Dauercamping kann als eine spezifische Ausprägungsform multilokalen Wohnens betrachtet werden. Im Dauercamping kommt das Zusammenspiel von Mobilität und Sesshaftigkeit, das dem multilokalen Wohnen eigen ist, in besonderer Weise zum Ausdruck. Welche vielfältigen Beweggründe und Motive dazu führen, dass Menschen sich temporär auf dem Campingplatz niederlassen, wurde in einer empirischen Erhebung mit Feldbeobachtung ermittelt. Der Campingplatz fungiert demnach als eine Art "Gegenwelt",aber auch als pragmatisch gewählter, oft arbeitsbezogener Wohnort.
Intro -- LONG-TERM CARE: BACKGROUND AND ISSUES -- LONG-TERM CARE: BACKGROUND AND ISSUES -- CONTENTS -- PREFACE -- Chapter 1 LONG-TERM CARE (LTC): FINANCING OVERVIEW AND ISSUES FOR CONGRESS -- SUMMARY -- INTRODUCTION -- WHAT IS LTC? -- SOURCES OF FINANCING FOR LTC -- Public Sources of Financing for LTC -- Medicaid -- Eligibility -- Eligibility Criteria: Group One -- Eligibility Criteria: Group Two -- Other Requirements -- Services -- Mandatory Services -- Optional Services -- Medicare -- Home Health Services -- Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Services -- Other Public Payers -- Private Sources of Financing for LTC -- Private LTC Insurance -- Out-of-Pocket Spending -- Other Private Funds -- LTC ISSUES FOR CONGRESS -- Barriers to Public and Private Coverage -- Strain on Federal, State, and Local Budgets -- Better Coordinating Care across Medicaid, Medicare, and Other Public Programs -- Better Coordinating Care across Provider Settings -- Medicaid Spending Still Dominated by Institutional Care -- Navigating the Current LTC System Is Complex -- Limited Supply of the LTC Workforce -- Limited Access to Affordable Housing -- Guaranteeing Quality Can Be Challenging -- End Notes -- Chapter 2 FACTORS AFFECTING THE DEMAND FOR LONG-TERM CARE INSURANCE: ISSUES FOR CONGRESS -- SUMMARY -- INTRODUCTION -- PRIVATE LONG-TERM CARE INSURANCE -- Current Financing of LTC Services -- LTC Insurance Industry Trends -- FACTORS AFFECTING THE DEMAND FOR PRIVATE LTCI -- Cost and Complexity of Long-Term Care Insurance -- The Type of Coverage -- Dollar Amount of Coverage and Annual Inflation Adjustments -- Duration of the Benefit -- Elimination Period -- Adequacy of Consumer Protections For LTCI Policyholders -- State Oversight -- Federal Oversight -- Premium Instability -- Inappropriate Sales Practices -- Inappropriate Denial of Claims -- Solvency of LTC Insurers
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The fourth volume in the prestigious Advances in Long-Term Care Series continues to address the challenges of long-term care with innovation and practical insight. Highlighting the dynamic nature of long-term care, the authors share their practical insight and explore issues linked to the cost and process of delivering care to an increasing number of clients. Topics include transitions between acute and long-term care, geriatric day hospitals, subacute care, and more. Contributors from a range of gerontologic disciplines use new research as bases to develop care solutions under the mandates of
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The increasing life expectancy and the alarming growth in the incidence of chronic illness make long term care services in high demand and in dire need of change and innovation. As part of the ANCIEN initiative, which aims to comprise a database of European approaches for dealing with long term care, this document creates an overview of the health systems organized in Romania which target individuals with long term care needs. The method of governance, the people's needs and the available services are presented herein. For the most part, the services provided in this field are covered through the efforts of the family of those in need and are therefore difficult to quantify or analyze. Public services are either insufficient (in terms of quality or accessibility) and the moral stigma associated to using them prevents families from making this choice. However, due to a high demand and a low supply of high quality LTC services, the private market of nursing homes has exploded in the last few years, funded either privately, through NGOs or external donations. The quality and number of available services has greatly improved but the accessibility is still low. At this moment, Romania still does not have an integrated long term care system neither from the legal or the organization of services being offered. There are social and medical services that are run, provided and legislated independently. The current national strategy is to coordinate these services and to create an integrated system with multidisciplinary teams which would include different types of medical specialists and nurses but still maintain and improve the services offered formally or informally as a home based care package.