El estudio de las propiedades mecánicas de los biomateriales es de gran interés para su aplicación en el área de la ingeniería de tejidos. La mayoría de los estudios se han enfocado a las propiedades mecánicas en escala macrométrica, sin embargo el análisis en la escala nanométrica se han visto limitado. Los biomateriales en el área de la medicina regenerativa tienen el objetivo final de estar en contacto con células y a pesar de que tienen un tamaño en la escala microscópica, interactúan a niveles nanométricos con el medio, por tal motivo es de vital importancia el estudio minucioso de los biomateriales a diferentes escalas, desde la macrométrica hasta la nanómetrica. En esta breve revisión se expone la importancia de las propiedades mecánicas a nivel nanométrico.
Included in this dossier are three articles that explore three interesting topics: the governmental policies on tissue engineering in Latin America, the approaches and methods used to elaborate a bio-tooth, and the applications of platelet-rich fibrin in regenerative dentistry. ; Se incluyen en este dossier tres artículos que exploran tres temas interesantes: las políticas gubernamentales en materia de ingeniería tisular en Latinoamérica, los enfoques y métodos empleados para elaborar un biodiente, y las aplicaciones de la fibrina rica en plaquetas en odontología regenerativa. ; Incluídos neste dossiê estão três artigos que exploram três tópicos interessantes: as políticas governamentais sobre engenharia de tecidos na América Latina, as abordagens e métodos usados para elaborar um bio-dente e as aplicações da fibrina rica em plaquetas na odontologia regenerativa.
12 18 50 ; S ; 1 y 2 ; [EN] The aim of this study is to evaluate new sound absorbing materials from the textile engineering. For the characterization of the acoustic behavior of the textile fabrics, the Kundt tube is used: on the one hand, a campaign of sound absorption coefficient measurements are made at normal incidence; on the other hand, flow resistance measurements are made based on Ingard & Dear work. A comparative analysis is presented between the acoustic absorption of non-doped fabrics with the same doped with antimicrobial microcapsules. In addition, a plenum is used in order to improve the acoustic absorption of these fabrics ; [ES] El presente estudio tiene como objetivo poder evaluar nuevos materiales absorbentes de sonido provenientes de la ingeniería textil. Para la caracterización del comportamiento acústico de los tejidos textiles se hace uso del tubo de Kundt: por una parte, se hace una campaña de mediciones de coeficiente de absorción sonora a incidencia normal; por otra, se realizan mediciones de resistencia al flujo basado en el trabajo de Ingard&Dear. Se presenta un análisis comparativo entre la absorción acústica de las telas no dopadas, con las mismas, dopadas con microcápsulas antimicrobianas. Además, se hace uso de un plenum con objeto de mejorar la absorción acústica de estos tejidos. Este trabajo está subvencionado por el Ministerio de Economía e Innovación (MINECO) y por el Fondo Europeo (FEDER) a través del proyecto FIS2015-65998-C2-2 y por los proyectos GVA AICO/2016/060 y ACIF/2017/073 por la Consellería de Educación, Investigación, Cultura y Deporte de la Generalitat Valenciana. Atiénzar-Navarro, R.; Picó Vila, R.; Rey Tormos, RMD.; Gisbert Paya, J. (2019). Absorción acústica de nuevos tejidos textiles. Revista de Acústica. 50(1 y 2):12-18. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/138039
Tejidos Dicientes es un proyecto donde se articula un taller de tejido con el desarrollo de pensamiento crítico y político para que los participantes se entiendan como agentes de cambio del contexto que viven. Este proyecto se desarrolló principalmente para la casa cultural Kawsay, ubicada en el corregimiento de Las Mesas, Nariño. Sin embargo, se plasmó en una cartilla para que este se pudiera realizar en más contextos. ; Meaningful Fabrics is a project where a weaving workshop is articulated with the development of critical and political thinking so that the participants understand themselves as agents of change in the context they live in. This project was developed mainly for the Kawsay cultural house, located in the village of Las Mesas, Nariño. However, it was put into a primer so that it could be done in more contexts. ; Diseñador Industrial ; Pregrado
The use of autograft for posterolateral spinal fusion, continue being considered the gold standard for the treatment of spine pathologies. However, due to complications such as donor site morbidity, increased operating time, and limited supply, the use of allograft has become an acceptable practice especially in multisegment arthrodesis or in patients with previous graft harvests. Since their use involves the risk of immune response or disease transmission and fusion rates are not as good as with autogenous bone, a variety of bone graft substitutes are being studied to obtain a better alternative. Osteoinductive growth factors, which initiate the molecular cascade of bone formation and play a key role in the development and regeneration of the skeletal system, have been shown to be effective in numerous animal studies. These molecules must be used in combination with a biomaterial to avoid their dispersion from the application site. On the other hand, it is well known that cultured bone marrow cells, harvested from adult bone marrow, may contribute to the regeneration of bone. Thus, hybrid constructs can be used as alternatives to autologous and allogenic grafts. In this study, we have evaluated different combination of cultured bone marrow cells with recombinant human osteoinductive growth factors, all of them in combination with a natural polimeric carrier, for the promotion of posterolateral spinal fusion in rats. Supported by grants from the Red de Terapia Celular (RD12/0019/0032), Spanish Government BIO2012-34960, and the Andalusian Government (P11-CVI 07245). ; Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech.
Producción Científica ; In the field of tissue engineering the choice of materials is of great importance given the possibility to use biocompatible polymers produced by means of biotechnology. A large number of synthetic and natural materials have been used to this purpose and processed into scaffolds using Electrospinning technique. Among materials that could be used for the fabrication of scaffold and degradable membranes, natural polymers such as collagen, elastin or fibroin offer the possibility to design structures strictly similar to the extracellular matrix (ECM). Biotechnology and genetic engineering made possible the advent of a new class of biopolymers called protein-based polymers. One example is represented by the silk-elastin-proteins that combine the elasticity and resilience of elastin with the high tensile strength of silk-fibroin and display engineered bioactive sequences. In this work, we use electrospinning technique to produce a fibrous scaffold made of the corecombinamer Silk-ELR. Obtained fibres have been characterized from the morphological point of view. Homogeneity and morphology have been explored using Scanning Electron Microscopy. A thorough study regarding the influence of Voltage, flow rate and distance have been carried out to determine the appropriate parameters to obtain the fibrous mats without defects and with a good distribution of diameters. Cytocompatibility has also been in vitro tested. For the first time we use the co-recombinamer Silk-ELR for the fabrication of a 2.5 angioplasty balloon coating. This structure could be useful as a coated scaffold for the regeneration of intima layer of vessels. ; "THE GRAIL" (Tissue in Host Engineering Guided Regeneration of Arterial Intima Layer) project ; European Union's 'Seventh Framework' Programme for research, technological development and demonstration (grant HEALTH.2011.1.4-2-278557) ; European Commission (NMP-2014- 646075, MSCA-ITN-2014-642687) ; Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (grant PCIN-2015-010, MAT2015-68901-R, MAT2016- 78903-R) ; Junta de Castilla y León (VA015U16) ; Centro en Red de Medicina Regenerativa y Terapia Celular de Castilla y León
Producción Científica ; Cartilage diseases currently affect a high percentage of the world's population. Almost all of these diseases, such as osteoarthritis (OA), cause inflammation of this soft tissue. However, this could be controlled with biomaterials that act as an anti-inflammatory delivery system, capable of dosing these drugs over time in a specific area. The objective of this study was to incorporate etanercept (ETA) into porous three-layer scaffolds to decrease the inflammatory process in this soft tissue. ETA is a blocker of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) and interleukin 6 (IL-6). For this reason, the scaffold was built based on natural polymers, including chitosan and type I collagen. The scaffold was grafted next to subchondral bone using hydroxyapatite as filler. One of the biomaterials obtained was also crosslinked to compare its mechanical properties with the non-treated one. Both samples' physicochemical properties were studied with SEM, microCT and photoacoustic imaging, and their rheological properties were also compared. The cell viability and proliferation of the human chondrocyte C28/I2 cell line were studied in vitro. An in vitro and in vivo controlled release study was evaluated in both specimens. The ETA anti-inflammatory effect was also studied by in vitro TNF-α and IL-6 production. The crosslinked and non-treated scaffolds had rheological properties suitable for this application. They were non-cytotoxic and favoured the in vitro growth of chondrocytes. The in vitro and in vivo ETA release showed desirable results for a drug delivery system. The TNF-α and IL-6 production assay showed that this drug was effective as an anti-inflammatory agent. In an in vivo OA mice model, safranin-O and fast green staining was carried out. The OA cartilage tissue improved when the scaffold with ETA was grafted in the damaged area. These results demonstrate that this type of biomaterial has high potential for clinical applications in tissue engineering and as a controlled drug delivery system in OA articular cartilage. ; European Union through the Erasmus PLUS doctoral fellowship (project 2015-1-NL01-KA 107-008639) ; VIDI personal grant (project 723.012.110)
Este trabajo recoge la problemática derivada del empleo de resinas a base de formaldehido en la industria del acabado textil. Se exponen la toxicología, la legislación vigente y los principales métodos de análisis de formaldehido. Se determina el contenido de formaldehido libre en 27 muestras de tejidos comercializados actualmente en España por tres métodos: norma AATCC 112-1978, método japonés (ley 112-1973) y método I del Shirley Institute, comparando su reproductibilidad y los resultados obtenidos ; This paper deals with the use of formaldehyde resins in finishes. Toxicology, legislation and main analytical methods of formaldehyde are described. The amounts of free formaldehyde have been assessed for 27 samples of fabrics, commercialised in Spain according to these three methods: AATCC standard 112-1978, Japanese method (Bill 112-1973) and Method I, of Shirley Institute. Reproductibility and results are compared ; Ce travail concerne l'utilisation de resines à base de formaldéhyde dans l'industrie des apprets textiles. On expose ici la toxicologie, la legislation en vigueur et les principales méthodes d'analyse de la formaldéhyse. On détermine les quantités de formaldéhyde libre dans 27 échantillons de tissus actuellement commercialisés en Espagne selon trois méthodes: norme AATCC 112-1978, méthode japonaise (loi 112-1973) et la méthode I du Shirley Institute, en comparant sa reproductibilité et les résultats obtenus. ; Peer Reviewed
Este trabajo recoge la problemática derivada del empleo de resinas a base de formaldehido en la industria del acabado textil. Se exponen la toxicología, la legislación vigente y los principales métodos de análisis de formaldehido. Se determina el contenido de formaldehido libre en 27 muestras de tejidos comercializados actualmente en España por tres métodos: norma AATCC 112-1978, método japonés (ley 112-1973) y método I del Shirley Institute, comparando su reproductibilidad y los resultados obtenidos ; This paper deals with the use of formaldehyde resins in finishes. Toxicology, legislation and main analytical methods of formaldehyde are described. The amounts of free formaldehyde have been assessed for 27 samples of fabrics, commercialised in Spain according to these three methods: AATCC standard 112-1978, Japanese method (Bill 112-1973) and Method I, of Shirley Institute. Reproductibility and results are compared ; Ce travail concerne l'utilisation de resines à base de formaldéhyde dans l'industrie des apprets textiles. On expose ici la toxicologie, la legislation en vigueur et les principales méthodes d'analyse de la formaldéhyse. On détermine les quantités de formaldéhyde libre dans 27 échantillons de tissus actuellement commercialisés en Espagne selon trois méthodes: norme AATCC 112-1978, méthode japonaise (loi 112-1973) et la méthode I du Shirley Institute, en comparant sa reproductibilité et les résultats obtenus. ; Peer Reviewed
Para el presente trabajo de grado se evidenciará el estudio de las técnicas de Ingeniería Social, sus causas, consecuencias y métodos para proteger todo tipo de información, así mismo la legislación que persigue las acciones de la Ingeniería Social, siendo estos actos catalogados como delitos informáticos, también a través de esta investigación se concientizará y sensibilizará a los niños, niñas, adolescentes, padres de familia, empresas y sociedad en general, sobre el uso correcto de la tecnología, específicamente internet y redes sociales. Se ejecutará un caso práctico de phishing enfocado en el juego minecraft para que sea ejecutado por niños, niñas y adolescentes, teniendo como referencia el auge de este juego. La metodología utilizada será de tipo descriptiva donde a través de la investigación de los conceptos que abarca la Ingeniería social, por otro lado la fuente de información utilizada es la encuesta, con su correspondiente análisis y conclusiones. ; Per al present treball de grau s'evidenciarà l'estudi de les tècniques d'Enginyeria Social, les seves causes, conseqüències i mètodes per protegir tot tipus d'informació, així mateix la legislació que persegueix les accions de l'Enginyeria Social, sent aquests actes catalogats com a delictes informàtics, també a través d'aquesta recerca es conscienciarà i sensibilitzarà als nens, nenes, adolescents, pares de família, empreses i societat en general, sobre l'ús correcte de la tecnologia, específicament internet i xarxes socials. S'executarà un cas pràctic de phishing enfocat en el joc minecraft perquè sigui executat per nens, nenes i adolescents, tenint com a referència l'auge d'aquest joc. La metodologia utilitzada serà de tipus descriptiva on a través de la recerca dels conceptes que abasta l'Enginyeria social, d'altra banda la font d'informació utilitzada és l'enquesta, amb la seva corresponent anàlisi i conclusions. ; For the present work of degree it will be evident the study of the techniques of Social Engineering, its causes, consequences and methods to protect all type of information, likewise the legislation that pursues the actions of the Social Engineering, being these acts cataloged like computer crimes , also through this research will raise awareness and sensitize children, adolescents, parents, businesses and society in general, on the correct use of technology, specifically internet and social networks. Sequence a practical case of phishing focused on the game minecraft so that the sea is played by children and adolescents, taking into account the use of this game. The methodology used is descriptive through the investigation of concepts covered by social engineering, on the other hand, the source of information used in the survey, with its corresponding analysis and conclusions.
Producción Científica ; Advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) are a group of innovative and complex biological products for human use that comprises somatic cell therapy medicinal products, tissue engineered products, gene therapy medicinal products, and the so-called combined ATMPs that consist of one of the previous three categories combined with one or more medical devices. During the last few years, the development of ATMPs for the treatment of eye diseases has become a fast-growing field as it offers the potential to find novel therapeutic approaches for treating pathologies that today have no cure or are just subjected to symptomatic treatments. Therefore, it is important for all professionals working in this field to be familiar with the regulatory principles associated with these types of innovative products. In this review, we outline the legal framework that regulates the development of ATMPs in the European Union and other international jurisdictions, and the criteria that each type of ATMP must meet to be classified as such. To illustrate each legal definition, ATMPs that have already completed the research and development stages and that are currently used for the treatment of eye diseases are presented as examples. ; Department of Education, Castilla y León Regional Government (Grant VA168P18 FEDER, EU) Spain; Ministry of Science and Innovation (Grant PID2019-105525RB-100, MICINN/FEDER, EU), Spain; Institute of Health Carlos III, CIBER-BBN (CB06/01/003 MICINN/FEDER, EU), Spain; Regional Center for Regenerative Medicine and Cell Therapy of Castilla y León, Spain.
Dentro de nuestras ciudades es fácil encontrar estructuras urbanas obsoletas que deberías ser reformuladas a través de procesos de reciclaje, bien porque el uso para el que fueron pensadas ya está agotado, como en el caso de las edificaciones militares; porque las preferencias de consumo cambiaron como en el caso de estructuras hoteleras en ciudades costeras; porque nuevas formas de producción industrializadas acabaron o desplazaron actividades que antes iban asociadas a los núcleos urbanos como los talleres de artesanos; o porque la demanda demográfica a la que daban servicio se ha visto reducida considerablemente en los últimos años como es el caso de los conventos urbanos. En todos estos casos, el acto de reciclar obedece a su definición ortodoxa: someter un material usado a un proceso para que pueda volver a utilizarse. Materiales, objetos, edificios…, reciclamos materia cuyos límites están definidos y su superficie acotada. La acción de reciclar se convierte en algo más complejo cuando el objeto de estudio es el tejido residencial y la unidad mínima que los genera: la vivienda, porque conlleva el reciclaje también del tejido social que lo compone. ; Universidad Pablo de Olavide ; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación CSO2009-06819-E ; Universidad de Granada 1975-2000