Lyon [carte de gampagne] ; RODANO-ALPES (Francia). 1:42553
Relieve : sombreado ; Escala gráfica ademas en leguas de 25 al grado
39 Ergebnisse
Relieve : sombreado ; Escala gráfica ademas en leguas de 25 al grado
Relieve : sombreado ; Escala gráfica ademas en leguas de 25 al grado ; Copia digital . España : Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 2010
Nelle nostre società sempre più multilingui e multiculturali l'interpretariato in ambito sociale detiene un ruolo importante nel favorire la comunicazione in ogni ambito della vita quotidiana tra gli individui che non condividono la stessa lingua. In questo elaborato ci proponiamo di ripercorrere le politiche elaborate dall'Unione Europea per far fronte alla crisi migratoria, e di tracciare la storia dell'immigrazione recente in Francia, concentrandoci sugli agglomerati urbani di Lione, Grenoble e la regione Alvernia Rodano-Alpi. Tenteremo di delineare l'importanza e le peculiarità del ruolo dell' interpretariato in ambito sociale, nel contesto della società francese e nel promuovere l'accesso ai servizi di utenti allofoni. Infine, tramite interviste e questionari proposti ad interpreti, cercheremo di delineare la percezione del ruolo dell'interprete in ambito sociale nella regione, le problematiche incontrate e le esigenze di coloro che praticano questa attività.
Relieve : lineas perpendiculares normales ; Figura en el margen superior derecho : 'n. 9'
Escala gráfica además en 'Kilométres' y 'Milles romaines' ; Relieve : sombreado ; Figura leyenda explicativa de los signos empleados ; Figuran 13 perfiles del río
Escala gráfica además en 'Kilométres' y 'Milles romaines' ; Relieve : sombreado ; Figura leyenda explicativa de los signos empleados ; Figuran 13 perfiles del río ; Copia digital. España : Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 2018
Relieve : lineas perpendiculares normales ; Figura en el margen superior derecho : 'n. 9' ; Copia digital . España : Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 2010
Coordenadas : O0 20'06''-E7 30'00'/N52 00'00''-N42 10'00''. Meridiano de París ; Relieve : sombreado ; Anotaciones con lapiz, y en rojo, sobre el mapa
Coordenadas : E1 25'-E5 25'/N48 05'-N42 45'. Meridiano de París ; Escala gráfica además en leguas de 25 al grado ; Relieve sombreado
Coordenadas : E1 25'-E5 25'/N48 05'-N42 45'. Meridiano de París ; Escala gráfica además en leguas de 25 al grado ; Relieve sombreado ; Copia digital . Esàña : Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 2010
International audience ; The article presents the French approach to smart cities. Unlike other countries (members of the European Union and other nations, such as the United States, India.) that prefer an approach that could be defined "interventionist", in France there is currently no specific regulatory framework for smart cities, perhaps because local administration is undergoing an extensive reorganization and the role of inter-municipal structures and metropolitan areas (métropoles) is growing. The specificity of the French approach can be identified in the tendency to experiment permanently new forms of collaboration between the public and private sectors. This is certainly due to the centralized industrial fabric and the fact that large companies are holders of the majority of public contracts. Such companies are therefore privileged, long-time partners of local authorities and, on the latter's behalf manage local public services. Two examples (Lyon and Issy-les-Moulineaux) and the success of their experiments seem to confirm this interpretation.
International audience ; The article presents the French approach to smart cities. Unlike other countries (members of the European Union and other nations, such as the United States, India.) that prefer an approach that could be defined "interventionist", in France there is currently no specific regulatory framework for smart cities, perhaps because local administration is undergoing an extensive reorganization and the role of inter-municipal structures and metropolitan areas (métropoles) is growing. The specificity of the French approach can be identified in the tendency to experiment permanently new forms of collaboration between the public and private sectors. This is certainly due to the centralized industrial fabric and the fact that large companies are holders of the majority of public contracts. Such companies are therefore privileged, long-time partners of local authorities and, on the latter's behalf manage local public services. Two examples (Lyon and Issy-les-Moulineaux) and the success of their experiments seem to confirm this interpretation.
International audience ; The article presents the French approach to smart cities. Unlike other countries (members of the European Union and other nations, such as the United States, India.) that prefer an approach that could be defined "interventionist", in France there is currently no specific regulatory framework for smart cities, perhaps because local administration is undergoing an extensive reorganization and the role of inter-municipal structures and metropolitan areas (métropoles) is growing. The specificity of the French approach can be identified in the tendency to experiment permanently new forms of collaboration between the public and private sectors. This is certainly due to the centralized industrial fabric and the fact that large companies are holders of the majority of public contracts. Such companies are therefore privileged, long-time partners of local authorities and, on the latter's behalf manage local public services. Two examples (Lyon and Issy-les-Moulineaux) and the success of their experiments seem to confirm this interpretation.
Reproducción digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Defensa. Subdirección General de Publicaciones y Patrimonio Cultural, 2019