JOBS Act Issue - Introduction
In: U Denver Legal Studies Research Paper No. 13-26
3831 Ergebnisse
In: U Denver Legal Studies Research Paper No. 13-26
L'Autrice, nel ripercorrere le novità del Jobs Act, evidenzia che l'introduzione di ulteriore flessibilità, sia tipologica che gestionale, possa determinare un aumento del rischio per la salute e sicurezza dei lavoratori e si chiede se il legislatore abbia predisposto le idonee garanzie affinché l'annunciato scopo di aumentare l'occupazione non si realizzi a discapito, oltre che della qualità dell'occupazione, anche del bene primario della salute e sicurezza dei lavoratori. In reviewing the new Jobs Act, the Author emphasizes that the introduction of additional flexibility, both typological and managerial, could lead to an increased risk to workers' health and safety. She also wonders whether the legislator has predisposed the appropriate guarantees to ensure that the announced goal to increase employment is not realized to the detriment of the quality of employment, as well as of the workers fundamental right to health and safety.
Il volume tende all'esame approfondito del complessivo disegno regolatore oggi universalmente conosciuto come Jobs Act : di conseguenza, ripercorrere, come si cercherà di fare nelle pagine che seguono, la trama dell'opera e gli istituti introdotti o modfiicati dal legislatore significa riavvolgere l'ordito della riforma attorno ad un unico, forse immaginario, file rouge.
The need to adapt to the economic system promoted by the European Union generated a wave of reform in the field of labor law that invested Italy and France. This essay explores the impact of the Italian Jobs Act on the contractual protection of the worker. In particular: i) the weakening of the concept of the employment relationship as a tool for the realization of the worker understood as both a human being and a professional; and ii) the emphasis given to the protection against discriminations. The focus on the latter represents the link with the French reform and creates the premises for the author's considerations and questions on the idea of the human being promoted by the European Union: whether it exalts libertarian individualism, or rather safeguards the traditional relational concept of the person inserted in a community.
The most important piece of legislation affecting higher educa- tion passed by the 2011 Virginia General Assembly was Governor McDonnell's higher education reform bill. The title of the bill is quite expressive-"Preparing for the Top Jobs of the 21st Century: The Virginia Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2011," or "TJ21.", It is significant because of its breadth, its innovative ap- proach to funding, and the government relations strategy utilized to assure its passage.
The most important piece of legislation affecting higher educa- tion passed by the 2011 Virginia General Assembly was Governor McDonnell's higher education reform bill. The title of the bill is quite expressive-"Preparing for the Top Jobs of the 21st Century: The Virginia Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2011," or "TJ21.", It is significant because of its breadth, its innovative ap- proach to funding, and the government relations strategy utilized to assure its passage.
In: Georgia State University College of Law, Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2018-07
Working paper
In: Journal of accounting and public policy, Band 42, Heft 5, S. 107120
ISSN: 0278-4254
In: Regulation, Band 35, Heft 3
Working paper
Working paper