Overview of Wireless Mesh Network's in Bluetooth Mesh
In: JETIR February 2019, Band 6
2256519 Ergebnisse
In: JETIR February 2019, Band 6
In: Maastricht journal of European and comparative law: MJ, Band 27, Heft 5, S. 660-683
ISSN: 2399-5548
Fisheries is one of the key issues in the negotiations for an agreement between the UK and the EU on their future relationship. At the end of the transition period, the UK will have full sovereignty over its waters but the EU is demanding the continuation of the existing pattern of fishing as far as possible. This article untangles the different elements of the issue. It demonstrates the international legal requirements for the regulation of fishing that will have to be met by the UK. To meet its obligations with regard to access to and use of fish resources under international law, a close cooperation with the EU and other neighbouring countries will be necessary. As the EU negotiation position links a free trade agreement with an agreement on fisheries while the UK is seeking discrete trade and fisheries agreements, the position at the end of 2020 is very uncertain. The problems regarding the trade in fish and fishery products, customs duties and sanitary product standards will be examined. EU provisions on environmental standards and marine protected areas will in principle no longer be applicable in the UK, but marine environmental protection is an obligation of international law so the protection of the marine environment and ecosystems in UK waters post-Brexit will be considered. We conclude by considering whether Brexit will deliver anticipated benefits.
In: IEEE antennas & propagation magazine, Band 61, Heft 2, S. 120-126
ISSN: 1558-4143
In: Development and cooperation: D+C, Band 44, Heft 1-2, S. 24-43
ISSN: 0723-6980
World Affairs Online
In: Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science, Band 15, S. 361-367
ISSN: 0065-0684
Bluetooth has constantly evolved from its cradle in 1997 to the last 5.2 version in 2020. With each update and amendment, it has gained in speed, range, and versatility. One of the latest introductions was the Bluetooth Mesh Profile (BMP) making it a technology suitable for a wide variety of applications. Nevertheless, BMP was designed to maintain the compatibility with Bluetooth version 4 devices already deployed in the market. This imposes some restrictions that place Bluetooth Mesh under other competing technologies like Zigbee or Thread in terms of throughput performance. In this paper we propose two mechanisms to overcome these limitations and take advantage of the new extended advertising capabilities introduced with Bluetooth 5. These mechanisms are presented as modifications to the current protocol stack to allow the transmission of larger data structures. Thus, it is possible to boost the throughput of Bluetooth Mesh making it suitable to more demanding applications like, for example, image transmission. The first proposal is designed as an adaptation layer to avoid modifying the standard in its current form. The second makes minimal changes to the frame structure at the different layers enabling the user to accommodate possible encapsulations (i.e., tunneling) without incurring IPv6-layer fragmentation. We have analyzed both solutions and compared them with the current BMP in terms of throughput, delay, and energy consumption for different channel conditions and network size. The results show that except for very small messages or poor channel conditions the proposals improve the throughput and delay of the current BMP. ; This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Science through the European Regional Development Funds (ERDF) under Project RTI2018-099880-B-C32, Project RTI2018-095684-B-I00, and Project RTI2018-099063-B-I00; and in part by the Government of Aragon (Reference Group) under Grant T31_20R. ; Peer Reviewed ; Postprint (published version)
In: Naval forces: international forum for maritime power, Band 14, S. 38-40
ISSN: 0722-8880, 0722-8880
In: Naval forces: international forum for maritime power, Band 5, S. 24-29
ISSN: 0722-8880, 0722-8880
In: Naval forces: international forum for maritime power, Heft 3, S. 40-44
ISSN: 0722-8880, 0722-8880
In: Naval forces: international forum for maritime power, Heft 5, S. 87
ISSN: 0722-8880, 0722-8880
In: Naval forces: international forum for maritime power, Band 18, S. 21-24
ISSN: 0722-8880