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47899 Ergebnisse
In: Palgrave Macmillan memory studies
"Memory in Culture is an introduction to one of the most exciting new interdisciplinary fields of research: cultural memory studies. Who was Maurice Halbwachs, and what are the "social frameworks of memory"? What can Aby Warburg's work tell us about the "memory of art"? How do Pierre Nora's lieux de mémoire connect history and memory? Where does the ancient art of memory meet the neurosciences? How do media shape our most personal memories? And can remembrance become globalized? Memory in Culture addresses these and many other questions about the socio-cultural dimensions of remembering, offeringa unique overview of the history and theory of memory studies. With the concise presentation of key concepts from history, sociology, political sciences, anthropology, psychology, literary, art and media studies, it documents current international and interdisciplinary memory research in an unprecedented way."--Pub. desc.
In: Memory and narrative series
The article examines the concept of memory studies, which is a separate discipline that studies and analyzes memory issues. The phenomenon of memory is an important part of life, although not presented as a necessary condition of mental activity. Memory, the author notes, is a way for people to construct their past through books, movies, documents, ceremonies, and so on. In memory studies, memory arises in various aspects – collective, social, cultural, genetic, and historical. The reason for claiming a worldwide "memory age" is criticism of official versions of history, the return of memory to communities and peoples whose history has been ignored, the activation of various memorial events, and more. It is shown that a social and cultural construct collective memory retains the authentic past as its version and serves as a means to achieve certain goals. Collective memory is in constant change, which is nonlinear, irrational, and not always subject to logical analysis. New events and ideas affect the perception of the past, and patterns of interpretation of the past determine the understanding of the present. The relation between collective and individual memory appears as the relation between memory and history. The primary function of historical memory is to form an identity. The development of memory studies distinguishes the political, functional, cumulative memory that use the past to shape national identity. The context of historical memory includes the concepts of "oblivion", "custom" and "tradition" that help to identify the turning points of history as they are indicators of the emergence of a new society. Historical memory is a tool for using the past to achieve goals dictated by the current situation. Mobilizing memory and collective perceptions of the past has been an integral part of the political process in recent centuries. ; У статті досліджується поняття memory studies в якості окремої дисципліни, в якій вивчається й аналізується проблематика пам'яті. Феномен пам'яті складає важливу частину життя людини, хоча і не є необхідною умовою розумової діяльності. Пам'ять, зазначає автор, це спосіб конструювання людьми свого минулого через книги, фільми, документи, церемонії тощо. В memory studies пам'ять вивчається в різних аспектах – колективна, соціальна, культурна, генетична, історична пам'ять. Ствердження всесвітньої «епохи пам'яті» обумовлено критикою офіційних версій історії, поверненням пам'яті спільнотам і народам, чиє минуле ігнорувалося, активізацією різних меморіальних заходів. Показано, що в якості соціально-культурного конструкту колективна пам'ять зберігає аутентичне минуле в якості його версії і слугує засобом досягнення певних цілей. Колективна пам'ять перебуває в постійних змінах, які нелінійні, ірраціональні і не завжди підлягають логічному аналізу. Нові події та ідеї впливають на сприйняття минулого, а схеми інтерпретації минулого визначають розуміння теперішнього. Співвідношення колективної та індивідуальної пам'яті постає як співвідношення пам'яті та історії. Основна функція історичної пам'яті полягає у формуванні ідентичності. Розвиток memory studies виокремлює політичну, функціональну, накопичувальну пам'ять, які використовують минуле для формування національної ідентичності. В контекст історичної пам'яті включені поняття «забуття», «звичаю» і «традиції». Вони допомагають виявити переломні моменти історії, котрі є індикаторами становлення нового суспільства. Історична пам'ять є інструментом використання минулого для досягнення цілей, що диктуються сучасною ситуацією. Мобілізація пам'яті і колективних уявлень про минуле є невід'ємною частиною політичного процесу впродовж останніх століть.
In: Memory, mind & media: MMM, Band 1
ISSN: 2635-0238
Rewilding memory provides the basis for a new theoretical and practical agenda to bring greater neurological human diversity and ecological diversity into research and teaching on memory, mind and media. The article develops the concept of 'more-than-human-memory' to refer to the co-construction of memories between diverse humans and the environment. The article draws on research that examined a transmedia corpus of 40 neurodivergent memory works (life writing, memoirs, autobiographical art, blogs and videos). It found that memory works by autistic people consistently remember the self in terms of the co-composition of human memories through and with the media and matter of environmental memories. The article explores the ways in which some autistic people's memory works decentre human memories through deep ecological memory, conversations with vibrant objects and memories of animating energies. The research suggests that such memories 'rewild' or eco-neuroqueer the human-centred and normatively biased assumptions of memory, mind and media that underpin psychology, philosophy of mind, media and memory studies. It contributes a new angle to research that addresses the dialogical relationship between what Barnier and Hoskins (2018) have termed 'memory in the mind' and 'memory in the wild'. It also goes beyond extended mind theory that understands human memory as enhanced and extended through non-biological tools and suggests the significance to memory of the more-than-human living world. Importantly, it highlights connections between autistic more-than-human-memories and the conceptualisation and practices associated with the more-than-human in research shaped by eco-psychology, Indigenous Studies and Environmental Humanities.
In: Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies
This is an introduction to one of the most exciting new interdisciplinary fields of research: cultural memory studies. Who was Maurice Halbwachs, and what are the 'social frameworks of memory'? What can Aby Warburg's work tell us about the 'memory of art'? How do Pierre Nora's lieux de mémoire connect history and memory? Where does the ancient art of memory meet the neurosciences? How do media shape our most personal memories? And can remembrance become globalized? Memory in Culture addresses these and many other questions about the socio-cultural dimensions of remembering, o
The aim of this paper is to analyse the shift of the representational and narrative paradigms of Holocaust memory in the Balkan films that belong to two genres – of melodrama and historicalfiction. The hybrid format positons the Holocaust (hi)stories – already caught between forgetting and remembrance – on the unstable ground between trauma and nostalgia; between history and memory; or facts and fiction. The "regained visibility of the Holocaust grant us access" to Balkan past and present and oblige us to investigate the convergence of the history and the memory into Holocaust master narrative of the Holocaust."Bringing the dark past to light" in cinema has manifold effect. First, the Balkan wave of Holocaustfilms, with its mixed generic performances, offers new answers to the traditional issues of, both, the ethics of memory and the ethics of representation. Second, the analysis of five films reveals that the trauma from the past – resisting the closure – has the potential to powerfully resonate in the present day political crises. Re-dressing the trauma of the past, the films present the future violence while fulfilling "the Holocaust dictum 'never forget'". Eventually, new representational paradigm gives consistency to the Balkan (hi)stories of the past and coherence to the identity in the present. ; The aim of this paper is to analyse the shift of the representational and narrative paradigms of Holocaust memory in the Balkan films that belong to two genres – of melodrama and historicalfiction. The hybrid format positons the Holocaust (hi)stories – already caught between forgetting and remembrance – on the unstable ground between trauma and nostalgia; between history and memory; or facts and fiction. The "regained visibility of the Holocaust grant us access" to Balkan past and present and oblige us to investigate the convergence of the history and the memory into Holocaust master narrative of the Holocaust."Bringing the dark past to light" in cinema has manifold effect. First, the Balkan wave of Holocaustfilms, with its mixed generic performances, offers new answers to the traditional issues of, both, the ethics of memory and the ethics of representation. Second, the analysis of five films reveals that the trauma from the past – resisting the closure – has the potential to powerfully resonate in the present day political crises. Re-dressing the trauma of the past, the films present the future violence while fulfilling "the Holocaust dictum 'never forget'". Eventually, new representational paradigm gives consistency to the Balkan (hi)stories of the past and coherence to the identity in the present.
In: Iluminuras: Publicação Eletrônica do Banco de Imagens e Efeitos Visuais, Band 20, Heft 51
ISSN: 1984-1191
Abstract: This interview approaches the work and career of the anthropologist Virginia Nazarea, and her work with the interconnectivity of memory, identity and food. The anthropological research exposes the relation between people's perception of their environment and biodiversity, and how personal identities come from such context.Keywords: memory. agriculture. biodiversity. conservation of knowledge. Resumo: Esta entrevista aborda o trabalho e carreira da antropóloga Virginia Nazarea, e seu trabalho com a interconectividade de memória, identidade e alimentos. A pesquisa antropológica expõe a relação entre a percepção das pessoas quanto ao seu ambiente e a biodiversidade, e como identidades pessoais surgem desse contexto.Palavras chave: memória. agricultura. biodiversidade. conservação de conhecimento.
In: Foreign service journal, Band 91, Heft 1-2, S. 86-89
ISSN: 0146-3543
In: Foreign service journal, Band 91, Heft 5, S. 66-72
ISSN: 0146-3543
In: Foreign service journal, Band 91, Heft 3, S. 61-67
ISSN: 0146-3543
In: Foreign service journal, Band 91, Heft 11, S. 86-89
ISSN: 0146-3543
In: Foreign service journal, Band 91, Heft 7/8, S. 68-72
ISSN: 0146-3543
In: Foreign service journal, Band 91, Heft 9, S. 72-75
ISSN: 0146-3543