Legal Requirements Upon Termination
In: Compensation and benefits review, Band 41, Heft 3, S. 61-67
ISSN: 1552-3837
12397 Ergebnisse
In: Compensation and benefits review, Band 41, Heft 3, S. 61-67
ISSN: 1552-3837
Before embarking on a micrographics project you should be aware of the legal requirement.s for microfilm set by the state of South Carolina. This public records and information leaflet number 1 explains the legal requirements for microfilm and what you must do to comply with those requirements.
In: Joint force quarterly: JFQ ; a professional military journal, Band 1st Quarter, Heft 52
ISSN: 1070-0692
Points of comparison between four methods of doing business; Legislation affecting the organization of cooperatives; Articles of incorporation for a proposed cooperative; By-laws for a proposed cooperative; Additional help in organizing your cooperative ; Circular containing information on the New Mexico laws under which a cooperative can be created, and sample articles of incorporation and by-laws for cooperatives.
In: Bezpieczeństwo pracy: nauka i praktyka = Occupational safety : science and practice, Band 561, Heft 6, S. 22-24
Over 800 pedestrians are killed in road accidents in Poland every year. Inadequate visibility, especially at night, is a main cause of these accidents. Retro-reflective accessories, which reflect the light of car headlights towards their source are effective in improving road workers' and pedestrians' visibility.
This article discusses the legal requirements for marketing retro-reflective accessories, for their construction, limitations in use and technical requirements set out in a European standard.
In: Bulletin 563 = 1913,52
In: in Simon Lester and Bryan Mercurio (eds), Bilateral and Regional Trade Agreements: Commentary and Analysis (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009) 81–113 (ISBN 978 0 521 87827 2)
In: International review of law and economics, Band 13, Heft 2, S. 163-177
ISSN: 0144-8188
In: Kooperationswerke Beck - Hart – Nomos
To facilitate genetic research, the collection, integration and exploitation of data are a prerequisite. Genetic data, however, providing information not only about the person him/herself, but also about her/his family, parentage and ultimately ethnic descent, is considered to be the most valuable, and yet most vulnerable data which needs to be protected at all costs. On the other hand, clinical research makes it necessary to disclose and exchange genetic data. Content Introduction Ethical requirements (Informal consent; The right to know, the duty to inform, and the quality of feedback; Summary of consolidated ethical requirements; Outlook: Ethical challenges in the European countries) Legal requirements (Theoretical analysis, Data protection within a trans-European research project; Data protection framework within genetic research networks; Legal conclusions)
In: GNLU Journal of Law & Economics, Band 2, S. 69
Working paper
Does the law contain implicit exceptions to its own rules? If so, what consequence does that have for understanding the relationship between law and morality? This collection gathers leading legal philosophers to analyse the logical structure of legal norms, advancing the understanding of the general philosophy of law.
In: European journal of international law, Band 22, Heft 2, S. 614-617
ISSN: 0938-5428