The Revised International Plant Protection Convention – a New Context for Plant Quarantine
In: The Role of Plant Pathology in Food Safety and Food Security, S. 133-136
92765 Ergebnisse
In: The Role of Plant Pathology in Food Safety and Food Security, S. 133-136
"March 23, 2000." ; Shipping list no.: 2000-0212-P. ; Distributed to some depository libraries in microfiche. ; "Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations." ; At head of title: 106th Congress, 2d session. Senate. ; Mode of access: Internet.
The introduction of several plant pests into Europe in the 19th century with disastrous consequences called for the development of plant quarantine measures to prevent the spread and introduction of pests of plants and plant products. With the purpose of harmonising these measures, and of promoting measures for pest control, the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) was developed to address organisms that are both directly and indirectly injurious to plants. It supplies a framework for measures against invasive alien species according to the Convention on Biological Diversity, as far as they are plant pests. Three examples of invasive alien species within the scope of the IPPC are given in the article: the fungus Ceratocystis fagacearum, the pinewood nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus and the flatworm Arthurdendyus triangulatus. In its 1997 revision, the IPPC provides for the establishment of International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures, being acknowledged by the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures of theWorld Trade Organisation. Standards most important for invasive alien species are those on pest risk analysis, on requirements for the establishment of pest-free areas, on surveillance, on pest eradication programmes, and on the import and release of exotic biological agents. Phytosanitary regulations in the European Union (EU) have been harmonised and up to now have regulated about 300 plant pests. The requirements also have a protective horizontal effect against the unintentional introduction of many other species, but the existing broader IPPC mandate for alien plant pests is not fully applied by the EU regulations.
"January 12, 1956." ; "Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations." ; Caption title. ; Photocopy. ; Mode of access: Internet.
Viele invasive gebietsfremde Arten im Sinne der Biodiversitätskonvention sind auch Pflanzenschädlinge im Sinne des Internationalen Pflanzenschutzübereinkommens und umgekehrt. Deshalb ist eine enge Zusammenarbeit zwischen diesen Politikbereichen sinnvoll. In der EU gibt es zwei Verordnungen, die nichteinheimische schädliche Organismen regeln, die Pflanzengesundheitsverordnung 2016/2031 und die Verordnung 1143/2014 über invasive Arten. Für viele schädliche Arten sind damit Prävention und Bekämpfung durch eine der beiden Verordnungen geregelt, lediglich für gebietsfremde Pflanzenarten, die nur landwirtschaftlich genutzte Pflanzen schädigen, existiert zurzeit keine zufriedenstellende Regelungspraxis. Die im Internationalen Jahr der Pflanzengesundheit angestrebte Bewusstseinsbildung über Risiken der Ein- und Verschleppung von Schadorganismen könnte auch zu einer besseren Regulierung solcher gebietsfremder Pflanzen führen. ; Many invasive alien species in the sense of the Convention on Biodiversity are also plant pests as defined in the International Plant Protection Convention – and vice versa. Cooperation between the two policy fields is therefore necessary. In the European Union different regulations exist in the fields of plant health and environmental protection. While for many noxious species prevention and management measures are prescribed in one of the two regulations, some species, namely alien plants that pose a threat solely to agriculture and cultivated plants are currently not regulated to a satisfactory degree. It is hoped the increased awareness about plant health threats in the International Year of Plant Health will stimulate a better legal treatment of these plants as pests in the EU.
Viele invasive gebietsfremde Arten im Sinne der Biodiversitätskonvention sind auch Pflanzenschädlinge im Sinne des Internationalen Pflanzenschutzübereinkommens und umgekehrt. Deshalb ist eine enge Zusammenarbeit zwischen diesen Politikbereichen sinnvoll. In der EU gibt es zwei Verordnungen, die nichteinheimische schädliche Organismen regeln, die Pflanzengesundheitsverordnung 2016/2031 und die Verordnung 1143/2014 über invasive Arten. Für viele schädliche Arten sind damit Prävention und Bekämpfung durch eine der beiden Verordnungen geregelt, lediglich für gebietsfremde Pflanzenarten, die nur landwirtschaftlich genutzte Pflanzen schädigen, existiert zurzeit keine zufriedenstellende Regelungspraxis. Die im Internationalen Jahr der Pflanzengesundheit angestrebte Bewusstseinsbildung über Risiken der Ein- und Verschleppung von Schadorganismen könnte auch zu einer besseren Regulierung solcher gebietsfremder Pflanzen führen. ; Many invasive alien species in the sense of the Convention on Biodiversity are also plant pests as defined in the International Plant Protection Convention – and vice versa. Cooperation between the two policy fields is therefore necessary. In the European Union different regulations exist in the fields of plant health and environmental protection. While for many noxious species prevention and management measures are prescribed in one of the two regulations, some species, namely alien plants that pose a threat solely to agriculture and cultivated plants are currently not regulated to a satisfactory degree. It is hoped the increased awareness about plant health threats in the International Year of Plant Health will stimulate a better legal treatment of these plants as pests in the EU.
In: Revue internationale de la Croix-Rouge et Bulletin international des sociétés de la Croix-Rouge, Band 35, Heft 419, S. 842
ISSN: 1607-5889
In: GRUR international: Journal of European and International IP Law, Band 69, Heft 7, S. 735-742
ISSN: 2632-8550
In: GRUR international: Journal of European and International IP Law, Band 71, Heft 6, S. 535-539
ISSN: 2632-8550
On 2 and 3 December 2021, international experts, key decision-makers, industry representatives, and professionals from the global plant innovation sector gathered virtually for FORUM Institut's biennial 'Conference on Intellectual Property Protection for Plant Innovation'. Along with the global update on plant breeders' rights and patents, the conference covered a wide range of issues in intellectual property (IP) law in plant innovation, including the use of New Breeding Technologies (NBTs) and commercial use of off-patent events. This report provides a summary of the key points of the conference.
In: American journal of international law: AJIL, Band 4, Heft S2, S. 143-152
ISSN: 2161-7953
Das 1995 gegründete Gemeinschaftliche Sortenamt (CPVO) verwaltet ein System zum Schutz des geistigen Eigentums an Pflanzensorten. Der gewerbliche Rechtsschutz für Pflanzensorten wird mit besonderen Herausforderungen konfrontiert, denen sich das UPOV-Übereinkommen (UPOV: Internationaler Verband zum Schutz von Pflanzenzüchtungen) angenommen hat. Das Sortenschutzsystem der Europäischen Union basiert auf dem UPOV-Übereinkommen in der Fassung von 1991.Der Beitrag erklärt – auf der Grundlage der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 2100/94 des Rates über den gemeinschaftlichen Sortenschutz sowie der Durchführungsbestimmungen – Schlüsselbegriffe des Sortenschutzsystems. ; Operating since 1995, the Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO) manages a system for the protection of the intellectual property rights on plant varieties. Plant varieties pose specific problems as regards the industrial property regime. The UPOV convention (International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants) deals with these challenges. The Plant variety protection system of the European Union is based upon the 1991 act of the UPOV convention.The paper explains – on the basis of the Council Regulation (EC) 2100/94 of 27 July 1994 on Community plant variety rights and its Implementing Rules – key elements of the Community plant variety rights system.
In: Journal of World Intellectual Property, Band 23, Heft 3-4, S. 202-231
In: American journal of international law: AJIL, Band 23, Heft S1, S. 21-39
ISSN: 2161-7953
In: FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper 50