Life-Long Learning
In: Handbook of Science and Technology Convergence, S. 1073-1087
727416 Ergebnisse
In: Handbook of Science and Technology Convergence, S. 1073-1087
In: Gendai shakaigaku kenkyū, Band 24, Heft 0, S. 71-80
ISSN: 2186-6163
In: Jahrbuch Arbeit, Bildung, Kultur, Heft 21/22, S. 195-210
ISSN: 0941-3456
In: Mitchell , D , Shiu , W , Enemark , S & Kavanagh , J 2020 , ' Blended Learning in Support of Life-long Learning for Surveyors ' , FIG Article of the Month , pp. 18 .
"Blended" or "hybrid" learning is a significant trend in professional surveying education. It involves a mix of face-to-face learning and online learning. While blended learning is challenging to implement it offers many benefits and, when carefully developed, provides a range of learning options that suit many student learning styles and approaches. A key characteristic is that digital learning or training materials can be shared and easily adapted for use in many contexts. The benefits in blended learning for life-long learning is enhanced if education institutions, government, industry and professional institutions work together to develop online learning opportunities. It all starts with quality online learning materials that can be used in many ways by many stakeholders to provide options for life-long learning pathways that are then incorporated into traditional face-to-face approaches suited to the context. In this paper we discuss the development of blended learning in academia, training institutions and professional institutions. The paper draws on the experiences of the authors and existing literature to review and discuss the trends in blended learning and consider how this may be of benefits to learners in academic institutions, as well as for training within the surveyor sector, and the benefits for professional development programs. Finally, we consider ways that academic institutions, training organisations, industry and professional bodies can work together to derive efficiencies and combined benefits of blended learning resources.
This study brings together a number of social partner perceptions to issues of lifelong learning and development within the context of a transitional economy such as that of Malta. The first section provides a literature review on the changing nature of the world of work via the forces of globalisation through the borderless flow of capital, the intensive dependence on the knowledge economy and the primacy of competitiveness as a key business strategy for profitability based on excellence in human capital. This requires human resource management and industrial relations to adopt a strategic role in workplace and employment relations. In particular, the salience of lifelong learning and continuous training and skill development of the workforce are emphasised as being the only controllable factors in productivity growth. ; peer-reviewed
In: Journal of educational sociology: Kyōiku-shakaigaku-kenkyū, Band 40, Heft 0, S. 111-125,en280
ISSN: 2185-0186
Der Autor beschreibt die wichtigsten Aspekte von Gandhis Erziehungs- und Bildungsvorstellungen auf dem Hintergrund seines sozialreformerischen Programmes. Gandhi ist zwar mit seiner Idee von Nai Talim gescheitert, trotzdem sind darin eine Vielzahl von Ansätzen enthalten, die auch heute - nicht nur in Indien Bedeutung für eine zukunftsgewandten bildungs- und gesellschaftspolitischen Diskurs haben. ( DIPF/Orig.)
In: Acta Universitatis Bohemiae Meridionalis, Band 13, Heft 1, S. 115-118
ISSN: 2336-4297
In: Zeitschrift für Frauenforschung & Geschlechterstudien, Band 22, Heft 4, S. 92-109
In: Zeitschrift für Frauenforschung und Geschlechterstudien, Band 22, Heft 4, S. 92-109
"Der Beitrag beschreibt und reflektiert Geschlechterperspektiven auf das Wuppertaler SeniorInnenstudium. Empirische Grundlage ist eine mit Drittmitteln finanzierte 3-jährige Evaluationsuntersuchung, die bis 1999 durchgeführt wurde. Neben sozialdemografischen Daten wurden Studierverhalten und Studiengewinn mit Tätigkeitsperspektiven erfasst. Die empirischen Ergebnisse werden mit Hilfe gerontologischer und Bildungstheorien reflektiert, die selber wiederum auf der Folie von Geschlechterstudien gespiegelt werden." (Autorenreferat)
In: Roczniki Nauk Społecznych, Band 9(45), Heft 2, S. 89-100
ISSN: 2544-5812
In: 19 LEWIS & CLARK L. REV. 413 (2015)
In: McMahon, Margery, Morrison-Love, David, and Deakin-Crick, Ruth (2006) Mediated Support for Learning Enhancement (ELLI) (Effective Lifelong Learning Inventory). Other. The Higher Education Academy.
In: Geopolitical, Social Security and Freedom Journal, Band 4, Heft 2, S. 105-111
ISSN: 2587-3326
Life-Long Learning seems to be an all-sides studied model. Globalisation, work-market rapid change, and the free circulation of knowledge let researchers discover that there is a new way of designing the LLL process. The multicultural society is a drive of LLL process optimisation. After the Lisbon strategy and seeing the unstoppable path of lifelong learning stress, the requirements for a profound reflection on the role of citizen's education. The article aims to analyse the intercultural aspect of LLL and how it can be stretched. Particular attention is dedicated to how the EU and RF reply to society and economic challenges through the implementation of the LLL process. The intercultural aspect will comprise a horizontal intercultural aspect and vertical ones. Will be examined the role of the European Commission as well as a promoter of the idea of an inclusive society and the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world. The intercultural approach will be stressed thanks to examining the Soviet Union and Russian Federation's LLL process. The used methodology is a review of relevant intervention studies and Political Documents and Financing actions for examining the effectiveness of interventions.
The analysis of two paths of the LLL process's implementation and promotion; the analysis of two ways of LLL process organisation will permit an expansive view of the LLL process. Furthermore, the parallel analysis of the LLL process permits us to see how the two ways of social development can be reflected through different actions on LLL policy, starting from formal education and ultimate to third Age Education. In final, it permits us to learn more about how LLL can be a solution to avoid social welfare bankruptcy.
In: Geopolitical, Social Security and Freedom Journal, Band 2, Heft 1, S. 93-103
ISSN: 2587-3326
The society is becoming increasingly cosmopolitan as a consequence of driving wave of globalisation. Today we are living in a society with rapid dynamic changes and technologic it can be called the IT era. The one most used paradigm is "knowledge society". The academic world uses this term for analysing the socio-economic transformation toward so-called post-industrial society. It is also used by politics world when the discourses are about the normative vision that the state, governs should aspire to fulfil or when the economic situation and the link with Universities take into consideration. Often the knowledge society is used in relationship with the economy of innovation or information society or technologic society metaphors that are used for to indicate that the labour market is in rapid change and technological competences are required.
The demographic situation is also in rapid evolution: according to UNFPA data in 2019 we are around 7,715 million habitants with 26% of the population aged 0-14, 65% of people aged 15-65 and 9% of people aged more than 65 years. The demographic trends are to have more aged people and less young people. This trend is a new and powerful challenge for society. If we consider that adult percentage of the population is the biggest one and that LLL is seen as a concept that complete the gaps of the formal learning, we can confirm that LLL is a new reply to dynamic exchanges in the society and in the globalised economy.
The article purpose is to analyse the different concepts of LLL and its link with ageing. The main focus will be on how LLL can improve the quality of ageing. The used methodology is a review of relevant intervention studies and Political Documents for examining the effectiveness of interventions and how the elder's literacy can be a value for society.