" begnügen kann, sondern das gesamte institutionelle Gefüge der Gesellschaft mit einbeziehen muß. Die Erkenntnis erhält ihre aktuelle Relevanz in der gegenwärtigen Weltrezession. (AG)