El poder y el dinero, Mandel Ernest
In: Problemas del desarrollo: revista latinoamericana de economía, Band 25, Heft 99
ISSN: 2007-8951
260 Ergebnisse
In: Problemas del desarrollo: revista latinoamericana de economía, Band 25, Heft 99
ISSN: 2007-8951
In: New left review: NLR, Heft 100, S. 97-132
ISSN: 0028-6060
World Affairs Online
In: Études internationales, Band 2, Heft 3, S. 491
ISSN: 1703-7891
In: Filozofski vestnik: FV, Band 35, Heft 3, S. 171-174
ISSN: 0353-4510
In: Modern reader / Economics, 221
World Affairs Online
In: Review of radical political economics, Band 13, Heft 1, S. 35-39
ISSN: 1552-8502
The concept of a transitional society is utilized to analyze the laws of development of the Soviet economy. A transitional society, it is argued, is not defined by the simple combination or articulation of old and new relations, but instead is understood to be a formation with relations of production specific to this transitional period. The decisive feature of these new relations is the con scious distribution of the means of production and labor-power through the plan. The distribution of consumer goods, however, still maintains the commodity form. Consequently, the economic order is governed by the conflict of two antagonistic logics — the logic of the plan and the logic of the market.
In: International socialist review: the monthly magazine of the Socialist Workers Party, Band 33, S. 6-19
ISSN: 0020-8744
In: International socialist review: the monthly magazine of the Socialist Workers Party, Band 34, S. 6-13
ISSN: 0020-8744
In: Em pauta: teoria social e realidade contemporânea, Band 13, Heft 35
ISSN: 2238-3786, 1414-8609
In: New left review: NLR, Heft 213
ISSN: 0028-6060
The death of Ernest Mandel in July 1995 meant the loss of a major figure in the postwar rebirth of critical Marxism. Provides a tribute, and Ernest Mandel's own account of his early life given in an interview. (Original abstract-amended)