The element of training is taken into account seriously by universities providing tourism education degrees, hence the development of "sandwich" undergraduate courses that incorporate a period of industrial placement aiming at the blending of theory with practical experience through experiential learning. The survey presented here was conducted in Greece and is objective was to evaluate the outcome of the supervised work experience by examining the views of undergraduate tourism and hospitality management students who completed their industrial placement period. Data were obtained through personal interviews and were of both qualitative and quantitative nature. The tentative results of the research, as described in this exploratory study, indicate some areas for concern and allows for conclusions to be drawn in relation to further improving and enhancing experiential learning.
The element of training is taken into account seriously by universities providing tourism education degrees, hence the development of "sandwich" undergraduate courses that incorporate a period of industrial placement aiming at the blending of theory with practical experience through experiential learning. The survey presented here was conducted in Greece and is objective was to evaluate the outcome of the supervised work experience by examining the views of undergraduate tourism and hospitality management students who completed their industrial placement period. Data were obtained through personal interviews and were of both qualitative and quantitative nature. The tentative results of the research, as described in this exploratory study, indicate some areas for concern and allows for conclusions to be drawn in relation to further improving and enhancing experiential learning.
It is widely acknowledged today that the industrial placement is essential to academic study, even at university. However, few works have focused on the way in which the placement contributes to professional experience, the development and training of the students. The thesis undertaken at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines in Saint-Etienne (Graduate School of engineering) investigates to what extent the industrial placement could be a factor in the development of engineering students. Based on a socio-constructivist perspective and on the activity theory developed by Vygotsky's approach, the thesis looks at the way in which the linguistic instruments structure the industrial placement itself, allowing a degree of reflexiveness and bringing to light contradictions in the activity systems between the company and the School as well as within the School itself.The theoretical approach allows us to establish the following hypotheses:-The industrial placement is integrated into a method of training that is set up in line with the rules of the community consisting of the authorities who validate the training. This methodology is embedded in the history of the profession. -The industrial placement is a way of socialising using the instruments because it allows the student to join a shared environment and to accept a set of rules around building a professional identity towards the engineering profession. The industrial placement gives the student a mechanism for conversation which allows him to modify and reconstruct the subjective reality, giving him a new professional identity. The written report and the viva voice are opportunities for the student to discuss the learning from the placement.-When the student presents his experience within the company, he is situated at the intersection of several activity systems: his own, that of the company at which he worked and that of the teacher who is going to validate this experience for his training, the engineering curriculum. We therefore characterise how the method proposed by the curriculum allows a level of reflexiveness and increased visibility of the contradictions experienced and how they can be overcome. We then look at to what extent these reflexions are contained within the written report and the viva voice.From an analysis of the history of engineering studies, we aim to understand the educational logic and the evolution of the industrial placement. An analysis of prescribed training courses is undertaken through the documents from the Engineering school. Questionnaires and interviews allow information about the placement to be recorded by the director of studies and of the students of the class of 2006 have on the placement. Then two case studies are undertaken based on the analysis of two students' written reports and viva voices as well as interviews with their teachers.The data analysis showed that in order to work, a placement must be located in a variety of activity systems. The academic system which prescribes the placement is taken from the logic dependent on that of the authorities prescriptive to the engineering profession: companies and how they evolve, the politics of education, the CTI, the CEFI … On another scale, in the engineering curriculum that was observed, the activity systems questioned for this training course are those of the School, the company, the student, education and research. Finally, for the two students, we pointed out the convergences and the contradictions which exist between the activity system of a student, that of his teacher, that of the company, and that of the research. ; Il est couramment admis aujourd'hui que le stage en entreprise est essentiel à la formation, fut-elle universitaire. Peu de travaux pourtant se sont intéressés à la manière dont le stage contribue à la professionnalisation et au développement et à la formation des élèves et étudiants. La thèse réalisée dans le cadre de l'Ecole des Mines de St Etienne cherche à explorer en quoi le stage en entreprise pour des élèves en formation d'ingénieurs pouvait être facteur de développement Appuyé sur une perspective socio-constructiviste, et sur la théorie de l'activité issue des approches vygotskienne la thèse s'intéresse à la manière dont les instruments langagiers structurent la pratique du stage, permettent la réflexivité et la mise en visibilité des contradictions des systèmes d'activité entre l'entreprise et l'Ecole et à l'intérieur même de l'Ecole.L'approche théorique permet de définir les hypothèses suivantes :-Le stage est intégré à un dispositif de formation, organisé en lien avec les règles de la communauté constituée par les instances qui valident la formation. Ce dispositif s'imprègne de l'histoire du métier dans laquelle il s'inscrit. -Le stage est un élément de socialisation par les instruments parce qu'il permet à l'élève de s'inscrire dans un genre partagé, avec une acceptation de règles du jeu autour de la construction de son identité professionnelle, vers le métier d'ingénieur. Le dispositif de formation propose à l'élève un appareil de conversation qui lui permet de modifier et de reconstruire la réalité subjective et lui fournit une nouvelle identité professionnelle. Le rapport et la soutenance sont des instances proposées à l'élève pour discuter du genre découvert pendant le stage.-L'élève, lorsqu'il restitue son expérience en entreprise, se situe à l'intersection de plusieurs systèmes d'activité : le sien, celui de l'entreprise qui l'a accueilli en stage et celui du tuteur enseignant qui va valider cette expérience pour sa formation. Nous caractérisons donc en quoi le dispositif proposé par la formation permet la réflexivité avec la mise en visibilité des contradictions vécues et éventuellement leur dépassement. Nous regardons ensuite comment le rapport et la soutenance portent les traces de cette réflexion.A partir d'une analyse de l'historique des formations des ingénieurs nous cherchons à comprendre les logiques de formation et l'évolution de la place laissée aux stages. Une analyse du prescrit des stages est réalisé à travers les documents de l'Ecole d'ingénieurs. Questionnaires et entretiens permettent de saisir les représentations du stage par le Directeur et une promotion d'élèves. Puis deux études de cas appuyées sur l'étude des rapports et des soutenances de deux élèves et d'entretiens avec leurs tuteurs sont réalisées. L'analyse des données recueillies a montré que le stage en entreprise, pour fonctionner, se situe dans différents systèmes d'activité. Le système de formation qui prescrit le stage est pris dans des logiques dépendantes de celles des instances prescriptives du métier d'ingénieurs : les entreprises et leurs évolutions, les politiques d'enseignement, la CTI, le CEFI… A une autre échelle, dans la formation d'ingénieurs observée, les systèmes d'activité interpellés pour ce stage sont notamment ceux de l'Ecole, de l'entreprise, de l'élève, de l'enseignement, de la recherche. Enfin à l'échelle de deux élèves, nous avons pointé les convergences et les contradictions qui existent entre le système d'activité d'un élève, celui de son tuteur-enseignant, celui de l'entreprise, et celui de la recherche.
It is widely acknowledged today that the industrial placement is essential to academic study, even at university. However, few works have focused on the way in which the placement contributes to professional experience, the development and training of the students. The thesis undertaken at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines in Saint-Etienne (Graduate School of engineering) investigates to what extent the industrial placement could be a factor in the development of engineering students. Based on a socio-constructivist perspective and on the activity theory developed by Vygotsky's approach, the thesis looks at the way in which the linguistic instruments structure the industrial placement itself, allowing a degree of reflexiveness and bringing to light contradictions in the activity systems between the company and the School as well as within the School itself.The theoretical approach allows us to establish the following hypotheses:-The industrial placement is integrated into a method of training that is set up in line with the rules of the community consisting of the authorities who validate the training. This methodology is embedded in the history of the profession. -The industrial placement is a way of socialising using the instruments because it allows the student to join a shared environment and to accept a set of rules around building a professional identity towards the engineering profession. The industrial placement gives the student a mechanism for conversation which allows him to modify and reconstruct the subjective reality, giving him a new professional identity. The written report and the viva voice are opportunities for the student to discuss the learning from the placement.-When the student presents his experience within the company, he is situated at the intersection of several activity systems: his own, that of the company at which he worked and that of the teacher who is going to validate this experience for his training, the engineering curriculum. We therefore characterise how the method proposed by the curriculum allows a level of reflexiveness and increased visibility of the contradictions experienced and how they can be overcome. We then look at to what extent these reflexions are contained within the written report and the viva voice.From an analysis of the history of engineering studies, we aim to understand the educational logic and the evolution of the industrial placement. An analysis of prescribed training courses is undertaken through the documents from the Engineering school. Questionnaires and interviews allow information about the placement to be recorded by the director of studies and of the students of the class of 2006 have on the placement. Then two case studies are undertaken based on the analysis of two students' written reports and viva voices as well as interviews with their teachers.The data analysis showed that in order to work, a placement must be located in a variety of activity systems. The academic system which prescribes the placement is taken from the logic dependent on that of the authorities prescriptive to the engineering profession: companies and how they evolve, the politics of education, the CTI, the CEFI … On another scale, in the engineering curriculum that was observed, the activity systems questioned for this training course are those of the School, the company, the student, education and research. Finally, for the two students, we pointed out the convergences and the contradictions which exist between the activity system of a student, that of his teacher, that of the company, and that of the research. ; Il est couramment admis aujourd'hui que le stage en entreprise est essentiel à la formation, fut-elle universitaire. Peu de travaux pourtant se sont intéressés à la manière dont le stage contribue à la professionnalisation et au développement et à la formation des élèves et étudiants. La thèse réalisée dans le cadre de l'Ecole des Mines de St Etienne cherche à explorer en quoi le stage en entreprise pour des élèves en formation d'ingénieurs pouvait être facteur de développement Appuyé sur une perspective socio-constructiviste, et sur la théorie de l'activité issue des approches vygotskienne la thèse s'intéresse à la manière dont les instruments langagiers structurent la pratique du stage, permettent la réflexivité et la mise en visibilité des contradictions des systèmes d'activité entre l'entreprise et l'Ecole et à l'intérieur même de l'Ecole.L'approche théorique permet de définir les hypothèses suivantes :-Le stage est intégré à un dispositif de formation, organisé en lien avec les règles de la communauté constituée par les instances qui valident la formation. Ce dispositif s'imprègne de l'histoire du métier dans laquelle il s'inscrit. -Le stage est un élément de socialisation par les instruments parce qu'il permet à l'élève de s'inscrire dans un genre partagé, avec une acceptation de règles du jeu autour de la construction de son identité professionnelle, vers le métier d'ingénieur. Le dispositif de formation propose à l'élève un appareil de conversation qui lui permet de modifier et de reconstruire la réalité subjective et lui fournit une nouvelle identité professionnelle. Le rapport et la soutenance sont des instances proposées à l'élève pour discuter du genre découvert pendant le stage.-L'élève, lorsqu'il restitue son expérience en entreprise, se situe à l'intersection de plusieurs systèmes d'activité : le sien, celui de l'entreprise qui l'a accueilli en stage et celui du tuteur enseignant qui va valider cette expérience pour sa formation. Nous caractérisons donc en quoi le dispositif proposé par la formation permet la réflexivité avec la mise en visibilité des contradictions vécues et éventuellement leur dépassement. Nous regardons ensuite comment le rapport et la soutenance portent les traces de cette réflexion.A partir d'une analyse de l'historique des formations des ingénieurs nous cherchons à comprendre les logiques de formation et l'évolution de la place laissée aux stages. Une analyse du prescrit des stages est réalisé à travers les documents de l'Ecole d'ingénieurs. Questionnaires et entretiens permettent de saisir les représentations du stage par le Directeur et une promotion d'élèves. Puis deux études de cas appuyées sur l'étude des rapports et des soutenances de deux élèves et d'entretiens avec leurs tuteurs sont réalisées. L'analyse des données recueillies a montré que le stage en entreprise, pour fonctionner, se situe dans différents systèmes d'activité. Le système de formation qui prescrit le stage est pris dans des logiques dépendantes de celles des instances prescriptives du métier d'ingénieurs : les entreprises et leurs évolutions, les politiques d'enseignement, la CTI, le CEFI… A une autre échelle, dans la formation d'ingénieurs observée, les systèmes d'activité interpellés pour ce stage sont notamment ceux de l'Ecole, de l'entreprise, de l'élève, de l'enseignement, de la recherche. Enfin à l'échelle de deux élèves, nous avons pointé les convergences et les contradictions qui existent entre le système d'activité d'un élève, celui de son tuteur-enseignant, celui de l'entreprise, et celui de la recherche.
In: American federationist: official monthly magazine of the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, Band 38, S. 1470-1471
Carbon capture and Geological storage (CCGS) is recognised as a technology capable of reducing large-scale emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), which is an important part of the portfolio of alternatives necessary to achieve significant reductions in the global emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG). As of this context where greenhouses gases constrains in Europe would come, and CCGS would be a mitigation option for GHG, it becomes necessary to develop a CO2 transport network to collect and inject it in a proper geological reservoir. Therefore, the following methodology can help to implement a pipeline network in any region in the world by doing a preliminary analysis about the best places to locate a HUB (temporary CO2 reservoir). In this paper, the demonstration of the methodology refers to Portugal's industrial emission sources in which CCS could be implemented. ; This research was supported by a Marie Curie International Research Staff Exchange Scheme Fellowship within the 7th European Union Framework Programme, under project NETEP- European Brazilian Network on Energy Planning ...
PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to review product‐placement research in the consumer‐marketing domain, examine the acceptability of the practice for buying‐center participants, and assess recall, attitude and purchase‐intention responses to B2B products placed in movie scenes.Design/methodology/approachAchievement of the research objectives requires the collection of data from a sample of organizational buying‐center participants and their exposure to B2B placements in entertainment‐media contexts. Qualified participants observed a movie containing B2B products within the context of the feature. They then completed a short questionnaire concerning their observations and the impressions gained from that observation.FindingsProduct placements, used prolifically to target household consumers, are beginning to expand into the B2B domain. This research reviews product‐placement research in the B2C domain and examines the acceptability of the practice for a sample of 127 buying‐center participants and their recall, attitude and purchase‐intention responses to B2B products placed in movie scenes. Despite some claimed negativity toward the commercial intent of the practice, results reveal that buying‐center participants find the practice to be generally acceptable for a wide array of B2B products and services.Practical implicationsAdditional research supporting these findings could reveal a fruitful promotional outlet for B2B influence through placement within major motion picture productions.Originality/valueParticipants demonstrated an impressive level of recall and a modestly favorable attitude and purchase intention on exposure to experimental B2B placements viewed in movie scenes. Variables moderating that response include liking for and emotions induced by the movie, the degree of prominence and realism of the placement, and its fit with the surrounding movie content.
In this article we try to disentangle the constraints between traditional lines of political polarization (left-right placement) and newer distinctions (materialist/postmaterialist values) among mass publics. It is shown that voting or party preference is most clearly related to the left-right placement of the respondents. However, this placement is directly and strongly dependent on the materialist/postmaterialist orientation, while background variables like education, income and age are linked to voting via this value orientation. The materialist/postmaterialist orientation appears to be the present-day interpretation of the dominant political conflict in advanced industrial society. Although alignments and orientations count for a substantive part of the variance in voting, the power of these models to predict the actual vote of people turns out to be rather poor.