Loan Product Steering in Mortgage Markets
In: NBER Working Paper No. w22696
1425 Ergebnisse
In: NBER Working Paper No. w22696
The Czech banking system is an innovation market driven by the power of new low-cost banks focused on young internet clients. We could say that it is profitable and one the most stable market in Eastern Europe. The purpose of this article is to analyse the effect of the interest rates on the loan product policy of selected banks in the Czech Republic, specifically in connection with the banking products offered to the SME segment. In particular, the final report focusses on measuring bank profitability based on interest rates on different products within a specific time period. Final touch of this article is complemented by a calculation of the additional ROE for the commercial bank using model based on itnerest margin and profitability of provided loans. We found out that the usage of different approaches of internal models with different combinations of key determinants can potentially increase the bank's profitability in the interval from 1,042 mil. to 24,300 mil. CZK. ; peer-reviewed
In: European research studies, Band XXI, Heft 2, S. 575-585
ISSN: 1108-2976
This report revises Funding cost margin for Libor-based loans and variable lending rates for pool-based loans.
This report revises Funding cost margin for Libor-based loans and variable lending rates for pool-based loans.
In: Bank of Greece Working Paper No. 287 DOI:
In: Discussion paper 26/2012
This article examines the loan rate-setting behavior of German banks for a large variety of retail and corporate loan products. We find that a bank's operational efficiency is priced in bank loan rates and alters interest-setting behavior. Specifically, we establish that a higher degree of operational efficiency leads to lower loan markups, which involve more competitive prices, and smoothed interest rate-setting. This study contributes to prior literature that has been suggesting this relationship but has produced mixed findings. For the German market this relationship is unexplored. By employing stochastic frontier analysis to comprehensively capture cost efficiency, we take the bank customers' perspective and demonstrate the extent to which borrowers benefit from cost efficient banking. -- Interest rate pass-through models ; error correction models ; bank efficiency ; cost efficiency ; stochastic frontier analysis
The rebates or surcharges for London interbank offered rate (LIBOR)-based loans to sovereign and fully sovereign-guaranteed borrowers, loans under the Countercyclical Support Facility (CSF), and loans under the COVID-19 Pandemic Response Option (CPRO) are determined semi-annually by calculating the average funding cost margin below or above the relevant benchmarks1 in each currency for all borrowings funding the loan pool of the same currency during the previous semester. Table 1 shows the updated rebate or surcharge.
Maģistra darbs uzrakstīts par tēmu "Patēriņa kreditēšanas attīstība Latvijas komercbankās". Tas ir veltīts Latvijas patēriņa kreditēšanas tirgus analīzei un tā attīstību ietekmējošo faktoru novērtēšanai. Hipotēku un zemes bankas piemērā izanalizēta bankas patēriņa kreditēšanas sistēma, izstrādāti priekšlikumi tās pilnveidošanai. Maģistra darbs sastāv no trim daļām. Pirmajā daļā izskatīta kredītresursu būtība, to funkcijas kreditēšanas procesā un kreditēšanas procesa ciešā saistība ar makroekonomikas teoriju – naudas piedāvājumu un pieprasījumu, un valsts monetāro politiku. Īpaša uzmanība veltīta patēriņa kredīta nozīmei, kā arī veikta patēriņa kredītu klasifikācija. Aplūkoti ar patēriņa kreditēšanu saistītie riski un aizņēmēja kredītspējas novērtēšanas metodes, kā arī izskatīta attīstīto rietumvalstu pieredze patēriņa kreditēšanā. Otrā daļa ir veltīta Latvijas komercbanku kredītportfeļu analīzei; aplūkoti arī komercbanku darbības un fizisko personu kreditēšanas tiesiskie aspekti. Izskatīts hipotēku un zemes bankas piedāvāto fizisko personu kreditēšanas pakalpojumu klāsts, kā arī analizēti bankas darbības galvenie rādītāji. Izpētīta patēriņa kreditēšanas sistēma Hipotēku bankā. Maģistra darba trešā nodaļa veltīta patēriņa kreditēšanas sistēmas pilnveidošanas iespējām, kā piemēru izmantojot Hipotēku un zemes banku. Izstrādāti priekšlikumi bankas kreditēšanas procedūras sistēmas efektivitātes paaugstināšanai un kredītu kontroles sistēmas uzlabošanai. Aplūkoti Latvijas patēriņa kreditēšanas tirgus attīstību ietekmējošie faktori. Maģistra darbs sastāv no 99 lappusēm un ietver 14 tabulas un 26 attēlus. ; The subject of the master's paper is "Consumer Crediting Development in Latvian Commercial Banks". It is devoted to the analysis of Latvian consumer crediting market and the evaluation of factors that influence its development. Consumer crediting system is analysed, based on the example of Mortgage and Land Bank; suggestions to improve it are worked out. The master's paper consists from three chapters. In the first chapter the essence of credit resources, their functions in crediting process as well as the close correlation of crediting process with microeconomic theory – money demand and supply and governmental monetary politics – are considered. A special attention is paid to the role of consumer credit and a classification of consumer credits is given. The risks, related to consumer crediting, and methods of borrower's creditability evaluation are considered as well as the experience of developed western countries in consumer crediting. The second chapter is devoted to the analysis of credit portfolio of Latvian commercial banks; the legal aspects of commercial banks' functioning and crediting of physical persons are considered. The spectre of services in physical persons' crediting, offered by Mortgage and Land Bank, is considered and the main indicators of Bank's performance are analysed. The system of mortgage crediting in Mortgage and Land Bank is investigated. The third chapter of the master's paper is devoted to the opportunities of mortgage crediting system improvement, based on the example of Mortgage and Land Bank. The suggestions to raise Bank's crediting procedure efficiency and to improve credit control system are worked out. The factors, that influence Latvian consumer crediting market, are considered. The master's paper consists from 99 pages and contains 14 tables and 26 figures.
In: Bundesbank Discussion Paper No. 26/2012
In: Financial Planning Review, Band 11, Heft 4
Working paper
Cover title. ; SOP 50 30 1 ; Mode of access: Internet.
In: Journal of Corporate Finance, Forthcoming
Working paper
International trade continues to grow every year as nations expand their global sales and new nations join in. Today, over 225 nations are active in trade resulting in over $9 Trillion dollars in global business every year. Ethiopia, though existing part is small in amount, is one of those nations that incessantly increase their contribution in this global business. However, in Ethiopia, as in some other African countries, the export business is dominated by agricultural products accounting roughly for 70-80 per cent of export earnings. One of the common complaints, from Ethiopian agricultural product Exporters, is that they receive minimal support from their banks for export trade transactions. After spending significant time and resources to develop export sales, they often can not secure the funds they need to complete the orders. Thus a key finance service specifically required by these exporters is a short term working capital loan that is used to fulfill international sales orders. Consequently, the main purpose of this study was assessing the utilization of pre- shipment loan by agricultural product exporters in Ethiopia; focusing on those products which hold the highest fraction in the export business. The result of the study in general suggests that the provision of pre shipment working capital credit is characterized by a continuous increasing trend with annual average growth rate of 147% for three consecutive years from 2004- 2006.Although the provision of pre shipment working capital loan increases more than 100% annually, it still constitute small percentage of the total loan provided by the banks. And also the amount of pre shipment export credit in the study period is found to be very low relative to the total export value in the same period. For this reason the researcher suggests that, in order to satisfy needs of exporters in the country and benefit from the opportunities in the international market by expanding the export business, the disbursement of pre shipment credit should be increased more than what actually exists. This can be achieved through encouraging and supporting commercial banks to provide the loan to small and medium emerging exporters who have little experience and knowledge about the foreign trade; easing the requirements of both the commercial banks and government guarantee schemes; facilitating other export financing mechanisms; enhancing the capacity and experience of emerging agricultural product exporters about the international business; and strengthening and increasing the capability of those sectors which are organized with the aim of expanding the export sector in Ethiopia like Ethiopian export promotion agency
International trade continues to grow every year as nations expand their global sales and new nations join in. Today, over 225 nations are active in trade resulting in over $9 Trillion dollars in global business every year. Ethiopia, though existing part is small in amount, is one of those nations that incessantly increase their contribution in this global business. However, in Ethiopia, as in some other African countries, the export business is dominated by agricultural products accounting roughly for 70-80 per cent of export earnings. One of the common complaints, from Ethiopian agricultural product Exporters, is that they receive minimal support from their banks for export trade transactions. After spending significant time and resources to develop export sales, they often can not secure the funds they need to complete the orders. Thus a key finance service specifically required by these exporters is a short term working capital loan that is used to fulfill international sales orders. Consequently, the main purpose of this study was assessing the utilization of pre- shipment loan by agricultural product exporters in Ethiopia; focusing on those products which hold the highest fraction in the export business. The result of the study in general suggests that the provision of pre shipment working capital credit is characterized by a continuous increasing trend with annual average growth rate of 147% for three consecutive years from 2004- 2006.Although the provision of pre shipment working capital loan increases more than 100% annually, it still constitute small percentage of the total loan provided by the banks. And also the amount of pre shipment export credit in the study period is found to be very low relative to the total export value in the same period. For this reason the researcher suggests that, in order to satisfy needs of exporters in the country and benefit from the opportunities in the international market by expanding the export business, the disbursement of pre shipment credit should be increased more than what actually exists. This can be achieved through encouraging and supporting commercial banks to provide the loan to small and medium emerging exporters who have little experience and knowledge about the foreign trade; easing the requirements of both the commercial banks and government guarantee schemes; facilitating other export financing mechanisms; enhancing the capacity and experience of emerging agricultural product exporters about the international business; and strengthening and increasing the capability of those sectors which are organized with the aim of expanding the export sector in Ethiopia like Ethiopian export promotion agency