Explanatory Models of Burnout Diagnosis Based on Personality Factors and Depression in Managing Nurses
This study forms part of the Doctoral Thesis of the first-named author (Maria Jose Membrive-Jimenez). Funding for this study was provided by the Andalusian Government Excellence Project (P11-HUM-7771). ; Nurse managers are affected by burnout due to the high degree of interaction between managers with their registered nurses. Explanatory models based on psychological, and personality related variables purvey an estimation to level changes in the three dimensions of the burnout syndrome. A categorical-response logistic ordinal regression model, supported on a quantitative, crosscutting, multicentre, descriptive study with 86 nursing managers in the Andalusian Health Service in Granada, Spain is performed for each dimension. The three models included different variables related to personality, as well as depression as the only explanatory variable included in all the models. The risk factor neuroticism was significant at population level and related to emotional exhaustion, whilst responsibility was significant in the model estimated to personal accomplishment dimension. Finally, depression was significant for the three dimensions of Burnout. This analysis provides useful information to help the diagnosis and evolution of this syndrome in this collective. ; Andalusian Government Excellence Project P11-HUM-7771