
361681 Ergebnisse


Buch(elektronisch)#119872 Versionen verfügbar

Keepers of the city: the corregidores of Isabella I of Castile, 1474-1504

In: Cambridge Iberian and Latin American studies



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Open Access#32010

«Hijas de Isabel»: discurso, representaciones y simbolizaciones de la mujer y de lo femenino en la extrema derecha española del periodo de entreguerras ; «Daughters of Isabella I of Castile»: discourse, representations and symbols of women and the feminine in Spanish interwar fascist political perio...


Open Access#42010

«Daughters of Isabella I of Castile»: discourse, representations and symbols of women and the feminine in Spanish interwar fascist political period ; «Hijas de Isabel»: discurso, representaciones y simbolizaciones de la mujer y de lo femenino en la extrema derecha española del periodo de entreguerra...


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Juana I: legitimacy and conflict in sixteenth-century castile

In: Queenship and power

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Juana I: Legitimacy and Conflict in Sixteenth-Century Castile

In: Queenship and Power

In: SpringerLink

In: Bücher

In: Springer eBook Collection

In: History



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Open Access#82019

Peter I of Castile and the Military Orders ; Pedro I y las Órdenes Militares


Open Access#92020

Pedro I y las Órdenes Militares ; Peter I of Castile and the Military Orders


Open Access#102006

Review of Isabella Greenway, an Enterprising Woman


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Open Access#132015

The myth of Isabella of Castile as an element of political legitimacy inside the Francoism ; El mito de Isabel de Castilla como elemento de legitimidad política en el franquismo


Aufsatz(elektronisch)#1427. Juli 2023

"As much as I belong": Space, Affect, and Identity in Isabella Hammad's The Parisian

In: Papers in arts and humanities: P'Arts'Hum, Band 3, Heft 1, S. 1-15

ISSN: 2784-143X

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