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4742 Ergebnisse
In: Storia e politica 36
In: Biblioteca di cultura storica 101
In: Universale Laterza 132
In: Il socialismo nella storia d'Italia: storia documentaria dal Risorgimento alla repubblica 2
In: Universale Laterza 131
In: Il socialismo nella storia d'Italia: storia documentaria dal Risorgimento alla repubblica 1
Mario Alighiero Manacorda—who has recently passed away—was an educationalist and historian of culture and education. He was a leading figure of secular pedagogy and belonged to the Marxist current. His pedagogical thought was based on the claim that, by fighting capitalist alienation, Marx aimed at providing a kind of "Omni-lateral education" thus trying to fully emancipate culture and labour. According to Manacorda, although such ideal was opposed to the ecclesiastic educational framework, it was compatiblewith humanist and rationalist educational perspectives. In fact,Marxist pedagogy draws on these latter approaches and cuts them loose from social and class-oriented assumptions that biased the efficacy of bourgeois culture.The following interview sheds light on convictions and ideological choices undertaken by left-wing politics, both Italian and international. Manacordaclarifies his understanding of the Gramscian conception of school and outlines a pedagogical framework capable of bringing about the expected Marxist outcomes. Among the main themes: the relation between education and labour [or, more generally speaking, jobs], the need to Omni-laterally form the human being—the latter, according to theoretical perspectives that anticipated the actual concept of capability. Through the analysis of Gramsci, Manacorda recalls some principles that are not currently implemented,such as educational equity. With respect to this latter point, Manacorda expresses some remarks on the new forms of inequality determined by globalization. ; Mario Alighiero Manacorda – recentemente scomparso – pedagogista e storico della cultura e dell'educazione, è stato esponente di spicco della pedagogia laica di indirizzo marxista. Il pensiero pedagogico di M. si fonda sull'affermazione che, combattendo l'alienazione capitalistica, Marx mirava a una 'educazione onnilaterale', nella quale cultura e lavoro tendevano alla loro piena emancipazione. Questo ideale secondo l'autore è in contrasto con le impostazioni educative di matrice ...
In: Elites and modernity volume 21
In: Elitenwandel in der Moderne 21
In: Elites and Modernity
In: De Gruyter eBook-Paket Geschichte
Erstmals wird die zentrale Rolle der katholisch-faschistischen Intellektuellengruppe um den Germanisten Guido Manacorda (1879-1965) beleuchtet, die diese dank großer Nähe zu Mussolini im Regime in Bildung, Propaganda und Wissenschaft spielte. Diplomatiegeschichtlich kommt Manacorda 1935/37 das zweifelhafte Verdienst zu, als Vermittler des 'Duce' in mehreren Audienzen bei Hitler die Annäherung Italiens an das 'Dritte Reich' vorbereitet zu haben. Patrick Ostermann, Technische Universität Dresden.
In: Novos rumos: revista, Heft 41
Mario Manacorda, hoje com 89 anos, é um italiano "briguento" e muito simpático.
In: IWK: internationale wissenschaftliche Korrespondenz zur Geschichte der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung, Band 31, Heft 1, S. S132
ISSN: 0046-8428
In: Elitenwandel in der Moderne Band 21
In: Elitenwandel in der Moderne Band 21
In: Economica, Band 66, Heft 262, S. 181-207
ISSN: 1468-0335
This paper uses evidence on employment, labour force and wage differentials by education from OECD countries to investigate the characteristics and the consequences of a skill‐biased shift in the structure of labour demand and supply. The empirical analysis shows that there has been some increase in skill mismatch in a few OECD countries over the past two decades, but this has not been a generalized phenomenon. Moreover, the rise in mismatch cannot explain much of the rise in unemployment in continental Europe, while it does explain a significant proportion of the increase in the rate of joblessness in Britain.