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409067 Ergebnisse
Da hilft nur draufhaun !?: Bücher über Gewalt und Extremismus
In: Leseempfehlungen 124
Alles Frauensache?: Gesundheit für Frauen - Lesetipps zum Thema
In: Leseempfehlungen 123
Gesund essen: Ratgeber und Rezepte für Kinder und Erwachsene
In: Leseempfehlungen 127
Von Abraham bis Zion: religiöse Bücher für Kinder und ihre Eltern
In: Leseempfehlungen 122
Scientists, experts, and civic engagement: walking a fine line
In: Ashgate studies in environmental policy and practice
How do scientists, scholars, and other experts engage with the general public and with the communities affected by their work or residing in their sites of study? Where are the fine lines between public scholarship, civic engagement, and activism? Must academics 'give back' once they collect data and publish results? In this volume, authors from a wide range of disciplines examine these relationships to assess how they can be fruitful or challenging. Describing the methodological and ethical issues that experts must consider when carrying out public scholarship, this book includes a checklist.