Law and Globalization
In: Bocconi School of Law Student-Edited Papers No. 2009-02/EN
6557691 Ergebnisse
In: Bocconi School of Law Student-Edited Papers No. 2009-02/EN
Working paper
In: Collected papers in theoretical economics 3
In: International journal of legal information: IJLI ; the official journal of the International Association of Law Libraries, Band 33, Heft 1, S. 103-119
ISSN: 2331-4117
I imagine most people with an interest in the subject have their own working definition of globalization. My definition goes something like this: Globalization is at least in part about the spread of mass markets and common tastes, albeit with variations. International trade law, by reducing the possibility that individual countries can "prefer" their own productions, is one of the mechanisms for facilitating the spread of these common tastes. I am by no means implying that the global tastes are elevated ones; in fact, the mass-appeal products sought might be inferior in many ways to what came before. The irony of the franchise, for instance, is thatbetterorworsedoes not matter—only sameness. The important thing is that the tastes are commonly held across a national-culture-free zone, and recognized as such.
In: Politics of Transnational Law
Part One ⁰́₃ Theoretical Foundations: Private International Law and Globalization- Chapter 1 ⁰́₃ Introduction: Private Law in a World of Globalization- Chapter 2 ⁰́₃ The Theory and Practice of Transnational Legal Pluralism- Chapter 3 ⁰́₃ Talking Past One Another: Private International Law and International Political Economy. Part Two ⁰́₃ Private Law Technologies and the Construction of Globalization.- Chapter 4 ⁰́₃ The Technologies of Private International Law I: Contract and Party Autonomy.- Chapter 5 ⁰́₃ The Technologies of Private International Law II: The Pluralism- Harmonization Dynamic.- Chapter 6 ⁰́₃ The Technologies of Private International Law III: International Commercial Arbitration and the Private Settlement of Disputes.- Chapter 7 - International Investment Law and Investor-State Arbitration: Incorporating Private Law Technologies into Public Law.Part Three ⁰́₃ Conclusion.- Chapter 8 - PIL and Power in the Contemporary Political Economy: Contention Amidst Cooperation.PrefaceBibliography
In: Comparative Law and Anthropology, ed. James Nafziger, Edward Elgar Publishers (UK), (2017 Forthcoming)
In: Cambridge studies in law and society
This book is an unprecedented attempt to analyze the role of the law in the global movement for social justice. Case studies in the book are written by leading scholars from both the global South and the global North, and combine empirical research on the ground with innovative sociolegal theory to shed new light on a wide array of topics. Among the issues examined are the role of law and politics in the World Social Forum; the struggle of the anti-sweatshop movement for the protection of international labour rights; and the challenge to neoliberal globalization and liberal human rights raised by grassroots movements in India and indigenous peoples around the world. These and other cases, the editors argue, signal the emergence of a subaltern cosmopolitan law and politics that calls for new social and legal theories capable of capturing the potential and tensions of counter-hegemonic globalization
In: Cambridge studies in law and society
This book is an unprecedented attempt to analyze the role of the law in the global movement for social justice. Case studies in the book are written by leading scholars from both the global South and the global North, and combine empirical research on the ground with innovative sociolegal theory to shed new light on a wide array of topics. Among the issues examined are the role of law and politics in the World Social Forum; the struggle of the anti-sweatshop movement for the protection of international labour rights; and the challenge to neoliberal globalization and liberal human rights raised by grassroots movements in India and indigenous peoples around the world. These and other cases, the editors argue, signal the emergence of a subaltern cosmopolitan law and politics that calls for new social and legal theories capable of capturing the potential and tensions of counter-hegemonic globalization
In: Cambridge studies in law and society
Law, politics, and the subaltern in counter-hegemonic globalization /Boaventura de Sousa Santos and César A. Rodríguez-Garavito --Beyond neoliberal governance : the World Social Forum as subaltern cosmopolitan politics and legality /Boaventura de Sousa Santos --Nike's law : the anti-sweatshop movement, transnational corporations, and the struggle over international labor rights in the Americas /César A. Rodríguez-Garavito --Corporate social responsibility : a case of hegemony and counter-hegemony /Ronen Shamir --Campaigning for life : building a new transnational solidarity in the face of HIV/AIDS and TRIPS /Heinz Klug --Negotiating informality within formality : land and housing in the Texas colonias /Jane E. Larson --Local contact points at global divides : labor rights and immigrant rights as sites for cosmopolitan legality /Fran Ansley --Limits of law in counter-hegemonic globalization : the Indian Supreme Court and the Narmada Valley struggle /Balakrishnan Rajagopal --The Movement of the Landless (MST), juridical field, and legal change in Brazil /Peter P. Houtzager --Indigenous rights, transnational activism, and legal mobilization : the struggle of the U'wa people in Colombia /César A. Rodríguez-Garavito and Luis Carlos Arenas --Defensive and oppositional counter-hegemonic uses of international law : from the International Criminal Court to the common heritage of humankind /José Manuel Pureza --Political and legal struggles over resources and democracy : experiences with gender budgeting in Tanzania /Mary Rusimbi and Marjorie Mbilinyi --Two democracies, two legalities : participatory budgeting in Porto Alegre, Brazil /Boaventura de Sousa Santos --Life, life world, and life chances: vulnerability and survival in Indian constitutional law /Shiv Visvanathan and Chandrika Parmar --Bottom-up environmental law and democracy in the risk society : Portuguese experiences in the European context /João Arriscado Nunes, Marisa Matias, and Susana Costa.
All the activities and phenomena of the modern society proceed under influence of the globalizational processes. The globalization runs through mostly all the fields of the social life, primarily economic, political and social, cultural, humanitarian field. The globalizational processes have the specified legal dimension, that becomes apparent, first, in changes of the correlation of national, regional and international law; besides this, in changes of the specificity of the legal regulation. ; В современном обществе все явления, процессы проходят под влиянием гло - бализацийних процессов. Глобализация пронизывает практически все сферы общественной жизни, прежде всего, экономическую, политическую, а также социальную, культурную, гуманитарную и др. Гло - бализацийни процессы имеют определенный правовой измерение, проявляется, во-первых, в изменении соотношения между национальным, региональным и международным правом, кроме того, в изменении специфики правового регулирования общественных отношений и др. ; В сучасному суспільстві всі явища, процеси проходять під впливом гло - балізаційних процесів. Глобалізація пронизує практично всі сфери суспільного життя, перш за все, економічну, політичну, а також соціальну, культурну, гуманітарну та ін. Гло - балізаційні процеси мають визначений правовий вимір, що проявляється, по-перше, у зміні співвідношення між національним, регіональним та міжнародним правом, крім того, у зміні специфіки правового регулювання суспільних відносин та ін.
In: Routledge research in international law
In: Global Administrative Law and EU Administrative Law, S. 173-184
In: University of Miami Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2011-36
Working paper
In: Routledge Advances in International Relations and Global Politics
How does the globalization of law, the emergence of multiple and shifting venues of legal accountability, enhance or evade the fulfillment of international human rights? Alison Brysk's edited volume aims to assess the institutional and political factors that determine the influence of the globalization of law on the realization of human rights.The globalization of law has the potential to move the international human rights regime from the generation of norms to the fulfillment of rights, through direct enforcement, reshaping state policy, granting access to civil society, and global
In: Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung 21
World Affairs Online