GHANA: Action Against Illegal Mining
In: Africa research bulletin. Economic, financial and technical series, Band 61, Heft 9
ISSN: 1467-6346
532 Ergebnisse
In: Africa research bulletin. Economic, financial and technical series, Band 61, Heft 9
ISSN: 1467-6346
In: Africa research bulletin. Economic, financial and technical series, Band 60, Heft 10
ISSN: 1467-6346
In: Environmental policy and law: the journal for decision-makers, Band 45, Heft 1, S. 31
ISSN: 0378-777X
Bangka Belitung's tin wealth on the downside has led to rampant illegal mining practices. This research aims to determine the root causes of illegal mining. Data collection was done through literature studies, field observations, participant observation, in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with key informants from miners to policy makers, as well as law enforcement officers. The study finds there are eight criminogenic factors, namely tin disorientation governance, political control of tin, tin abundant, areas prone to smuggling, economic needs of the people and the elite, low awareness of law and and environment, nonoptimal guidance and supervision, and ineffective law enforcement.Kekayaan timah Bangka Belitung pada sisi negatifnya telah menimbulkan maraknya praktik Illegal mining. Tujuan penelitian antaralain untuk mengetahui faktor penyebab terjadinya illegal mining. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui studi literatur, pengamatan lapangan, observasi partisipatif, wawancara mendalam dan FGD yang dengan para key informan dari pelaku tambang sampai pengambil kebijakan, serta aparat penegak hukum. Penelitian ini menemukan ada 8 (delapan) faktorkriminogen terjadinya illegal mining timah, yaitu disorientasi tata kelola pertimahan, politik penguasaan timah, timah yang melimpah, daerah rawan penyelundupan, kebutuhan ekonomi rakyat dan elit, rendahnya kesadaran hukum dan lingkungan, pembinaan dan pengawasan belum optimal dan penegakan hukum yang belum efektif.
In: Africa research bulletin. Economic, financial and technical series, Band 56, Heft 7
ISSN: 1467-6346
In: Africa research bulletin. Political, social and cultural series, Band 55, Heft 3
ISSN: 1467-825X
In: Strategic comments: in depth analysis of strategic issues from the International Institute for Strategic Studies, Band 20, Heft 8, S. vi-vii
ISSN: 1356-7888
The activity program of illegal mining prevention and tackling which constitutes non-formal enterprise and employing job within the outlying regions becomes as part of the regional development program in which may include community development program as well. Community development in the sector of energy and mineral resources is the program of community empowerment including the community of illegal mining (PETI) is directed toward self-sustainability in the enterprise in lieu of the order of formal enterprise and employing job. The management handling of illegal mining prevention and tackling program may include the components of identification of the PETI causal factors, the system of registering and mapping PETI distribution, the system of state financial loss estimation (fiscal and non-fiscal), mapping PETI players, mapping organiza- tion related to the development and supervision of PETI including its type of job and function, system of PETI prevention, tackling system of PETI impacts, systematization of the effort of PETI prevention and tackling. Successfulness indicator of PETI prevention and tackling may include the progressive and active response of PETI players and the sustainability in terms of social-economics, human and environment as well. The implementation of PETI prevention and tackling faces various challenges and opportunities which should be anticipated. Whatever in the living circle of the people human-being is based on the philosophy of eager to live in the right track in term of law enforcement or legal. At one time, the living of PETI must be left which functions presently as temporary economic safety valve even with very high risk, while formal job has not been yet found out. Somehow, the government has moral responsibility to make the people alive by creating good quality of enterprise and job. The effort of PETI curb is expected to be able to carry out systematically, well- planned and well-directed up to the whole and entire goal is well reached for the shake of nation and state glory and prosperity.
In: El agora USB: ciencias humanas y sociales, Band 16, Heft 1, S. 135
ISSN: 1657-8031
En este trabajo se presenta una reflexión sobre el debate de la minería ilegal en Colombia. Se abordan aspectos tales como el contexto legal e ilegal de la minería, los enfoques narrativos del mismo, los efectos ambientales y la existencia de una meta-narrativa que con supuestos básicos constituyentes contribuya a la solución del problema. Se utilizó un método de análisis de conceptos y criterios, dentro de un enfoque narrativo. El análisis indica que la metanarrativa de la comunidad con los supuestos constituyentes de la diversidad con inadecuación medios-fines y la relación productiva con el medio ambiente internalizando los efectos ambientales, junto con una lógica policontextural y dialógica, pueden ayudar a superar el conflicto entre las diferentes narrativas.
Las nuevas tecnologías de monitoreo pueden ayudar a frenar las actividades ilegales al reducir las asimetrías de información entre los agentes gubernamentales encargados de hacer cumplir la ley y los que monitorean. Creé un nuevo conjunto de datos utilizando predicciones de machine learning en imágenes satelitales que detectan la minería ilegal. Luego di a conocer las predicciones a los agentes del gobierno para estudiar la respuesta de la actividad ilegal. Asigné municipios al azar a uno de cuatro grupos: (1) información para el observador (gobierno local) de ubicaciones potenciales de minas en su jurisdicción; (2) información al ejecutor (gobierno nacional) de ubicaciones potenciales de minas; (3) información tanto para el observador como para el ejecutor, y (4) un grupo de control, donde no informé a nadie. El efecto de la información es relativamente similar independientemente de a quién se informe: en los municipios tratados, la minería ilegal se reduce un 11% en los lugares informados y sus alrededores. Sin embargo, si se tienen en cuenta los efectos indirectos negativos --- aumentos de la minería ilegal en áreas no reportadas --- la reducción neta es de solo un 7%. Estos resultados ilustran los beneficios de las nuevas tecnologías para aumentar la capacidad estatal y reducir la actividad ilegal. ; New monitoring technologies can help curb illegal activities by reducing information asymmetries between enforcing and monitoring government agents. I created a novel dataset using machine learning predictions on satellite imagery that detects illegal mining. Then I disclosed the predictions to government agents to study the response of illegal activity. I randomly assigned municipalities to one of four groups: (1) information to the observer (local government) of potential mine locations in his jurisdiction; (2) information to the enforcer (National government) of potential mine locations; (3) information to both observer and enforcer, and (4) a control group, where I informed no one. The effect of information ...
Abstrak -- Jurnal ini membahas tentang bagaimana strategi Pertahanan Nirmiliter dalam menghadapi ancaman nonmiliter dalam bentuk kegiatan illegal mining di Kabupaten Bengkayang Provinsi Kalimantan Barat. Mereka melakukan penambangan emas tanpa ijin tersebut sudah turun-temurun dan sudah membudaya di lingkungan masyarakat Kabupaten Bengkayang.Hasil penambangan emas yang tanpa ijin ini tidak masuk dalam Kas Pendapatan Daerah Pemerintah Kabupaten Bengkayang. Hukum adat telah mengalahkan hukum positif yang berlaku di Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia, dan sudah berjalan bertahun-tahun. Pemerintah Daerah pun tidak bisa berbuat banyak dikarenakan faktor budaya.Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah, masyarakat secara kontektual belum memahami sistem pertahanan nirmiliter, namun secara praktis mereka telah melakukan sebagai kapasitas warga negara Indonesia, yang jauh dari pantauan dari Pemerintah Pusat. Sampai dengan sekarang masyarakat Bengkayang pada umumnya masih menganggap bahwa negara tetangga Malaysia bukan sebagai ancaman.Kata kunci: illegal mining, Strategi, Ancaman, Budaya, Ekonomi Abstract -- This journal discusses about how non-military defense strategy applied against illegal mining as non-military threat in Bengkayang regency, West Borneo Province. This illegal gold mining has been conducted for generations and became entrenched into the society of Bengkayang regency people. The revenue of this illegal gold mining is not included in the Local Cash Revenue of Bengkayang Regency. Customary law has overpowered the positive law that is applicable in the Republic of Indonesia, and this circumstance has been running for many years. Even local government can do nothing due to cultural factors. The understanding Bengkayang's community of non-military threat is still relatively low and they still consider it as an ordinary criminal act. Thus, the crime can be resolved in the police authority and the involvement of all elements is unnecessary.The conclusion of this research is that the society has not yet comprehensively understood the non-military defense system, but practically they have done as the capacity of Indonesian citizens, which is far from the monitoring of the Central Government. Until now people in Bengkayang, generally, still consider that neighboring Malaysia is not a threat. Keywords: Illegal Mining, Strategy, Threat, Culture, Economy
In: The Socio-Economic Impacts of Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining in Developing Countries, S. 45-57
Pétronille Vaweka, a Congolese grandmother, has mediated local peace accords in her homeland's wars. But now, she says, one of Africa's longest, bloodiest conflicts can be solved only if the United States and other democracies "will wake up" to protect their own economic and security interests.
In: Cogent social sciences, Band 10, Heft 1
ISSN: 2331-1886