The legal situation in Turkey
In: The review / International Commission of Jurists, Heft 26, S. 23-40
ISSN: 0020-6393
17465 Ergebnisse
In: The review / International Commission of Jurists, Heft 26, S. 23-40
ISSN: 0020-6393
World Affairs Online
In: Russian politics and law, Band 33, Heft 2, S. 47-54
ISSN: 1558-0962
In: Russian politics and law: a journal of translations, Band 33, Heft 2, S. 47-54
ISSN: 1061-1940
In: Minorities in Europe Croatia, Estonia and Slovakia, S. 175-188
In: Al-Raida Journal, S. 35-36
Through signing CEDAW, the international community acknowledged woman's dignity and recognized her rights. In the name of Islam, however, many Arab countries refrained from signing CEDAW, and even those countries which signed it attached to it a number of reservations. In the name of Islam, the principle of equality between men and women in regard to civil, economic and social rights is considered a western and foreign import. This supposed incompatibility lead Dr. Banani to present a comparison between the present legal status of the Arab woman and the status to which CEDAW ideally aims.
In: In: NILDE V - V Convegno Internet Document Delivery e Cooperazione Inter-bibliotecaria. "Tools, best practices & copyright" (Bolzano, 21-22-23 Maggio 2008). Atti, Silvana Mangiaracina (CNR-Biblioteca Area, Bologna) e Ingvild Unterpertinger (Libera Univers
A long time ago the world of libraries consisted exclusively of analogue media. Books, journals or documents were printed on paper, musical information was hidden in an analogue track on a vinyl disk and movies were only available on film or video tape, both as analogue data too. Copying an analogue information source always resulted in a massive loss of quality. In the analogue world major legal problems with reproductions for document supply just didn?t exist. It was a just case of fair use or any similar legal concept. No national legislation mentioned the problem of document supply. But these days are gone. In the age of digital media it suddenly is possible to produce an exact reproduction of an original without any loss of quality. So document supply by libraries and interlibrary loan moves nearer to the production of originals. In recent years cases against libraries were brought before court, copyright bills containing specific regulations about document supply were brought into national parliaments and licence offers are lavished on libraries, worked out by huge global law firms. The law discovered document supply. This presentation will give a short overview about the legal basis for document supply in several countries around the world, with special emphasis on Italy.
In: Revue internationale de la Croix-Rouge: débat humanitaire, droit, politiques, action = International Review of the Red Cross, Band 85, Heft 849, S. 45
ISSN: 1607-5889
In: Regulating Religion; Critical Issues in Social Justice, S. 441-451
Inspired by a trend in the European case law, which is meant to affect the national ones, the dissertation takes part to a topical debate among European academics on the putting aside the choice-of-law rules. It is about application of so-called recognition method to the foreign legal situations that haven't been enacted in court. The purpose is to conceptualise this new method and to determine its scope and its modalities. Given the particularity of the task, the study necessarily bears on several pivotal topics of private international law but also of European law, general private law and jurisprudence. ; La présente thèse part d'une tendance de la jurisprudence européenne, destinée à influencer la jurisprudence nationale de droit international privé, et se trouve dans le prolongement d'un grand débat doctrinal d'actualité. Il s'agit de la méthode de reconnaissance des situations juridiques, qui suppose l'abandon de la règle de conflit de lois. L'objectif est de conceptualiser cette nouvelle méthode et d'en définir le domaine et les conditions de mise en œuvre. Vu les particularités du sujet, la recherche passe nécessairement par plusieurs thèmes fondamentaux du droit international privé mais aussi du droit européen, du droit privé général et de la théorie du droit.
Inspired by a trend in the European case law, which is meant to affect the national ones, the dissertation takes part to a topical debate among European academics on the putting aside the choice-of-law rules. It is about application of so-called recognition method to the foreign legal situations that haven't been enacted in court. The purpose is to conceptualise this new method and to determine its scope and its modalities. Given the particularity of the task, the study necessarily bears on several pivotal topics of private international law but also of European law, general private law and jurisprudence. ; La présente thèse part d'une tendance de la jurisprudence européenne, destinée à influencer la jurisprudence nationale de droit international privé, et se trouve dans le prolongement d'un grand débat doctrinal d'actualité. Il s'agit de la méthode de reconnaissance des situations juridiques, qui suppose l'abandon de la règle de conflit de lois. L'objectif est de conceptualiser cette nouvelle méthode et d'en définir le domaine et les conditions de mise en œuvre. Vu les particularités du sujet, la recherche passe nécessairement par plusieurs thèmes fondamentaux du droit international privé mais aussi du droit européen, du droit privé général et de la théorie du droit.
The European Union does not offer any legal framework for the protection of animals kept in circuses that would apply in Germany and the national provisions are too feeble to guarantee sufficient protection for animals kept in circuses. Furthermore, different from many other EU Member States, Germany does not prohibit or limit the use of wild animals in circuses. This is in spite of the fact that the majority of Germans are against exhibiting wild animals in circuses. Therefore, many Germany municipalities find their own ways to avoid circuses with wild animals in their territories. ; La Unión Europea no ofrece ningún marco jurídico para la protección de los animales en los circos. Si dicho marco jurídico existiera se aplicaría en Alemania, donde, por lo demás, las disposiciones nacionales no garantizan una protección suficiente de los animales en los circos. Además, a diferencia de muchos otros Estados Miembros de la UE, Alemania no prohíbe ni limita el uso de animales salvajes en los circos. Esto es a pesar del hecho de que, la mayoría de los alemanes, están en contra de exhibir animales salvajes en los circos. Por lo tanto, muchos municipios alemanes adoptan medidas propias para evitar que haya circos con animales salvajes en sus territorios.
The article considers the sport legislation codification project viewed as an effective tool to counter many negative trends in the national sports due to the deficiencies of the valid sport legislation and drawbacks of the existing sport self-regulation system. The article gives grounds for the urgent and significant homologation (i.e. improvement of an object or process with its key characteristics being put in compliance with the relevant standards/requirements, with the path to the compliance being specified) of the Russian sport legislation via its codification; with a special emphasis on homologation of the national autonomous off-/extra-legal regulatory standards in the sport sector. We believe that the proposed initiatives are highly necessary for the progress of the national sports. A top priority in the newly designed legal doctrine for the sport sector must be given to the notion of order as identifying the degree of order/entropy in the subject sector. The illusions as to the government ability to control the sport sector are more and more diminished, and the sport sector resistance to the governmental control efforts tends to grow. It is the codification that may provide a set of proved tools for the large-scale homologation of the relevant legislative domain and integrated regulation of the sector. The study gives definitions of a few notions including order, autonomous extra-legal regulatory order in the sport sector, and the sport legislation codification. It is noted that the sport legislation codification (viewed as a vehicle for the homologation of order in the sport sector) may largely mitigate the current problems faced by the national sport sector, contribute to the dignity of the Russian sports and improve their image on the global arenas.
In: Fighting Terror Online, S. 63-105
In: Ormelesi, Vinicius Fernandes. 'Situações de direito como situações de exceção: a relação entre direito e vida em Nietzsche.' Revista da Faculdade de Direito UFPR [Online], 67.1 (2022): 29-51. Web. 26 jul. 2023
In June 2018, the German Constitutional Court decided on the search of a law firm and the securing of documents and data in the firm's premises by the Public Prosecutors' Office. The Court rejected the respective constitutional complaints and regarded the prosecutions'measures as lawful. The Court's orders received immense public attention as the constitutional complaints were filed by Volkswagen AG, Jones Day, and the firm's lawyer in connection with the "diesel emissions scandal". Besides, the orders were discussed intensely among legal experts, as the Court severely limited legal privilege in Germany. This article examines the Court's orders and its consequences, in particular with regard to internal investigations. In addition, the authors draw a comparison with legal privilege under U.S. law and discuss possible options to avoid extensive disclosure of documents and data. Finally, they demand legislative action and request the legislator to provide adequate safeguards for internal investigations.