The Brazilian government focuses on the economy, thus national education policy is on the back burner, receiving less financial resources. This increases educational problems. Economic development occurs when information literacy is considered important; however we must consider multiple factors such as human and social development which is the outcome of building knowledge. This paper aims to investigate how information literacy is treated in Brazil by means of an in-depth literature review about this topic in the education and policy field and to discuss the current situation regarding initiatives that stimulate learning and effective citizenship. Afterwards, there is a description of the historical and theoretical aspects of information literacy studies between 2000 and 2013. The article contributes to the elaboration of that topic and it develops the building and dissemination of knowledge around the country.
The Brazilian government focuses on the economy, thus national education policy is on the back burner, receiving less financial resources. This increases educational problems. Economic development occurs when information literacy is considered important; however we must consider multiple factors such as human and social development which is the outcome of building knowledge. This paper aims to investigate how information literacy is treated in Brazil by means of an in-depth literature review about this topic in the education and policy field and to discuss the current situation regarding initiatives that stimulate learning and effective citizenship. Afterwards, there is a description of the historical and theoretical aspects of information literacy studies between 2000 and 2013. The article contributes to the elaboration of that topic and it develops the building and dissemination of knowledge around the country.
This paper contends that political literacy and information literacy are compatible concepts that are inextricably linked and should therefore be taught and stressed simultaneously to students in the classroom. Improving the information literacy and political literacy skills of students will allow them to not only perform better academically, but also empower them to become better citizens who form opinions and make decisions based on appropriate and quality information.
Informationskompetenz ist heute als Begriff , Konzept und praktisches Tätigkeitsfeld von Bibliotheken weltweit etabliert. Entstehung, Verbreitung und Entwicklung von "Informationskompetenz" im deutschsprachigen Raum stehen in engem Zusammenhang mit dem in den USA und international seit den 1980er Jahren diskutierten und praktisch umgesetzten Konzept der "Information Literacy". Auch wenn die beiden Begriffe in der Regel gleichbedeutend verwendet werden, zeigt ein Vergleich der vorwiegend aus englischsprachigen Ländern – insbesondere den USA, Australien und Großbritannien – stammenden Literatur zur Information Literacy mit deutschsprachigen Publikationen zur Informationskompetenz neben zahlreichen Gemeinsamkeiten auch unterschiedliche Tendenzen und Schwerpunkte, die sich einerseits auf die zeitverschobene historische Entwicklung, andererseits auf unterschiedliche bildungs- und berufspolitische, institutionelle und terminologische Rahmenbedingungen zurückführen lassen. Einige dieser Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede werden aus historischer Perspektive sowie mit Blick auf aktuelle inhaltliche Themen und Desiderate näher beleuchtet.
Cover -- EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD -- Guest editorial -- A contextual framework for primary education: fostering information literacy in Pakistan -- Building information research skills in the Pacific region -- An information literacy teaching model for Vietnam's schools -- Multi-lingual and multi-cultural information literacy: perspectives, models and good practice -- Information literacy assessment of incoming students in an information studies graduate program -- Global information literacy: a content analysis of three journals.
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This thesis is about the Albanian public's understanding and awareness of Information Literacy (IL) and the role of libraries in implementing policies, fostering Life Long Learning (LLL), and IL. Our research, carried out through a questionnaire, targets the national level, but for the purpose of this research , was distributed only in Central Albania. The survey has shown, that the government and its ministries, libraries and universities, lack an understanding of the concept and use of IL. There are no national strategies, programmes, seminars or IL courses offered or planned to be offered yet, within the various curricula. The concept is often confused with Information and Communication Technology (ICT), and libraries also lack the right infrastructure to support the development of a global knowledge society. Our findings and conclusions on the current state of IL, as it affects the daily life of Albanians, shed light on the importance of IL in the future development of Albanian citizens. This study wants to promote a national discussion on IL issues and it will be helpful for the ministries, libraries, universities, as well as other governmental institutions, to prepare "A National Action Plan" for Information Literacy and its future in Albania. New library and education strategies and initiatives will be proposed, including the outlining of changes in curricula, support and advancement, in the following document. Information Literacy is urgently needed in Albania. New realities require new skills to navigate, evaluate and use information. Universities, libraries and library associations, collaborating with other institutions, are crucial in assisting all levels of users in using information properly in professional and daily life decisions. ; Magistrsko delo se ukvarja z raziskovanjem informacijske pismenosti (IP) v Albaniji in vlogo knjižnic pri vzpostavljanju in izvajanju politike opismenjevanja in vseživljenjskega učenja. Uporabljena je bila raziskovalna metoda ankete. Cilj raziskave je bil prispevati nacionalno razpravo o vprašanjih IP in koristiti ministrstvom, knjižnicam, univerzam in drugim državnim institucijam pri pripravi nacionalnega akcijskega načrta za IP in njeno prihodnost v Albaniji. Raziskava je pokazala pomanjkanje razumevanja koncepta IP med raznimi akterji od vlade, ministrstev do knjižnic in univerz. Albanija nima nacionalne strategije niti programov in seminarjev na temo magistrskega dela. Sam koncept IP je pogosto zamenjan z konceptom Informacije in komuniciranje. Tudi knjižnice nimajo ustrezne infrastrukture, da bi razvijale znanje v družbi. Naši rezultati in zaključki o trenutnem stanju IP in njenem vplivu na albansko vsakdanje življenje bodo osvetlili pomen IL v prihodnjem razvoju albanske družbe in albanskih državljanov. Predlagamo nove knjižnice in izobraževalne strategije in pobude, vključno s spremembami v učnih načrtih in drugih dokumentih. Informacijska pismenost je nujno potrebna v Albaniji. Nove razmere zahtevajo nova znanja in spretnosti za navigacijo, vrednotiti in uporabljati podatke. Univerze, knjižnice, knjižnična združenja v sodelovanju z drugimi institucijami so ključnega pomena, da bi se državljane usposobilo za ustrezno uporabo informacij v strokovnih in vsakodnevnih življenjskih odločitvah.
Information literacy is a set of competencies such as how to find, use and evaluate information effectively. Information literate people is people who know when they need information, and able to identify, locate, evaluate, organize, and use information effectively to address and help resolve personal, job-related, or broader social issues and problems. In 2013, UNESCO reported the rate of adult literacy among several countries in Asia. It is likely that the adult literacy rate had growth 5% in 2015. However, the current body of literature has shown a dramatic increase in those percentages. Nowadays, information literacy instruction has been adopted in many contexts (health, environmental, education, politic, etc) and the condition of people in rural communities less literate than the urban communities. The aim of this paper was to discuss the appropriate model of information literacy in rural communities. This study assists them to use information in regard to environmental problems, increase their economic value, and rise up their social welfare. This study is based on action research approach. Results showed that information literacy model facilitates improvements in the social welfare through collaboration between community and government along students' participations. The study suggests that collaboration in social welfare is very important and the application of information literacy can help the society to minimize the knowledge gap for their environmental problem-solving and sustainability.
Information literacy is key to having an informed citizenry and an effective democracy. Studies on K-12 student information literacy skills show large weaknesses in this area. In this session, you will learn about instruments used to measure students' IL skills as well as different strategies being used across the country to strengthen them.
In: Kim-Prieto, Dennis Wither law student information literacy? Botte, Alexander [Hrsg.]; Libbrecht, Paul [Hrsg.]; Rittberger, Marc [Hrsg.]: Learning Information Literacy across the Globe. Frankfurt am Main, May 10th 2019. Frankfurt am Main : DIPF 2021, S. 104-113
Information literacy has become a large topic in libraries while statistical literacy is at most of secondary concern in library services. The article introduces the design of the online self-learning course "Daten und Statistiken recherchieren und nutzen" ("Searching and using data and statistics") at the Duisburg-Essen University Library to show how an online course may fill the gap between reference services and courses about statistical methodology. With emphasis on the responsible librarians' perspective and especially the didactical analysis and decisions, it is installed as numerical data service similar to subject guides. By using the learning management system Moodle, the course addresses students who study economics, political, or social sciences and plan to write an empirical paper. Während sich die Informationskompetenzunterstützung in unterschiedlichen Dienstleistungsausprägungen in Bibliotheken etabliert hat, spielt das Komplement Statistikkompetenz dort höchstens eine untergeordnete Rolle. Der Aufsatz erläutert die Erstellung des Online-Selbstlernkurses "Daten und Statistiken recherchieren und nutzen" an der Universitätsbibliothek Duisburg-Essen und zeigt, wie ein solcher Onlinekurs eine Brücke zwischen den beiden Kompetenzen und insbesondere den Auskunftsdiensten der Bibliothek und der statistischen Methodenlehre schlagen kann. Der Aufsatz berücksichtigt vor allem die Anwendersicht unter Bezug auf die didaktischen Analysen und Entscheidungen beim Design des an Subject Guides/Forschungsführern orientierten Moodle-Kurses für die Zielgruppe Studierende der Wirtschafts-, Sozial- und Politikwissenschaften.
This essay focuses on the ways in which ideas popularly associated with the Enlightenment function as common sense in the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education, which was formally approved by the Association of College and Research Libraries at the beginning of 2015. This essay begins with a close reading of the Framework for Information Literacy, followed by an analysis of its ideological underpinnings, specifically liberalism. I then use postcolonial and political theory to think through the role of historical difference in pedagogy generally and in the information literacy pedagogy articulated by the Framework more specifically. The hegemonic ideological liberalism of the Framework, its universality, narrative of progress, and disinterest in power, must be supplemented with historical difference in order to provide context for its truth claims and to inculcate responsibility to the other. This work could take the form of kairotic information literacy pedagogy, or local and contextual articulations of the Framework, or something else. The Framework is not worthless or useless, but it is also not the answer. ; Ce texte s'intéresse à la façon dont les idées communément associées aux Lumières servent de sens commun dans le Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education (Cadre pour les compétences informationnelles dans l'enseignement supérieur), qui a été officiellement approuvé par l'Association of College and Research Libraries au début de 2015. Une lecture attentive du Framework sera suivie d'une analyse de ses fondements idéologiques, plus précisément du libéralisme. La théorie postcoloniale et politique sont permettent de réfléchir au rôle de la différence historique dans la pédagogie de manière générale et dans la pédagogie de la culture informationnelle telle que présentée par le Framework plus précisément. Enfin, le Framework devrait être abordé et compris de manière stratégique, en tenant compte de ses limites, plutôt qu'envisagé comme une vérité absolue.