107 Ergebnisse
Labor Unemployment Insurance and Firm Cash Holdings
In: Journal of Corporate Finance, Band 49
Familienbewusste Personalpolitik und Unternehmenserfolg. Eine empirische Untersuchung
Die vorliegende Studie untersucht die wechselseitige Beziehung zwischen Unternehmenserfolg und einer familienbewussten Personalpolitik. Anhand der Schätzung eines simultanen Gleichungssystems mit den Daten des IAB-Betriebspanels zeigt sich, dass eine gute Geschäftsentwicklung für ein entsprechendes Maßnahmenangebot förderlich ist, während dies umgekehrt nicht bestätigt werden kann. ; The present study examines the relationship between business performance on the one hand and family-friendly working arrangements on the other. The estimation of a structural equation system is based on the representative data of the IAB establishment panel. It is shown that business success is conducive for the supply of employer provided personnel measures, while vice versa this result does not hold.
Rigidität durch Flexibilität: Flexible Arbeit und das Wachstum von Managementbürokratien
Mehr Flexibilität im Arbeitsmarkt hat kürzere und flüchtigere Beziehungen zwischen Arbeitgeber und Arbeitnehmer zur Folge. Damit erodieren Vertrauen und Loyalität, wodurch Betriebe mehr Manager benötigen, um die Folgen einzudämmen. Die Autoren zeigen am Beispiel der Niederlande, dass Organisationen mit mehr flexiblen Arbeitskräften signifikant mehr Manager beschäftigen als vergleichbare Organisationen mit mehr fest angestelltem Personal. Interessant ist auch der Befund, dass kleinere Betriebe im Vergleich zu Großbetrieben relativ viele Manager haben und dass die Managementebene in jungen Betrieben keinesfalls kleiner ist als in älteren. Bemerkenswert ist auch, dass Organisationen im öffentlichen Sektor relativ weniger Manager beschäftigen als private und marktorientierte Organisationen. ; Flexibility in labour markets increases transaction costs. Using organisation-level data representative for the Netherlands, we show that fi rms have higher shares of managers in their personnel if they employ more flexible workers. This fits to earlier observations that Anglo-Saxon countries with flexible labour markets have substantially thicker management bureaucracies than "Rhineland" countries with more regulated labour markets. We also fi nd that percentages of managers in younger firms do not differ from those in older firms, while smaller firms have relatively more managers than larger fi rms. Moreover, not-for-profit and government organisations have relatively thinner management bureaucracies than private firms.
Attempts to harmonise the European Union legislation in respect of employee representation in corporate governance bodies
Motivation: Representation of employees in corporate governance bodies is, on the one hand, an important element in the democratisation of labour relations, while on the other hand, it can bring notable positive benefits to businesses. It is standard practice in a decided majority of the old EU countries, but only to a limited extent does it function in the countries which joined the EU in 2004 and later.Aim: The author of the article has defined two important goals. The first one is to present solutions concerning employee representation in individual EU countries. The second goal is to present earlier attempts to harmonise the EU legislation on the matters of such representation and to indicate the possibility of such harmonisation under the current conditions.Results: What has been noted in the article is that as many as 10 EU countries have no legislation concerning employee representation in corporate bodies. Although such legislation exists in other countries, the implemented solutions are heavily diversified. It has also been evidenced that the past attempts aimed to harmonise this sphere have generally failed. Against such background, establishing what is commonly referred to as a European Company with employee representation in its corporate governance bodies should be considered as a success, but due to a very limited range of such companies, it is but a partial success.
Attempts to harmonise the European Union legislation in respect of employee representation in corporate governance bodies
Motivation: Representation of employees in corporate governance bodies is, on the one hand, an important element in the democratisation of labour relations, while on the other hand, it can bring notable positive benefits to businesses. It is standard practice in a decided majority of the old EU countries, but only to a limited extent does it function in the countries which joined the EU in 2004 and later.Aim: The author of the article has defined two important goals. The first one is to present solutions concerning employee representation in individual EU countries. The second goal is to present earlier attempts to harmonise the EU legislation on the matters of such representation and to indicate the possibility of such harmonisation under the current conditions.Results: What has been noted in the article is that as many as 10 EU countries have no legislation concerning employee representation in corporate bodies. Although such legislation exists in other countries, the implemented solutions are heavily diversified. It has also been evidenced that the past attempts aimed to harmonise this sphere have generally failed. Against such background, establishing what is commonly referred to as a European Company with employee representation in its corporate governance bodies should be considered as a success, but due to a very limited range of such companies, it is but a partial success.
Familienfreundlichkeit in der deutschen Wirtschaft: Ergebnisse des Unternehmensmonitors Familienfreundlichkeit 2013
Der Unternehmensmonitor Familienfreundlichkeit 2013 zeigt, dass die Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf in der Wirtschaft weiterhin eine hohe Aufmerksamkeit genießt. Dies gilt fast ausnahmslos vor allem für die knapp 30 Prozent der Betriebe, in denen die Geschäftsleitung eine ausgeprägt familienfreundliche Einstellung aufweist. Unter den anderen Betrieben trifft dies immerhin noch auf drei Viertel zu. Im Vordergrund der personalpolitischen Aktivitäten stehen wie in den Vorgängererhebungen flexible Arbeitszeitmodelle und Teilzeitbeschäftigung, die Rücksichtnahme auf berufstätige Eltern bei der Planung der Arbeitsprozesse sowie die Unterstützung bei der Kinderbetreuung und Angehörigenpflege durch Freistellungen. Unternehmen mit einer ausgeprägt familienfreundlichen Unternehmenskultur sind dabei mit durchschnittlich 9,6 Maßnahmen signifikant aktiver als die Betriebe mit einer nicht so ausgeprägt familienbewussten Einstellung mit 5,9 Maßnahmen. Ferner schneiden Unternehmen, die sich durch ein stärkeres Engagement auszeichnen, bei verschiedenen Indikatoren für den wirtschaftlichen Erfolg besser ab als relativ inaktive Betriebe. Es ist dabei aber offen, ob ein familienfreundliches Engagement positive betriebswirtschaftliche Effekte verursacht oder umgekehrt eine gute wirtschaftliche Situation familienbewusstes Handeln erleichtert. Zwischen einer familienfreundlichen Unternehmenskultur und dem Unternehmenserfolg existiert hingegen kein signifikanter Zusammenhang.
Incorporating SDG 8 for Decent Work Practices: A study of MNC Subsidiaries in India
The objective of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 8) in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable development is to attain economic prosperity through Decent Work across the member nations of the United Nations. In order to achieve this goal in the next 10 years it is the responsibility of the Governments across the globe to work for its attainment by leveraging through its business houses and corporates at large. The target for decent work for all includes equal opportunities and equal pay for all that leads to economic development. India has already started working on the target by implementing various schemes attached to SDG 8 and to supplement it through organisations across the country that are including these SDG targets into their strategic goals and mission and vision statements up to a large extent. The current study delves into the role of Multi-National corporations (MNCs) operating out of India in incorporating workforce diversity, equal opportunity and inclusive growth of its employees by providing a decent work environment. The study focuses on 9 MNCs having headquarters in the United States of America and Europe and operating as subsidiaries in Delhi, NCR. The data was collected through secondary sources like websites, HR manuals and Annual reports. The data was qualitatively analysed and presented in the form of small cases for each MNC. These business conglomerates operate through best practices and policies. These practices are disseminated through Human Resource department that acts as a backbone for the MNCs. The study reveals that workforce diversity is prevalent in these MNCs and equal opportunity is also practiced. The implications of the current study are that other private and public enterprises or start-ups can take learning from these MNCs that form a benchmark for implementing workforce diversity in their operations. This will lead to achieving not only business goals but also help in building better economy for the country.
The Phenomenon of Underemployment in Poland
The labour market is usually associated with phenomena such as unemployment,employment and professional activity/inactivity. The ways in which these categoriesare shaped depend on various factors of an economic, social and technologicalnature. It is impossible to disagree with the statement that the contemporary labourmarket – local, national, and global – is undergoing dynamic changes. In the publicdebate, the themes of flexicurity, flexible forms of employment, reconciling professionalwork with private life, and lifelong learning appear more frequently. They cause heated discussions and often also controversies, since their impact on the situationof workers and employers in the labour market is increasing. Observing the trends in the world economy and the global labour market, it can be argued thatemployment becomes a privilege.Due to the reasons mentioned above, in the paper, issues which relate to 'incomplete'employment are discussed. Theoretical considerations are focused on theterminological and methodological problems related to the interpretation of the conceptof underemployment both in the Polish and foreign literature. Furthermore, therelationships between the phenomenon of underemployment and the concept of employmentflexibility and security are presented, since they are extremely importantfrom the perspective of the contemporary labour market. The theoretical analysis iscomplemented by a statistical analysis of empirical data that illustrates the currentscale of the phenomenon of underemployment in the labour market in Poland comparedto other European Union member states (EU-28). The article adopts the researchthesis that in Poland there is a problem of 'incomplete' employment. Therefore,the aim of this paper is to attempt to identify the scale of this phenomenon onthe Polish labour market. Implementation of this objective will be possible thanksto the study of national and foreign literature and a conducted statistical analysis ofselected indicators of the labour market in the context of this phenomenon, obtainedfrom the database of the European Statistical Office (Eurostat). ; -
Familienfreundliche Arbeitswelt im Zeichen der Digitalisierung: Befunde auf Basis des Unternehmensmonitors Familienfreundlichkeit 2016
Die Digitalisierung birgt Potenziale, die Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf zu verbessern. Laut aktuellen Befragungsergebnissen im Rahmen des Unternehmensmonitors Familienfreundlichkeit 2016 sind Unternehmen und Beschäftigte gleichermaßen davon überzeugt. Fast jedes zweite stark digitalisierte Unternehmen – das sogenannte Unternehmen 4.0 – weist eine ausgeprägt familienfreundliche Unternehmenskultur auf. Unter den gering digitalisierten Unternehmen 3.0 sind es weniger als drei von zehn. Unternehmen 4.0 zeichnen sich vor allem durch die Flexibilisierung des Arbeitsortes und die Individualisierung der Arbeitszeiten aus. Beides geht häufig Hand in Hand. Gut vier von zehn Beschäftigten, die manchmal und häufig mobil arbeiten, bestätigen, dass ihr Unternehmen eine ausgeprägt familienfreundliche Unternehmenskultur pflegt. Unter den nie mobil arbeitenden Arbeitnehmern ist es nur ein Viertel. Genauere Analysen signalisieren, dass die Wahrscheinlichkeit, mit der Familienfreundlichkeit der Personalpolitik zufrieden zu sein, steigt, wenn den Beschäftigten gelegentlich die Option zur Verfügung steht, außerhalb des Betriebs zu arbeiten. Häufiges mobiles Arbeiten geht hingegen nicht automatisch mit einer höheren Zufriedenheit einher – allerdings auch nicht mit einer höheren Unzufriedenheit. Mehr Mobilität im Berufsleben steht damit nicht im Widerspruch zur Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf.
Futures of robotics. Human work in digital transformation
In this article we discuss the futures of work and robotics. We evaluate key future trends in the field of robotics and analyse different scenarios regarding the futures of human beings and work life. Subsequently, we present a roadmap of robotics, which covers key aspects of industrial and service robotics, discuss technology foresight insights and inter-linkages to robotics, and identify three critical technology roadmaps: the technological future of robotics, digitalisation and ICT technologies. Finally, we analyse economic, social, and political key challenges of the digital transformation of work and labour policy in the European Union in general and against the backdrop of the European robotics strategy in particular.
The purpose of this study is to emphasize the main aspects regarding the management of the human resource in projects. This study tries to present in the comparative manner, different approaches of several guidelines, international standards and methodologies regarding the management of the human resource in projects (the PMBOK ® Guide elaborated by the Project Management Institute and the PRINCE method elaborated by the British Office of Government Commerce). The PMBOK® Guide describes four elements (processes) of human resource management: human resource planning, acquire project team, develop project team and manage project team. The PMBOK approach regarding human resource management is focused on utilizing the people involved in the project in the best way. According the PRINCE method the management of the human resource is focused on the roles and responsibilities of the human resource within the project. In this standard, the responsibilities are viewed like a roles. Everybody involved in the project can have one or more roles and a role can be fulfilled by several persons.
All-or-Nothing Monitoring: Comment
In: American economic review, Band 100, Heft 1, S. 625-627
ISSN: 1944-7981
Zhao (2008) presents an interesting "all-or-nothing monitoring" result for a multitask moral hazard agency problem with partial effort observation. We argue that the optimal contract based on the non-verifiable observation of the agent's effort in Zhao (2008) can be regarded as a limitation on the incentive schemes available to the principal. I then propose some arguably more appropriate approaches for analyzing such agency problems. (D82, D86, M54)