Fcmpr:A Multi-Path Secure Transmission Method Based on Link Security Assessment and Fountain Coding
In: IJIN-D-23-00327
565199 Ergebnisse
In: IJIN-D-23-00327
In: Africa research bulletin. Political, social and cultural series, Band 44, Heft 8
ISSN: 1467-825X
In: Africa research bulletin. Political, social and cultural series, Band 44, Heft 8, S. 17209A
ISSN: 0001-9844
In: Athenaeum: polskie studia politologiczne, Band 79, Heft 3, S. 70-89
The article aims to analyze food security from the perspective of international security studies. Russia's aggression against Ukraine in February 2022 has generated renewed interest in food security. The undeniable links between war and famine have taken on an added dimension in this conflict due to the importance of both warring parties to the global food market. While the way food security is conceptualized points to its indirect relationship with international security, the change that took place in the study of international security after the Cold War recognized socio-economic problems as equivalent of threats to the national security. The analysis allowed the following conclusions. First, food security should be treated as a new research area of international security because it challenges the stability of the global socio-economic system. Second, as the 2008 and 2010–2011 food crises, the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia's aggression against Ukraine have shown, food insecurity generates threats to international security.
In: Challenge: the magazine of economic affairs, Band 24, Heft 6, S. 44-49
ISSN: 1558-1489
In: Critical Infrastructure System Security and Resiliency, S. 1-2
In: Public personnel management, Band 26, Heft 1, S. 1-6
ISSN: 0091-0260
In: http://hdl.handle.net/10492/2119
Suurõnnetused Bhopalis Indias, Bunchfieldis Inglismaal ja Toulouse´is Prantsusmaal on tõestuseks, kui oluline on riskide arvestamine planeerimisel ohtlike ettevõtete ümbrusesse – eriti kui viimased asuvad tiheasustusalal. Euroopa Liit on teinud püüdlusi kohustada oma liikmesriike ohtlikest ettevõtetest tulenevat riski arvestama kuid siiski on ebakindel kuidas ja mis ulatuses seda peaks tegema. Kuna riskidega arvestamiseks ning nende integreerimiseks keskkonnamõju hindamise lõpparuandesse on erinevaid võimalusi on käesoleva magistritöö eesmärgiks uurida, kuidas on riskianalüüsi meetodeid kasutatud keskkonnamõju ja keskkonnamõju strateegilise hindamise lõpparuannetes, eesmärgiga leida ning välja tuua spetsiifilisi ja üldiseid tunnusjooni. Selleks töötati läbi 24 erinevat keskkonnamõju ja strateegilist keskkonnamõju hindamist hindamist, mis sisaldasid kas vähemal või rohkemal määral ohtlikest ettevõtetest tulenevate riskide hindamist. Aruanded olid koostatud 8 erineva ettevõtte poolt. Põhiline tähelepanu oli konkreetsel ohuallikal; ohualade, tõenäosuse ja riski hindamiseks kasutatud metoodikatel. Samuti, kuidas olid riskianalüüsi tulemused kajastatud ning mis ulatuses keskkonnamõju hindamiste lõpparuannetes. Analüüsi tulemusel ilmnes, et riskianalüüs on erinevate aruannete lõikes läbi viidud erinevalt ning et erinevusi on isegi sama ettevõtte poolt koostatud aruannetes. Ühise tunnusena võib välja tuua, et riskianalüüsi tulemusi on üldiselt lõpparuandes kajastatud kas eraldi riskihindamise peatükina või sisaldab lõpparuanne riskianalüüsi kokkuvõtvat peatükki. ; The Bhopal Incident in India, Bunchfield Incident in Great Britannia and Toulouse accident in France give evidence how important is to consider risks in planning hazardous establishment in densly populated area. Even though European Union has made efforts to obligate its member states to consider risks that may result from these hazardous establishment, the uncertantity is how and which extent that should be done. There is various ways for considering risks and applicate them into the final environmental assessment reports. For that reason the main goal of master thesis in present is to examine how are the risk analysis methods applicated in frames of environmental impact assessment and strategic environmental assessment final raports, trying to find and highlight the specific and general features. To achive this objective 24 different environmental impact assessment and strategic environmental impact assessment reports drawn up from 8 different companies which included some kind of risk assessment resulting from hazardous establishments. The main focus was on hazardous substance, the methology used to calculate the danger zones, probability and evaluating the risks. Also how were the risk assessment related to final report and in what combination. The analysis showed that risk analysis is carried out in different environmental impact assessment reports variously and the differences apply even in reports drawn up by same company. The one similar feature is that the results from risk assessment are generally incorporated to the final report as a special chapter or includes a summary of risk analysis.
In: Public personnel management, Band 26, Heft 1, S. 1-6
ISSN: 1945-7421
The National Performance Review called for a refocusing and revitalizing of mechanisms to assess human resource program effectiveness by relating such effectiveness to mission accomplishment. The traditional Personnel Management Evaluation (PME) Program used by many federal organizations, which emphasized regulatory and statutory conformance, did not fit this new paradigm. The Defense Contract Audit Agency's Human Resource Assessment Model analyzes the degree of achievement in Strategic Plan goal attainment, and, in so doing, serves as a direct measure of Agency mission accomplishment.
In: The international journal of sociology and social policy, Band 5, Heft 1, S. 19-28
ISSN: 1758-6720
The present social security system has reached a point where it has outgrown its traditional structures. The system envisaged for the future is one in which the state decides what minimum protection everyone must receive and how much tax this entails, and in which a body representing all workers decides on how much of their income they will pay to insure themselves. Policy recommendations for restructuring social security systems in Europe should take into account the fact that social security benefits enjoy a privileged status within the context of public spending; that every country adopts a minimum level of expenditure in line with its considered minimum standard of social protection; and that greater efficiency of social security budgets should be aimed at, through rationalisation of choices, structures, means and services.
Scholarly understanding of the relationship between climate change and human migration and displacement has expanded greatly in the last two decades. There is general agreement that migration is one of a range of outcomes that may emerge as households and communities cope with and adapt to climatic risks and hazards. Migration decisions are highly context-specific and vary according to interactions between economic, political, social, cultural, demographic, and other factors that operate across scale to create vulnerability and adaptive capacity (Black et al. 2011). Migration outcomes reflect a continuum of agency, from voluntary movement to involuntary displacement (Hugo 2011), and include immobile populations that may be unable to migrate in the face of high exposure to climatic risks because they lack the necessary means or opportunities (sometimes referred to as "trapped populations", (see Adger et al. 2015)) as well as groups that are reluctant to move due to strong attachments to place associated with economic, cultural, and/or social ties (Adams 2016; Zickgraf 2019). Scholarship on climate-migration has evolved somewhat independently from other fields of climate change impact scholarship, and this is reflected in successive generations of IPCC assessment reports that use a risk framing not found in most climate-migration literature. Policy makers' concerns about climate change impacts on migration have grown in recent years, creating demand for greater treatment of it in IPCC and other scientific assessment reporting. This in turn generates a need for a common conceptual foundation that links climate-migration research to wider climate change risk framings, to facilitate dialogue between researchers and policy makers. To this end, as active participants in assessing scholarship on migration and (im)mobility for the IPCC's Sixth Assessment Report, we offer a new conceptual framing of the links between climate change risks and migration. Original article DOI link: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10584-021-03056-6. ...
In: Strategic analysis: a monthly journal of the IDSA, Band 42, Heft 6, S. 633-639
ISSN: 1754-0054
In: National defense, Heft 509, S. 58-61
ISSN: 0092-1491