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12312 Ergebnisse
In: Countries, Regional Studies, Trading Blocks, Unions, World Organizations
Intro -- Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data -- Contents -- Preface -- U.S. Foreign Aid to Lebanon: Issues for Congress* -- Summary -- Overview of U.S. Policy toward Lebanon -- Strengthening the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) -- U.S. Military Assistance to Lebanon -- U.S. Reconstruction and Economic Assistance -- Issues for Congress7 -- Lebanese Political Will -- Israeli-Lebanese Skirmishes -- Potential Misuse of U.S. Aid? -- Congressional Action -- End Notes -- Lebanon -- Summary -- Recent Developments -- Civil Conflict -- Current Issues for Congress -- Recent U.S. Assistance -- The United States and Lebanon -- Overview -- U.S. Policy toward Lebanon -- Role of Congress -- Recent and Current U.S. Assistance to Lebanon -- U.S. Reconstruction and Economic Assistance -- U.S. Military Assistance -- Lebanon: Demography and Politics -- Political Profile -- Sectarianism -- Political Structure and Power Sharing -- Syrian and Israeli Incursions -- The Shib'a Farms -- The Civil War and Taif Reforms -- Political Upheaval: 2004-2007 -- Assassination of Former Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri -- UN Security Council Resolution 1595 and the United Nations International Independent Investigation Commission (UNIIIC) -- UNIIIC Reports and Findings -- Elections of 2005 and Aftermath -- Resolution 1559 and Syrian Withdrawal -- Parliamentary Elections -- Confronting Hezbollah, 2006-2008 -- War in Lebanon, 2006 -- Diplomatic Endeavors -- U.N. Security Council Resolution 1701 -- After-Effects of the Fighting -- Subsequent Tensions -- Cabinet Resignation -- The Tribunal and Resolution 1757 -- Hezbollah Demonstrations and Mediation Efforts -- Seeking a Rapprochement -- Confronting Palestinian and Palestinian-Associated Militia -- Fatah al-Islam -- Effect on Perceptions of the Lebanese Army -- Political Stalemate -- Presidential Succession
This report provides an overview of Lebanese politics, recent events in Lebanon, and current issues in U.S.-Lebanon relations and will be updated to reflect major developments.
Nutzung von Massenmedien und bevorzugte Informationsquellen
in Libanon.
Themen: Hörerniveau; bevorzugte Programme von in- und ausländischen
Radiostationen; Interesse an Bildungsprogrammen in Rundfunk und
Fernsehen; Besitz von Fernsehgerät bzw. Anschaffungspläne;
Fernsehgewohnheiten und präferierte Sendungen; Lesen von Rundfunk- bzw.
Fernsehzeitschriften; bevorzugte Informationsquelle für Nachrichten;
Beurteilung der Produkte verschiedener Länder; Markenkenntnis bei
Rundfunkgeräten und elektrischen Haushaltsgeräten;
Demographie: Alter (klassiert); Geschlecht; Konfession; Schulbildung;
Beruf; Haushaltsgröße.
In: Europäische Hochschulschriften v.593
As sectarian and political tensions rose after March of 2005, scholars and journalists began to speculate that Lebanon was heading back into civil war. Much academic literature, in fact showed that the probability of regressing into such a state was very high. Although tensions did escalate and violence broke out on a number of occasions (culminating in several days of fighting in May 2008) the Doha agreement provided a peaceful political solution to the country's crisis. This book offers an answer to the question of why no renewed civil war occurred in Lebanon as well as to the larger questio
In: Politics and Economics of the Middle East
Intro -- Contents -- Preface -- Chapter 1 -- The Effect of Instructors' Empathy and Social Skills on Student Satisfaction -- Abstract -- Introduction -- Literature Review -- Methodology -- Hypotheses Formulation -- The Framework of the Study -- Constructing the Measure for the Study -- Population and Sampling -- Study Outcomes -- Analysis -- Limitations -- Managerial Implications -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 2 -- eBook Adoption in Lebanon: A Focus on the Social Impact -- Abstract -- Introduction -- eBooks -- Defining an eBook -- Types of eBooks -- eBooks as a Technological Innovation -- eBook Literature - Research Gaps -- Theoretical Framework -- Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) -- Limitations of the Theory of Reasoned Action -- Conceptual Model of the Study -- Methodology and Data Analyses -- Methodology -- The Empirical Study -- Discussion of the Results -- Originality of the Study -- Theoretical Implications -- Managerial Relevance -- Limitations of the Study -- Recommendations for Future Research -- References -- Chapter 3 -- Diffusion and Usage of Public E-Service Indicators and Drivers in Lebanon -- Abstract -- Introduction -- Literature Review -- E-Government -- E-Government Challenges -- Methodology -- Research Model -- Research Methodology: Measurement and Scaling -- Survey Fieldwork -- Research Results -- Findings, Limitations and Directions for Future Research -- Limitations and Directions for Future Research -- References -- Chapter 4 -- Understanding Women Entrepreneurial Motivations: Does Age Matter? -- Abstract -- Introduction -- Theoretical Overview -- Motivational Factors Influencing Entrepreneurship -- A Gendered Approach: Women Entrepreneurial Motivations -- Methodology -- Research Findings -- Personal Motivations -- Contextual and Social Factors -- Family Context -- Social Factors, Events, and Turning Points
In: Middle East quarterly, Band 12, Heft 4, S. 35-42
ISSN: 1073-9467
This article argues that, although Syrian troops have withdrawn from Lebanon, their departure is little more than a symbolic acknowledgement of Lebanese sovereignty -- extracted under enormous pressure from the international community -- since the Syrian intelligence apparatus has merely gone underground, & more importantly, Syria has become "hooked" on huge revenues which continue to flow from Lebanon unimpeded. The sources for the multi-billion-dollar annual flow from Lebanon are discussed: underworld revenues from drug production, counterfeiting, & money laundering; Syrian control of Lebanese reconstruction industries, coupled with Lebanese governmental corruption; remittances from roughly one million Syrian workers in Lebanon; & the Syrian use of Lebanon as a captive market for its own exports, particularly agricultural produce, often while circumventing Lebanese customs. It is argued that the Syrian intelligence apparatus deters any resistance to the practices which provide this revenue base. Implications for Lebanese & US foreign policy are discussed in the article's final section. 3 Illustrations. T.K. Brown
In: International review of the Red Cross: humanitarian debate, law, policy, action, Band 30, Heft S1, S. 83-84
ISSN: 1607-5889
Deteriorating relations between the different factions and widespread fighting displaced many families in 1990 and increased the social and economic disruption in the country. For some periods, Beirut came under daily shelling and civilians left the city and its suburbs en masse for safer areas, in particular southern Lebanon. The heavy loss of life and resources weakened the already fragile economic and social structures.