Modernisation of Leadership in the Armed Forces
In: Strategic analysis: a monthly journal of the IDSA, Band 7, Heft 7, S. 513-527
ISSN: 1754-0054
273012 Ergebnisse
In: Strategic analysis: a monthly journal of the IDSA, Band 7, Heft 7, S. 513-527
ISSN: 1754-0054
In: Air & space power journal, Band 21, Heft 3, S. 5-11
In: Administrative Sciences: open access journal, Band 13, Heft 2, S. 45
ISSN: 2076-3387
Ever since gaining approval to be admitted to the Jordanian Armed Forces (JAF), Jordanian women have become more visible in this sector. Women were recruited in various fields across the military, including administrative posts, education, and human resources. There is a noticeable gap in the number of women reaching leadership positions despite the quality of their work and their tremendous contributions in this sector. The present study aims to explore the correlation between military culture and environment and women's perceptions of leadership by drawing on quantitative data from female personnel at Al-Hussein Medical Center (HMC). A five-point Likert scale was adopted in the current questionnaire to test the extent of agreement with question items suggested for each aspect of work culture and environment construct. The results demonstrate that women at HMC perceive their work culture and environment positively, which in turn reflects their positive perceptions about their quality of work and their ability to lead. The female participants at HMC demonstrate positive perceptions of gender that challenge prevailing gender norms through gaining necessary support and opportunities for career advancement. The study results imply that supportive work environments have a greater impact on women's aspirations to become leaders.
In: Vojenské rozhledy: vojenskoteoretický časopis = Czech military review, Band 31, Heft 4, S. 50-70
ISSN: 2336-2995
The aim of this article is to define leadership as a process required in the Czech Armed Forces. To this end, the nature of military leadership is first identified by analyzing similarities and differences of the widely accepted theoretical concepts (schools) of leadership, including approaches used in selected alliance armed forces. Based on the current state of affairs analysis, the components of leadership and the relationship among them are identified, as well as general conditions for their application. In accordance with the knowledge gained, a general leadership model of the Army of the Czech Republic is proposed.
In: Peace research abstracts journal, Band 44, Heft 2, S. 103
ISSN: 0031-3599
In: Journal of the Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies, Band 129, Heft 3, S. 3-7
ISSN: 0953-3559
Aus britischer Sicht + Einschätzung/Abschätzung
World Affairs Online
In: Journal of the Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies, Band 129, Heft 3, S. 3-7
ISSN: 1744-0378
In: Connections: the quarterly journal. [Englische Ausgabe], Band 2, Heft 3, S. 109-124
ISSN: 1812-1098
World Affairs Online
In: Connections: The Quarterly Journal, Band 2, Heft 3, S. 109-124
Аналіз наукової літератури та інтернет-ресурсів засвідчив, що протягом останніх 3-х років воєнна організація України перебуває в перманентному стані переродження. Не залишився поза увагою і феномен лідерства, що за умов ведення бойових дій набув особливої актуальності. За підтримки міжнародних партнерів, у процес формування компетентних командирів-лідерів було запроваджено курси лідерства. Практичні курси завойовують популярність серед військовослужбовців, що прагнуть не лише до кар'єрного зростання, розвитку лідерських якостей, але й до постійного самовдосконалення та розвитку різносторонньої особистості. ; The analysis of scientific literature and Internet resources has shown that during the last 3 years the Ukrainian military organization is in a permanent state of rebirth. There was no attention to the leadership phenomenon, which, in the context of the conduct of hostilities, became particularly relevant. By the international partners' support, leaderships were introduced in the process of forming competent commanders. Practical courses gain popularity among servicemen who seek not only career development, leadership development but also constant self-improvement and development of a versatile person.
In: The annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Band 313, Heft 1, S. 99-104
ISSN: 1552-3349
Recreation has a firmly established place in the Armed Forces. As our military establishment has grown and become an important segment of our national life, recreation programs in the Armed Forces have also developed to the point where they are becoming accepted as an important but normal phase of the American recreation movement. Outdated philosophies of military recreation based on charitable considerations are being replaced by modem concepts of the function of free-time programs in military settings.
Background: As in any other institution, the success of hospitals, which use approximately one-half of all resources in the health sector, depends on moving human resources toward the institution's goals. Ensuring that the workers are used intentionally for specific, predetermined goals, and that the workers are motivated toward achieving these institutional goals are the responsibilities of the managers. Objective: In this study, the leadership attitudes of the higher rank executive officers in Turkish Armed Forces' military hospitals were evaluated. Methods: The managerial grid developed by Blake and Mouton was used to evaluate the leadership attitudes of the officers. A total of 172 questionnaires was sent out to managers, but only 142 (82.6%) were returned completed. Results: The study results show that the managers substantially preferred team leadership styles in terms of leadership philosophy, planning, and evaluation functions, but preferred task-oriented leadership and mid-way leadership styles in terms of execution. Also, it was found that 72% of all managers practiced team leadership in terms of the overall leadership manner. Conclusions: It seems as if the type of leadership participants preferred was team leadership, and the least was passive leadership. From this finding, we suggest that the managers in Turkish Armed Forces' hospitals are not only interested in their work and goals, but also in the interests of their workers as human beings.