Lao People's Democratic Republic
1. Socio-economic development strategies; 2. External assistance priorities and project profiles : prepared for the Round Table Meeting, Geneva, April 1989
61001 Ergebnisse
1. Socio-economic development strategies; 2. External assistance priorities and project profiles : prepared for the Round Table Meeting, Geneva, April 1989
World Affairs Online
In: IDS bulletin, Band 37, Heft 2 : Achieving turnaround in fragile states, S. 27-39
ISSN: 0265-5012, 0308-5872
This article examines the Lao PDR's changing fortunes regarding turnaround since 1975. The country's poor performance during the first decade and a half of communist rule reflected, on the one hand, poor economic management on the part of the political leadership and, on the other, various factors related to the country's location in the global political economy. While the decisive victory of the communists in 1975 facilitated the achievement of political stability, these various factors worked against strong economic performance. The country's progress vis-à-vis turnaround between the mid-1980s and 2004 reflected changes both in the leadership's approach to economic policy making and in the global political economy as well as the government's continued ability to maintain political control. (IDS Bull/GIGA)
World Affairs Online
Cover -- CONTENTS -- CONTEXT -- DEVELOPMENTS, OUTLOOK, AND RISKS -- POLICY DISCUSSIONS -- A. Putting Debt on a Sustainable Path While Meeting Development Needs -- B. Safeguarding Macro-Financial Stability and Fostering Market Development -- C. Promoting Competitiveness and Inclusive Growth -- STAFF APPRAISAL -- BOXES -- 1. Adjustment Scenario -- 2. Fintech Comes Through the Budget -- 3. Welfare and the Sustainable Development Goals -- FIGURES -- 1. Growth Remains Robust and Inflation is Contained -- 2. External Sector Vulnerabilities High but Being Ameliorated -- 3. Fiscal Consolidation Efforts Have Been Reversed -- 4. Fiscal Policy Needs Re-Orienting to Become More Pro-Growth -- 5. Fiscal Policy Should be Used to Distribute the Gains of Growth -- 6. Financial Conditions Have Loosened -- 7. Bank Profitability Remains Weak Due to High NPLs -- 8. Credit Expansion Has Raised Concentration Risks and Squeezed Capital Buffers -- 9. Increased Foreign Borrowing and Interest Rate Caps Risk Re-Dollarizaition -- 10. Income and Gender Inequality Remain Very High -- TABLES -- 1. Selected Economic and Financial Indicators, 2013-18 -- 2. Balance of Payments, 2014-22 -- 3. General Government Operations, 2014-2022 -- 4. Monetary Survey, 2015-18 -- 5. Medium-Term Macroeconomic Framework, 2013-22 -- APPENDICES -- I. External Sector Assessment -- II. Risk Assessment Matrix -- III. De-Dollarization in Lao P.D.R. -- IV. 2017-2019 Surveillance Agenda -- V. Rebasing of the National Accounts -- CONTENTS -- FUND RELATIONS -- IMF-WORLD BANK COLLABORATION -- RELATIONS WITH THE ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK -- STATISTICAL ISSUES.
Cover -- CONTENTS -- Glossary -- SUMMARY OF MISSION OUTCOMES AND PRIORITY RECOMMENDATIONS -- IMPROVING NATIONAL ACCOUNTS STATISTICS -- A. Publish Estimates of Quarterly GDP to Enable Timely Policy-making -- B. Foster Coordination Within the Statistical System to Enhance Data Quality -- C. Enhance GDP Compilation and Source Data to Better Reflect Economic Developments -- DETAILED TECHNICAL ASSESSMENT AND RECOMMENDATIONS -- A. Recommended Improvements to Quarterly Indicators for Selected Industries -- B. Estimated Impact of a Quarterly Indicator Series for Intermediate Consumption of the Mining Industry in Current Prices -- C. National Accounts Detail Essential for Economic Census -- D. Recommended Changes to the Survey Questionnaire on Business Units, Enterprises and Commercial Entities -- E. Government Output and Final Consumption Expenditure Classified According to Function -- F. Officials Met During the Mission -- FIGURES -- 1. Elapsed Years Since GDP Base Period -- 2. Mining Industry Value Added, Current Prices -- 3. Final Consumption Expenditure by Function, General Government, 2016 -- TABLES -- 1. Priority Recommendations -- 2. Estimated Impact of a Quarterly Indicator for Intermediate Consumption of the Mining Industry in Current Prices (2013-2016)
Cover -- CONTENTS -- RECENT DEVELOPMENTS -- OUTLOOK AND RISKS -- PUTTING DEBT ON A SUSTAINABLE PATH WHILE MEETING DEVELOPMENT NEEDS -- REBUILDING RESERVES AND SAFEGUARDING MACRO-FINANCIAL STABILITY -- PROMOTING COMPETITIVENESS AND INCLUSIVE GROWTH -- STAFF APPRAISAL -- BOXES -- 1. Belt and Road Initiative -- 2. Medium-Term Revenue Needs to Meet Strategic Priorities -- 3. Profit Tax Incentives -- FIGURES -- 1. Resource-Based Growth Remains Robust and Inflation is Contained -- 2. Creating Fiscal Space for Social Development -- 3. Credit Growth has Declined and Risks have Accumulated -- 4. Improving the Investment Climate -- TABLES -- 1. Selected Economic Indicators, 2015-20 -- 2a. Balance of Payments, 2015-24 (In billions of kip) -- 2b. Balance of Payments, 2015-24 (In percent of GDP) -- 3a. Central Government Operations, 2015-24 (In billions of kip) -- 3b. Central Government Operations, 2015-24 (In percent of GDP) -- 4. Monetary Survey, 2015-19 -- 5. Medium-Term Macroeconomic Framework, 2015-24 -- 6. Sustainable Development Goals -- APPENDICES -- I. Risk Assessment Matrix -- II. External Sector Assessment -- III. Coping with Natural Disaster Risks -- IV. Economic Diversification -- V. Economic Gains from Promoting Gender Equality -- VI. IMF Capacity Development -- VII. Fund's Past Advice -- CONTENTS -- FUND RELATIONS -- INFORMATION ON THE ACTIVITIES OF OTHER INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS -- STATISTICAL ISSUES.
Cover -- Contents -- Glossary -- Preface -- Executive Summary -- I. Background -- A. Introduction -- B. Progress Since the Previous TA Mission -- II. Implementation of RBS Approach -- A. Formal Approval of RBS Manual -- B. Practical Application of RBS Methods - Initial Efforts -- C. Training BSD Staff and Informing Bankers -- III. Supporting Framework for Effective RBS -- A. Banking Law and Prudential Regulations -- B. Appropriate Responses and Corrective Measures -- IV. Capacity Building and Future TA -- A. Continued "Hands-on" Training Using Actual Data -- B. Future TA Needs.
Cover -- Contents -- Glossary -- Preface -- Executive Summary -- I. Background -- A. Overview of the Banking Sector -- B. Progress Since the Last Technical Assistance Mission -- II. Current Challenges in Implementing RBS -- A. Supervisory Manual -- a. Offsite Analysis -- b. Onsite Examination Procedures -- B. Capacity Building of BSD Staff -- C. Consolidated Supervision and Cross-Border Supervisory Cooperation -- D. Review of the Legal and Regulatory Frameworks -- E. Regulatory Response -- III. Future TA Needs -- Tables -- Table 1. Main Recommendations -- Table 2. Status of Recommendations of the April 2017 TA Mission -- Figures -- Figure 1. Risk Level and Mitigation Relationship.
In: IDS bulletin: transforming development knowledge, Band 37, Heft 2, S. 27-39
ISSN: 1759-5436
In: IDS bulletin, Band 37, Heft 2, S. 27-39
ISSN: 0265-5012, 0308-5872
In: Refugees, Heft 53, S. 13-14
Interview mit Soubanh Srithirath über das 1986 zwischen Laos und dem United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) geschlossene Abkommen über die Rückführung nicht anerkannter Asylbewerber in thailändischen Flüchtlingslagern. Zahl der mit Hilfe des UNHCR rehabilitierten Laoten, Vorgehensweise der laotischen Regierung, Schilderung von einzelnen Fällen. (DÜI-Ptk)
World Affairs Online
In: Country Sector and Thematic Assessments Ser
Cover -- Title -- Copyright -- Contents -- Tables and Figures -- Currency Equivalents -- Abbreviations -- I. Sector Assessment: Context and Strategic Issues -- A. Introduction -- B. Overall Sector Context -- C. Core Sector Issues, Causes, and Effects -- II. Sector Strategy -- A. Government Sector Strategy, Policy, and Plans -- B. ADB's Sector Support Program and Experience -- C. Other Development Partner Support -- D. ADB's Sector Forward Strategy -- III. Sector Road Map and Results Framework -- APPENDIX Sector Problem Analysis
In: IMF Staff Country Reports v.Country Report No. 15/45
Cover -- CONTENTS -- CONTEXT -- MACROECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTS, OUTLOOK, AND RISKS -- POLICY DISCUSSIONS -- A. Fiscal Policy -- B. Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy -- C. Financial Stability Issues -- D. Enhancing Competitiveness and Inclusive Growth -- STAFF APPRAISAL -- BOXES -- 1. Poverty Reduction, Inclusive Growth, and Challenges Ahead -- 2. External Sector Assessment -- 3. Measuring the Exchange Rate Pass-Through to Inflation -- 4. Tax System Productivity -- FIGURES -- 1. Growth is moderating. Inflation is well contained -- 2. Fiscal consolidation started -- 3. Monetary conditions remain accommodative -- 4. External vulnerabilities are elevated -- 5. External Linkages -- 6. Labor Market Developments -- TABLES -- 1. Selected Economic and Financial Indicators, 2010-15 -- 2. Balance of Payments, 2010-15 -- 3. General Government Operations, 2010/11-2014/15 -- 4. Monetary Survey, 2011-15 -- 5. Medium-Term Macroeconomic Framework, 2010-19 -- 6. Financial Soundness Indicators, 2010-14 -- 7. Summary of Illustrative Scenarios, 2013-19 -- 8. Millennium Development Goals Indicators -- CONTENTS -- FUND RELATIONS -- WORLD BANK-IMF COLLABORATION -- RELATIONS WITH THE ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK -- STATISTICAL ISSUES
Description based on: Mar. 1988. ; Mar. 1988. ; Shipping list no.: 88-157-P. ; Title from cover. ; Mode of access: Internet.
World Affairs Online
This report summarizes the results, lessons and recommendations to the Government of Lao PDR from two Technical Assistance projects (TA) "Supporting Demand Creation for Sanitation through Community Led Total Sanitation" and "Sanitation Marketing in Lao PDR" carried out by the World Bank's Water and Sanitation Program between October 2012 and December 2015. The development objective of the TAs was to increase improved sanitation and hygiene practices and change community behavior to achieve Open Defecation Free (ODF) status at the village level. This report documents the results and lessons learned from the TA program that includes experiences both from government-led rural sanitation service delivery within two provinces in Southern Lao PDR (Champasak and Sekong) , as well as from national-level engagement to strengthen systems, tools and capacity building approaches for scaling-up rural sanitation service delivery. The report makes recommendations to government on how - with the support of development partners – the effectiveness and scale of rural sanitation services can be increased to achieve sustainable sanitation outcomes for the rural population of Lao PDR. It also proposes recommendations for the engagement of the World Bank Water Practice in the sector in support of rural sanitation service delivery, aligned with lending operations,notably the Poverty Reduction Fund (PRF3) and the Health Governance and Nutrition Development Project (HGNDP). In addition a number of important learnings at implementation level are highlighted, so that operational processes can be improved to make last-mile delivery more effective and efficient.