Order and Justice in the International Trade System
In: Order and Justice in International Relations, S. 103-124
2703304 Ergebnisse
In: Order and Justice in International Relations, S. 103-124
In: Essays in international economics
In: Međunarodni problemi: International problems, Band 58, Heft 1-2, S. 67-83
ISSN: 0025-8555
In the first part of the paper the author deals with some general aspects of the very complex process of trade negotiations. He explains that trade negotiations, bilateral or multilateral, are the basis for establishment of the international trade regime. In order to understand multilateral trade negotiations one should be familiar with its basis, which is composed of rules and procedures. Also, it is necessary to take into consideration the fact that these rules and procedures have not emerged at once but have been introduced in the process of adjustment to the needs of negotiators. In the second part of the paper the author considers the procedures in multilateral trade negotiations within the GATT/WTO international trade system.
In: Journal of institutional and theoretical economics: JITE
ISSN: 0932-4569
World Affairs Online
In: Journal of institutional and theoretical economics: JITE, Band 164, Heft 2, S. 302
ISSN: 1614-0559
"Faced with evolving trade and health dynamics, this book presents a historical, conceptual, and empirical examination of public health and medical procurement in international trade law at a time of emergency. The work argues that the current trade framework is outdated and must be redesigned to suit the new needs of the 21st century. It identifies critical problems within the current international trade system that prevents it from effectively responding to pandemics, as well as to the emerging digital economy. Based on the analysis, the study puts forward specific suggestions to upgrade the current trade rules framework to prepare for future international public health emergencies and further digitalization of health services. The book will be a valuable resource for academics, researchers and policy-makers working in the areas of International Trade Law, Public Health Law and Medical Law."
In: Human and social studies: research and practice, Band 7, Heft 3, S. 23-46
ISSN: 2285-5920
The indisputable success of the European integration project also prompted other regions of the world to follow suit. On the other side of coin, these regional blocs cultivated free trade within but remained protectionist vis-àvis the outside, thereby impeding the progress of the multilateral trade system. But also the soaring number of WTO member states accompanied by their incompatible interests, its ambitious agenda spanning over 20 diverse issues and, in particular, the single undertaking approach emerged as the Doha's Round "stumbling blocks". The utter dismay over the Doha's Round deadlock has provoked countries to opt for alternative for a outside the WTO in their endeavor to expedite far-reaching trade liberalization. Besides the vast economic growth in Asia and the rise of international production networks, this urge for deeper integration represents one of the central root causes for the most recent wave of PTAs which has been gathering force over the course of the 21st century and increasingly puts the WTO's raison d'être under critical scrutiny.
In: IIVG papers / Discussion papers, 84,107
World Affairs Online
In: FRB International Finance Discussion Paper No. 1258
Working paper
In: Society of International Economic Law (SIEL), Second Biennial Global Conference, University of Barcelona, July 8-10, 2010
Working paper
В статье рассматривается Украина как государство-член в системе международной торговли. Вступление Украины в ВТО являлось длительным процессом, в процессе которого произошла гармонизация украинского законодательства к международным стандартам на основе имплементации норм «Базиса ВТО». За время подготовки к вступлению в ВТО трансформация национального институциональной среды Украины произошла только формально – «правила игры» ВТО не стали «образами поведения», принятыми в обществе. Однако членство в ВТО может стать «внешним якорем» для дальнейшей трансформации национальной институциональной среды Украины, которая приведет к росту внешней торговли. Целью статьи является анализ места Украины как государства-члена ВТО в системе международной торговли. Это позволит задать правильный вектор дальнейшей трансформации национальной институциональной среды Украины на основе использования членства в ВТО в качестве «внешнего якоря». Было установлено, что средний уровень связанного тарифа Украины после вступления в ВТО уменьшился на продовольственные товары и увеличился на непродовольственные товары. Это указывает на то, что у Украины есть больше возможностей для защиты производителей непродовольственных товаров с помощью трансформации национальной институциональной среды «изнутри» в рамках членства в ВТО. Такой приоритет непродовольственным товарам, а также установление наибольшего среднего уровня связанного тарифа по товарным группам, доля которых в импорте Украины является незначительной указывает на то, что таможенно-тарифное регулирование Украины после вступления в ВТО является ассиметричным в пользу других государств-членов ВТО. Анализ нетарифного регулирования Украины на основе эквивалентных адвалорных тарифов показал, что сектор непродовольственных товаров более защищен нетарифными барьерами, чем сектор продовольственных товаров, однако установление мер по отдельным позициям не соответствует структуре национального производства. В ходе исследования также было установлено, что Соглашение об ассоциации между ЕС и Украиной также является ассиметричным в пользу ЕС. Таким образом Украине необходимо использовать членство в ВТО и Соглашение об Ассоциации в качестве «внешнего якоря» для трансформации национальной институциональной среды «изнутри», однако ориентируясь на структуру национальной экономики. ; The article considers Ukraine as a member state in the international trading system. Ukraine's accession to the WTO was a long process, during which Ukraine's legislation was harmonized with international standards based on the implementation of the WTO Basis standards. During the preparation for joining the WTO, the transformation of the national institutional environment of Ukraine took place only formally – the "rules of the game" of the WTO did not become "patterns of behavior" adopted in society. However, membership in the WTO may become an "external anchor" for the further transformation of the national institutional environment of Ukraine, which will lead to an increase in foreign trade. The purpose of the article is to analyze the place of Ukraine as a WTO member state in the international trade system. This will allow to set the correct vector of further transformation of the national institutional environment of Ukraine based on the use of WTO membership as an "external anchor". It was found that the average level of the bound tariff of Ukraine after accession to the WTO decreased for food products and increased for non-food products. This indicates that Ukraine has more opportunities to protect producers of non-food products through the transformation of the national institutional environment "from the inside" within the framework of membership in the WTO. Such a priority for non-food products, as well as the establishment of the highest average level of bound tariffs for product groups, which share in the import of Ukraine is insignificant indicates that the customs and tariff regulation of Ukraine after joining the WTO is asymmetric in favor of other WTO member states. The analysis of non-tariff regulation of Ukraine on the basis of equivalent ad valorem tariffs showed that the non-food sector is more protected by non-tariff barriers than the food sector, but the establishment of measures for individual items does not correspond to the structure of national production. The study also found that the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement is also asymmetric in favor of the EU. Thus, Ukraine needs to use the membership in the WTO and the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement as an "external anchor" for the national institutional environment transformation "from the inside," however, focusing on the structure of the national economy.
The World Trade Organization claims to help keep peace in their declaration Ten Benefits of the WTO trading system (WTO 2008a). This thesis is a critical study of this peace claim within the frames of both peace- and development studies. The main argument of the thesis is that the peace claim of WTO is exaggerated. When adopting peace studies own definitions of peace and view it together with WTO's narrow peace definition, the peace claim of WTO is up for debate. Current globalization and trade processes, conducted in the realm of neoliberal policies, causes marginalization and deprivation for poor countries and poor people. What development studies labels as deprivation and marginalization are within peace studies labeled structural violence. When structural violence is present there cannot be peace. It is the main argument of this paper that WTO and the international trade system inflict structural violence.
In: The Italian Yearbook of International Law Online, Band 4, Heft 1, S. 483-484
ISSN: 2211-6133
In: Journal of international economic law, Band 6, Heft 3, S. 719-722
ISSN: 1464-3758